Issue 8 of Comfort Public Library's monthly newsletter

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"News of the Library"

December 1, 2022| Issue 8

What's New for December

Need a break from shopping or preparing for this month’s festivities? Come to the Comfort Public Library and check out the new LARGE PRINT Westerns and other titles.


By William W. Johnstone

·      Every Mother’s Son – Texas ; crime lords ; kidnappings ; Rangers

·      The Intruders – Wyoming ; rancher vs sheriff ; warring family

·      A MacCallister Christmas – Wyoming ; trains ; kidnapping ; ransom

·      Blood and Bullets – Texas ; kidnappings ; marshal bent on vengeance


By Larry D. Sweazy and others

·      Fire Mountain and Other Survival Stories – Indians ; Army posts ; muleskinners


By Janet Dailey

·      Calder Grit – Civil War ; courage ; marriage ; restored honor

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Comfort Public Library been chosen to participate in the STEM Tales project, presented by Twin Cities PBS (TPT) in partnership with T2 Science & Math Education (T2), American University’s School of Education and the Space Science Institute (SSI) , with funding from the National Science Foundation. STEM Tales media will feature diverse STEM professionals (astronauts, scientists, and engineers) reading STEM-aligned picture books, underscoring the maxim, “If you can see it, you can be it.” The read-alouds will be enriched with animation and live-action footage of children doing STEM activities, easily replicable at home or in the library.

"Comfort Zone" Book Club

We're easing up some for December book club. We decided to read one of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum "between the numbers" books, Visions of Sugar Plums, to keep us in the Christmas spirit. Because it's short, if members haven't read any of the Stephanie Plum books, we recommend that you start with One for the Money to get everyone familiar with the characters.

If you want to join us in our discussion, come to Hill Country WineWorks on Saturday, Dec 3 at 1:00 pm.  (After Science Saturday at the Library!)

The Holiday Season at CPL

The Children's Programs at Comfort Public Library will celebrate Chris Van Allsburg's classic story, The Polar Express, this month! So we'll find out some of the Science behind trains and their icy tracks (as well as some cookie science and optical illusions) at Science Saturday on Dec 3 at 10:30 am.

Then on Fri, Dec 16 at 6:00 pm we'll have a Polar Express movie watch party, complete with cookies, hot cocoa, The Conductor, and of course, Santa Claus!! BTW, the real Santa lives in Comfort, and is anxiously awaiting your letters. Come by CPL and get a form (or write your own) and mail in in Santa's special mailbox. Put your return address on it and Santa will answer you!!

In addition to Polar Express activities, starting Dec 1 we'll once again be sponsoring CPL'S "Advent Calendar of Holiday Stories". One story, every day, posted on our Comfort Public Library Story Time Facebook Group page. If you'd like to read, just call the library!

And finally, come do some last minute shopping from the offerings crafted by our Thursday Thinkers elementary students. Come by the Patio on Sat, Dec 17, 9-1, and get a unique and special treat!!

Kim's Corner

"What is Christmas?

It is the tenderness of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future." Agnes M. Pahro

I love this quote. While thinking about our upcoming remodel that will start in December, I take a long look back and think about the Comfort Public Library's past and how it started and became what it is today. So many people saw the need for Comfort to have a library.

Through the years, the Comfort library has had many homes, and in 1981 the Schwethelm family gave the Arno Schwethelm Building, a generous gift to the library and the Comfort community.

This building has been the home of the library ever since.

So, THANK YOU, COMFORT, for your YEARS of support to the library. Thank you for supporting fundraisers; for being involved as a Board member. Thank you for becoming a Friend of the library, sitting on the Friends board, and volunteering your time at the library. Thank you to all our patrons who use the library.

Thank you to our amazing community and anonymous donors who are helping the library grow and meet this beautiful community's present and future needs.

 I wish you a Merry Christmas and new beginnings in 2023!

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