Dear Friends –

Happy fall from the Ann Bancroft Foundation! We are gearing up for one of the most exciting and busiest times of the year. We will give out hundreds of grants for our Fall Cycle, interview candidates for our second-ever Trailblazer Fellowship, and celebrate the stories of girls and women who shape our world! Read this newsletter to get a sneak peak of all things ABF through the end of the year!

Celebrating PowHERful Women

This October 11th is the second International Give to Women and Girls Day. It is also International Day of the Girl. The Ann Bancroft Foundation aims to increase equity for girls and ensure that they have the tools they need for success. Stay tuned on October 11th for profiles on six inspiring women and ways that you can join them in making a better future.

Profile of Reham Habib, VP of Strategic Partnerships, Target

Q: As a young girl or teenager, what profession interested you and why? 

A: I wanted to be so many things: a doctor, a teacher, a professional tennis player, a fashion designer, a business CEO but always had an interest in design. I liked the idea of helping people and as I got older became attracted to things that involved creativity and solving business problems.

Q: Describe an experience that shaped or changed your dreams for the future.

A: Deciding where I would go to college and making that decision despite opposition from my family was the most life changing decision I’ve made. It was my first self-determining experience that changed the trajectory of my life.  

Read the full profile on October 11th!


Fall Grant Cycle Open Through October First

There's still time to apply for the Ann Bancroft Foundation fall grant. Girls K-12 in the state of Minnesota can receive up to $1000 to pursue their dreams. Whether it's sports equipment, airline tickets, art supplies, or language lessons, ABF can give girls the tools they need to unlock greater potential.

“I am so thankful that I applied for the ABF grant, it gave me a chance to make so many new memories and gave me an awesome experience I will never forget!” - Madison Mueller, Spring ‘23 

Apply for the Grant

Upcoming Trailblazer Fellowship

Last year, the Ann Bancroft Foundation introduced our first Trailblazer Fellowship. This program provided grants up to $2500 to 9th-12th graders who received a grant previously. These funds went to everything from app development to a brand new viola. Interested in joining the Fellowship? Fill out this short form to get a reminder email when the application opens on October 11th.

Photo: Our 2023 Trailblazer Fellows

Sign Up for a Reminder


Sign up Here

Empowering Her Financial Future with Old National Bank- October 26th

Financial literacy is an essential life skill that empowers individuals to make informed and confident financial decisions. Through this workshop, girls will gain tools and knowledge they need to begin building habits for a strong financial foundation. Join Joannette Cintrón, Community Development & Outreach Officer at Old National Bank, for financial advice targeted toward teens and young adults.

Participants will set financial frameworks that align with their personal goals and learn how this knowledge can help them achieve their dreams.

Commit to the Fundraiser

Fundraiser at Famous Dave's

Craving some barbecue? Go to Famous Dave's (1930 West 7th Street, St. Paul) on Thursday, October 19th, and mention the Ann Bancroft Foundation. 20% of proceeds will go to the Ann Bancroft Foundation to help us fund grants! This offer works for both dine-in and takeout. You can help the Ann Bancroft Foundation support girls' dreams by making a life-changing investment. If you are able to join us, please commit to eat.

Support Our Mission on Give to the Max Day

Give to the Max Day is a Minnesota-based, one-day initiative started in 2009 to help raise money for nonprofit organizations and schools. This year, it falls on November 16th. ABF will once again participate in Minnesota’s largest giving day. Stay tuned for more details coming soon! We invite you to join us in raising funds to directly support our grants and programming.

Save the Date- Annual Event on April 25, 2024

Mark your calendars for our much-anticipated annual celebration, where we come together as a community to celebrate and honor trailblazing girls and women. More details to follow. To inquire about sponsorship and auction donation opportunities, please contact Amy Eppen ([email protected]).


Girl Power at the Great River Race

ABF had a blast at the Great River Race! We paddled down the Mississippi, racing other teams and enjoying our time in the great outdoors. It felt great to channel the spirit of our founder, Ann Bancroft. Special thanks to Grace Schreder, our Operations Administrator, for making our sign- "This canoe runs on girl power."

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Wilderness Inquiry for organizing a beautiful day on the river and to our boat sponsor, Tom Barry.

Honoring Ann Bancroft and Jan Malcolm at the Humphrey Leadership Awards

Congratulations to Ann Bancroft and Jan Malcolm for receiving Hubert H. Humphrey Public Leadership Awards! Ann is our fearless founder, and Jan, a former board chair, has been with the Ann Bancroft Foundation since the very beginning. Jan received this honor for leading Minnesota through the COVID-19 Pandemic as Commissioner of the Department of Health. Ann was awarded for her work in polar exploration, inspiring girls and women, and global clean water initiatives. Both Ann and Jan have created incredible change in Minnesota and beyond. ABF staff, board members, and grantees had a blast at the event!

Executive Director Ethelind Kaba Chosen for Rest Up Awards

We sincerely thank the Women's Foundation for the honor of selecting our Executive Director, Ethelind Kaba, as one of the 40 leaders receiving their inaugural Rest Up Awards to celebrate their 40th Anniversary. These awards ($10,000 each) are designed to promote rest and overall well-being for women leaders throughout our state. The chosen leaders have complete discretion in deciding how to allocate the funds to cultivate rest, joy, and well-being for themselves and their teams. Click the link for further details about this initiative and the complete list of the 40 distinguished leaders.

Learn More about the Awards


Teens can Pre-Register to Vote

Did you know that 16 and 17-year-olds in Minnesota can pre-register to vote? Even though they can't vote yet, teens can still be civically engaged for upcoming local elections in November. When young people register to vote early, they are more likely to cast their vote once they become old enough and remain engaged in their democracy. Be ready for when you turn 18!

Get More Details

South of the River Resource Fair

Want to get connected to resources in Dakota County? This fair helps families learn more about the resources available for youth with disabilities or mental health struggles. The fair is at Diamondhead Education Center (200 W. Burnsville Pkwy, Burnsville, MN, 55337) on Saturday, October 7th, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

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Listen to the Stories

Listen to Audio Stories with The Wildling

At the Ann Bancroft Foundation, we strive to center youth voices and let girls unleash their power. That's why we are partnering with The Wildling to create a Story Booth for kids and teens to share their thoughts and experiences. People 21 and under can record their stories of connection, confidence, creativity, individuality, risk-taking, and courage. These audio stories will be gathered into a capsule and published in a showcase. We are so excited to hear from you! Click the link to preview audio stories from two of our Trailblazer Fellows, Isabelle and Bukunmi.

Thank you for your unwavering support in making dreams come true. Together, we will continue to pave the way for a more inclusive, courageous, and adventurous world. 

Wishing you joy as we enter October,

The Ann Bancroft Foundation Team

DONATE: Invest in girls – and help shape the future of our world.
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