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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 3, Issue 1 (May 23/13)
In This Issue
Mentoring program for Internationally Trained Professionals
National Household Survey 2011 Data Release
Understanding the challenges facing experienced workers
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Employment in Hamilton: Hamilton Employment Crawl Handout 


A Taste of Agribusiness Companion Piece
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Growing the Potential of Life Sciences in Hamilton: A Labour Market Profile 


Checking the Pulse Companion Piece
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Employers' Corner Update for May 2013


We'd like your input!  Read our 2013 Labour Market Plan...and answer a brief survey 



Every year Workforce Planning Hamilton updates our labour market plan, which is a comprehensive overview of local labour market development in Hamilton. Our report also features current local labour market information and lists our partnerships for the upcoming year.

Please help us improve our work by reviewing the 2013 Labour Market Plan, and by completing a brief survey.


Announcement of new project: Mentoring program for internationally trained professionals

Workforce Planning Hamilton is please to announce that we have received funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to develop and deliver a two year mentoring program for internationally trained professionals (ITPs) in Hamilton.

The program will match mentors from local Hamilton businesses with mentees who are ITPs in a related field.  WPH is in the process of hiring an ITP Mentoring Coordinator who will engage employment services and other stakeholders to develop and implement the program. Employment services organizations will help to identify ITPs who will benefit from this opportunity.

WPH is excited to be working with the community on this project, which will give ITPs relevant career experience and help to broaden their career networks.   


If you would like to be involved with the project as a mentor or mentee please contact Judy Travis at judy.travis@workforceplanninghamilton.ca 

or call: 905-521-5777.  

National Household Survey 2011 Data Release: Hamilton Highlights   


On May 8, 2013 Statistics Canada released the first set of results from the 2011 National Household Survey.  Included in the release were the topics of Aboriginal peoples, immigration and ethno-cultural diversity.  


Below you'll find a report that features highlights of the information for Hamilton.  We hope you find this information useful and we'll have another update when the labour-specific information is released on June 26/13.

Read the Hamilton highlights here.
New project: Understanding the challenges facing experience workers 


Unemployed experienced (or mature workers, those 44+) face a unique set of barriers to employment.  A new project by WPH seeks to gather information regarding the experiences of workers in Hamilton who are job searching, to aid in the understanding of the barriers that are preventing people from finding work.   


The project will include one-on-one interviews with experienced workers, a final report, and an event for employment services staff.  We hope to suggest solutions that will aid the community to help experienced workers to be successful in their job search.

If you are over 44, have been unemployed for at least a year and would like to be interviewed for the project please contact
Cyndi Ingle at cyndi.ingle@workforceplanninghamilton.ca or by calling 905-521-5777. 

For information about WPH please call 905-521-5777

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity