Sharing the Heart of God from the Heart of Downtown Macon

Weekly Newsletter

June 29, 2023

Click here to view or print the Newsletter

A Message from the SPRC

WELCOME BACK, TED GOSHORN AND PAYTON STONE! The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is delighted to welcome The Reverend Dr. Ted Goshorn and The Reverend Payton Stone back to Mulberry Street UMC for a second year.  At the end of Ted’s second year he will have served longer as senior pastor than any of our four previous appointments! We look forward to long tenures from both Ted and Payton!

Ted Goshorn, Senior Pastor

Payton Stone, Associate Pastor

Dana Goshorn, new delegate to the Southeastern Juridiction

CONGRATULATIONS, DANA GOSHORN! At the 2023 session of the South Georgia Annual Conference Dana Goshorn was elected as a member of our delegation to the Southeast Jurisdictional Conference, where bishops are elected and assigned and policy is set for the Jurisdiction. Although Mulberry Street UMC has been blessed with many elected delegates over the decades, both lay and clergy, Dana is the first female and the first clergy spouse from our church to serve in this important, influential capacity.

– Cindy Jarrard, SPRC Chair

Together we are sharing the heart of God...

Sunday Worship

July 2, 2023

Sixth Sunday of Pentecost


Rev. Dr. Ted Goshorn, preaching

Psalm 67

Assisting with Worship


Bert Thompson, Kyle Starling, Waverly Golson, Mel Jamison, Ed Powell, Tom Woodcock

This Sunday's service features communion, a sacrament in which we receive a special outpouring of God’s grace. Communion is open to all who will receive it in our United Methodist tradition. Children are welcome to receive with their parents and remain in the service in lieu of children’s church, with nursery provided as usual.

11 a.m. Worship Service will be Live-Streamed and available on Facebook and the Website

Ainsworth (Adult) Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 7:15 pm in the Choir Room!

We welcome all who like to sing and want to be part of music ministry in worship. Come join us! Please contact Terre Johnson, Director of Music, at for questions.

**Nursery is provided during Choir Rehearsal for any parents wanting to join! **

Prayer List

Scott and Wanda Fitzgerald 

Nancy Belk 

Jared Heggins 

Greg Elliott

Harry Linkous 

Jimmy Roach

Freeda Chapman

Bob Ogden

Robert Gerson

Cater Starling

Sam Lamback 

Allie Frances Dunn

Thomas Marlow

Linda Sankey

Edyth Snow

Ashley and Mary Hurt

The family of Elizabeth Owens

Julie Yates

Lisa Cawthon, friend of Elisa Reece

Onna Pollard

The United Methodist Church

Bishop David and Nancy Graves

District Superintendent Paula and Scott Lewis

Our church, its clergy, and its members


Sun, June 25

Sanctuary - 146

Online - 22

Coming Up at Mulberry

July 2

Early Worship & Picnic Lunch with First Pres

July 2

Service of Love & Unity in Support of Temple Beth Israel

Full Calendar

Staff On Call


Payton Stone

Cell: 678-327-9470

Check out what's going on in Realm!

Be sure to check out the News feature on Realm!

If you need help getting connected, contact the church office at


Church Office Closed July 3-4

The Church Office will be closed Monday, July 3 through Tuesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Regular office hours will resume Wednesday, July 5.

Children's Center at Mulberry Fundraiser

Ends July 4!

An anonymous donor has offered a matching grant of up to $10,000 for the Children’s Center as part of our Annual Campaign. Every dollar given or pledged toward the Children’s Center by July 4 will count toward the match, meaning we have the potential to raise up to $20,000! To give toward this grant, visit

You can give online through our online giving portal or by check, marked for the Children's Center at Mulberry fund.

July Second Sunday Lunch

July 9 after worship

Bring your favorite potluck dish for our July Second Sunday Lunch! We’ll gather after worship on July 9 for a time of casual fellowship & food!  Bring a side dish to share - the church will provide the main course & drinks.

Youth Summer Mission Trip! July 17-21 - Savannah, GA - 6th-12th grade - $225

For our mission work, we will work with a local non-profit organization that contracts through the City of Savannah. We will be staying on Tybee Island! Our schedule will also include mission work, beach time and devotions, River street shopping, downtown Savannah squares scavenger hunt, and growing spiritually through our relationships with each other.

Contact Elisa Reece with questions!

Sign up for our Family Ministries newsletter for more news and updates from our team!

VBS 2023 Picture Album
Sign up for the Youth Summer Mission Trip
2023 Kidz Spring/ Summer Calendar 2023
2023 Youth Spring/ Summer Calendar 2023

...from the Heart of Downtown Macon

Donation Needs

Macon Outreach Needs

Boxes of oatmeal and grit packets


Snack bars

Hamburger helper

Cornbread mix


Cake/cookie/muffin mix

Snack items

Daybreak Needs


Canned and/or Fresh Fruit

Snack Food (individual wrapped items)

Gatorade (bottles or powder)


Instant 1 min. Grits

Coffee Creamer

Peanute Butter


33 gal. Lawn Bags

Men's t-shirts (white)

Men's & Women's underwear (new, large sizes - L, XL)


Eye Drops

Insect Repellant

Hydrocortisone Cream

Reader Glasses (2.00 or higher)

Benadryl (tablet/liquid)




Resources & Links

South Georgia Advocate

The South Georgia Advocate, a twice monthly online news publication, is the official news source of the South Georgia Annual Conference and a ministry of the Office of Connectional Ministries.

Click here for the Georgia Advocate

Have an addition to the newsletter?

Email Millie Johnson at

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