Mark Your Calendars:

  • The Great ADVENTure - Friday, December 6
  • Holiday Gift Wrapping Fundraiser - Saturday, December 14
  • 4:12 Garcade - Sunday, December 15
  • J-Walkers - Sunday, December 15
  • Children's Christmas Program - Sunday, December 22
  • F3 Youth Group - Sunday December 22



The Great ADVENTure!

Friday, December 6


Join us for a GREAT evening ADVENTure as we explore the true meaning of Advent and Christmas. We will visit all 5 of the advent candles and learn their meaning. We will have crafts, activities, and stories to go with each stop. This event is for families of all ages.

Please RSVP, to ensure enough supplies for all. 

For unto us a child is born.—Isaiah 9:6





Sunday, December 22

9:00 am Worship


  • The plan is to do the same ten readings from the Bible that tell the nativity story, that we have historically done.
  • For each reading, we will have one “Big Youth” (6-12 grade) and one “Young Youth” (5th grade and under) go up to the microphone together as a TEAM.
  • The TEAM has 3 jobs: 1. read the bible verse, 2.Say “This is the word of the Lord.” and 3. Add a figure to the nativity scene that is on a table near the altar.
  • The TEAM will work together to do all 3 of these things. If the young youth wants to read, great! If not, the big youth will. Hopefully there will be a “job” that everyone is comfortable with, even if it is just placing the figure and not speaking at all!  


  • We will work on our songs from during our Sunday school music time
  • We will have a “dress” rehearsal on Sunday, December 15 from 11:30 - 12:15.

December Superhero Trait:


Youth Events


Sunday, December 15   

11:30 – 2:30pm

Hang out with us for “All You Can Play” classic retro arcade games and pinball. 

No skill (or quarters) required! 

Cost: $5 per person


Age: Grades 6-8

J-Walkers Youth Group   

December 15     

5:00 - 7:00pm

Have dinner, hang out, discuss a devo. and play some games;

Bring something wrapped up for a White Elephant Gift Exchange!


Age Group: High School (9-12th)


F3: Youth Group

Sunday, December 22

11:30 - 1:00

Hang out at church, have lunch together, grow your faith, and have a ton of fun!

Age: Grades 1-5 


Middle School & High School Youth

January 3-5, 2025

We are returning to camp Timber-Lee for a fun-filled winter weekend!

We will leave church on Friday, Jan. 5 at 5:30pm and return on Sunday, Jan. 7 around 12:30pm.

The cost per youth is $90. We ask that you pay a deposit of half the amount to the church office by December 15.

We are in need of an adult MALE chaperone, sign-up if you are interested! Chaperones are FREE!

Retreat Sign-up


Holiday Gift Wrapping!

Saturday, December 14

9:00am —Noon


Looking for some help? The Calvary youth are here for YOU! We will lovingly wrap each gift, and tie it with a beautiful bow! The youth will even carry your gifts to and from your car! 

Items need to be dropped off at Calvary on Dec. 14, you will complete and attach the gift tags and we will do the rest. 

Gifts can be picked up on Sat. from Noon to 1:00 or on Sunday morning, following our worship service.


All proceeds go to the Youth Summer Programs.

Cost: It's up to you! Donations are greatly appreciated.


Need a copy of the

November & December 2024 Events Flier?

Nov. & Dec. 2024 Events


Friends are ALWAYS

welcome to join us for any activities from Youth and Family Ministry!


Questions? Contact me! Angie Schatz

Email Angie