January 12, 2020
First Sunday after the Epiphany
The Baptism of our Lord

We are now in the season of Epiphany. Last week we heard how the Three Wisemen came and worshiped the Christ child and then left to spread His message throughout the world. This week we hear the story of Jesus’s baptism and are called to reflect on our own baptismal vows.
Come join us for worship this Sunday.
Worship this Sunday
Sunday Morning
8:30 am Quiet service, Eucharist
9:30 am Family Eucharist, choir
11:00 am Organ music, Eucharist
Readings for 1-12-2020
First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm 29
Second Reading: Acts 10:34-43
Holy Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17
Church School: Classes will be held this Sunday.
(Church School begins immediately following the 9:30 Service.)
Coming Up the Rest of the Week
1/15 Wed
1/15 Wed
10 a.m.
11 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Study Group
Welcome Visitors
 If you are new to St. Andrew's, please fill out the welcome card in the pew racks and place into the offering plate or return to Rev. Shariya at the end of the service.
Happening Around the Church . . .
Coming up

12th Night Revue Postponed to Mardi Gras: Get excited to celebrate with food and fun closer to Mardi Gras! Grant decided to postpone our annual potluck and revue due to his illness so there's a bit more breathing room to plan and prepare. More details forthcoming and if your upper elementary, middle school, or high schooler is interested in participating, that's great! Let Grant know so he can be sure to keep you in the loop. 

Joining Jesus – After much discernment, the St. Andrew’s vestry, with input from members of the Endowment, Visioning and Stewardship Committees, has decided the time is right for St. Andrew’s to participate in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut’s Joining Jesus initiative designed to help churches develop financial resources. We are one of fourteen churches participating. Following the recent work done by the Visioning committee, this campaign will allow us to continue to embrace God’s mission here at St. Andrew’s more fully, with the help of professional counsel provided by the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. This is an effort in which everyone will be invited to participate in a way that makes sense to them. You will hear more about this in the coming weeks.
Mark your calendars for our Annual Parish Meeting which will be held Sunday, February 2, 2020 We will have just one service at 10:00 am – the parish meeting will follow immediately thereafter.
Save the Date for Confirmation at St. Andrew’s on Saturday,
May 2, 2020
– time of service to be determined.

Seen around the church
On our prayer list . . .
Joel, Sarah, Sydney, Bailey, Bob, Margaret, Judy, Corey, Paul, Kim, Janet, Florence, Heidi, Rick, Daniel and AJ, Madeline, Lloyd, Stephen, Joe, Orion, Paul, Greg, Johnnie, Karen, Suzanne, William, Sarah, Candace, Rosemary, Andrew, Marvin, Mike, Don and Nancy, Chuck, Dick, Emma, Jay, Susan, Catie, Carol, Ella, Carol, Deborah, Helen, Claudia, Libby, Robin, Charlie, Linda, Sandra, Becky, Lillian, Joe, Heather, Elise, John and Annette, Lucy, Mary Jaye, Linda and Art S-C, Barbara, Rosa, Brinley, Ann S., Marcia, George, Eileen, Richard, Bruce, Steve, Jeanette, Pat, Susan, Martha, Don, Lisa , Bob, Jon, Dave, Helen K., Mary, Leah, Marissa, Isabella, Laura, Tom, Joyce, Len, Laila, Rosemary, Anna, George, Pat.
Emma Rodgers
Mike Casey                 
Joe Barber and his family
Ron Gagnon
Emine Gjemnica
Jeff Colburn
Barbara Garneau
Spencer Grimes
Celia Richards
Amy Lawrie
Peter Dodington
Business matters . . .

STOP and SHOP CARDS. The purchase of Stop & Shop cards provides an additional opportunity, over and above our pledging, to help support St. Andrew's while you buy your groceries. 5% of all card purchases go directly to St. Andrew's when paid for with cash or a personal check. Buy Stop & Shop cards after each service or during the week in the church office. We do accept Visa, Master Card and Discover but then we only net about 2 1/2% for St. Andrew's.