ComfortCare Women's Health • Fall 2023 Newsletter
I love agricultural references in the Bible…now. Prior to the last few years, I never wanted a garden. Every plant that came into our home quickly died…even a cactus. How hard is it to keep a cactus alive??! Needless to say, it was not a strength of mine. But I can remember the first time God spoke to me in the garden…in the mundane work of pulling weeds between the stones of our fire pit. I was hooked.

The rocky soil. The weeds and the wheat. The harvest. Bearing fruit. Abiding in the vine. He made it so beautiful and precious to me that day. Weeds were growing on top of the plant between the stones – choking the life out of what we had so lovingly planted.
The question that came loud and clear – am I walking out this life by building on the earthly or eternal? Are those choices leading to life or death?

I now consider myself a reformed gardener – with a modest, but flourishing summer garden and new flowers added to our collection each year…but each time I’m tending to it all, I’m so aware of God’s presence and provision. Do you know what the most basic truth about gardening is? What you sow, you will reap. I don’t plant spinach and expect to get broccoli. Just as in life – if I expect to bear fruit that is life-giving, I need to be sowing seed that is life-giving. 

For 40 years, ComfortCare Women’s Health has been sowing life-giving seed, along with the people that responded to the call – the churches that had a vision for this ministry in the 1980s, the board members that signed the Articles of Incorporation, the staff and volunteers that opened our doors and have poured themselves out to offer these services since then, the supporters that have made a way all these years, the churches that give ComfortCare a platform to invite others into the mission, and the many others that will be a part of the work over the next 40 years. 

We are excited to share this special edition newsletter with you! A celebration of the last 40 years and an invitation to the next 40. To commemorate this significant milestone in ComfortCare’s history, we are extending a very special invitation. We have set a goal of welcoming 40 NEW DEFENDERS to our family this year. We are asking you to sow seeds that bear life-giving fruit by choosing to partner with us financially on a monthly basis. So far this year, we are halfway to the goal! We need 20 more people to join us. As you read this newsletter and the information about our Defender program, we invite you to prayerfully consider if God is prompting you to plant these seeds… “for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up.
You're invited to become a Defender
Imagine the stress of creating a monthly budget, uncertain of the income needs being met. Planning for the future becomes much easier when you know that your daily needs and expenses are covered. It offers confidence to say "yes" to the future.

ComfortCare's Defenders put the ministry in a position to say "yes" to the future of ComfortCare and the ways God is calling us to serve and love his people. When we know our expenses are covered and the bills are paid, we are empowered to serve women and men facing unintended pregnancy situations with life-affirming services and resources.

When you become a Defender, you are invited to... Make a commitment to DEFEND the Truth that ComfortCare represents, PROTECT the resources of ComfortCare by committing to see to its long-term sustainability, and SUPPORT the ministry through a monthly gift.

Ultimately, your gift each month offers patients a opportunity to access professional medical services in a welcoming and compassionate environment, completely free of charge.

Are you ready to become a Defender?
Click the button below to start your first monthly gift today!
... Let us not love with words or speech
but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:18
Go to our website to learn more and make a donation toward the capital campaign funding the growth and expansion of ComfortCare Women's Health.
12 Hedgerow Dr, Staunton | 631 Waddell St, Lexington