Issue 21 of Comfort Public Library's monthly newsletter

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"News of the Library"

January 2, 2024| Issue 21


Happy New Year everyone!

I am excited for the year 2024. Mary Anne and I were sitting this morning talking about the year's first quarter and all the exciting programs we have planned. A lot is going on. Computer classes, children's programs, ESL (English as a Second Language) classes, ASL (American Sign Language) classes, Saturday Author's visits, and don't forget the Total Eclipse. Yes, there will be a lot going on at the Library.

Tracy is hard at work inputting new books into the catalog, while John is getting them on the shelf and keeping things running smoothly here at the Library. If you are ready to volunteer, we can get you started. Just stop by and talk with Tracy or me, and we will set you up.

So, if you have not gotten a chance to stop by the Library and see the new and improved look, please do so. I am very proud of what we accomplished and happy with your responses. Thank you! While you are here, ensure your library card is up to date. They expire every three years. And please, if you would like to see something happening at the Library, let us know. We love to hear your input.

So, until next month, I hope you all are having a great start to January!!

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A new year and a fresh look for the Comfort Public Library! Come for a look-see and stay to check out the new books on ice age animals because new and extinct are a great match! From the series entitled If I Met an Ice Age Animal by Jenna Lee Gleisner, elementary-aged kids imagine what they would do if they encountered the following:


IF I WANDERED WITH A WOOLLY MAMMOTH → large, shaggy-haired to stay warm ; giant feet ; tall and able to plow through deep snow ; long tusks used to find grasses for food ; traveled in herds for security and safety


IF I SKATED WITH SABER-TOOTHED CATS → thick fur ; big and strong ; long claws ; fast ; saber-like teeth ; lived in packs ; carnivorous (ate meat)


IF I PLAYED RING TOSS WITH A WOOLLY RHINOCEROS → 2 horns ; thick, shaggy hair ; herbivorous (ate plants) ; big and strong


IF I PLAYED BASEBALL WITH DODO BIRDS → lived on the island of Mauritius (warm place before the Ice Age); feathered ; couldn’t fly but ran fast ; ate nuts and seeds


IF I GARDENED WITH A GIANT GROUND SLOTH → had claws ; thick fur ; lived in warm places before the Ice Age ; big and tall ; couldn’t climb but could stand on hind legs to reach tall tree branches ; herbivorous


IF I DINED WITH DIRE WOLVES → thick fur ; carnivorous ; lived and hunted in large packs



Help wanted:

The Book Barn could use:

  • Volunteers to staff the Barn even one or two hours on Saturdays. If we get enough volunteers we would be able to open on other days.
  • Always need help alphabetizing books, organizing the books on the shelves, and creating new section headings. This could be done for a few hours on days other than Saturdays.
  • Someone interested in researching the value of older books online. This could be done any day and could be done from home.

If you're interested in helping out our "Friends" support group, give the Library a call and we'll connect you with them!

"Comfort Zone" Book Club Selection

White lies. Dark humor. Deadly consequences… Bestselling sensation Juniper Song is not who she says she is, she didn’t write the book she claims she wrote, and she is most certainly not Asian American—in this chilling and hilariously cutting novel from R.F. Kuang, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Babel. 

What's Going On in January at YOUR Comfort Public Library!

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