Mershon Center for International Security Studies
January 30, 2017
In This Issue
Kendra McSweeney
Professor of Geography

Kendra McSweeney was appointed as chair of the board of directors for the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, which was established to foster geographic education and research on Latin America. Her appointment began July 1, 2016, and will last two years.
In the Media
Peter Mansoor
Gen. Raymond E. Mason Chair Jr. Chair in Military History

"Blast From The Past: The Strategic Realignment Of The United States In The Trump Administration"
January 26, 2017
Erik Nisbet
Associate Professor of Communication

"Russia's Wicked Power in the 2016 Election"
Center for Public Diplomacy
January 23, 2017
Peter Shane
Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II Chair in Law

"The Quiet GOP Campaign Against Government Regulation"
The Atlantic
January 26, 2017
Jeremy Wallace
Former Associate Professor of Political Science

"China's GDP Numbers: Can We Trust The Data?"
January 23, 2017
About Mershon Memo
Mershon Memo is a weekly e-mail newsletter distributed by the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, a unit of the Office of International Affairs at The Ohio State University.
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Mershon Events
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jocelyn Olcott
"The Geopolitics of Feminism: International Women's Year, the United Nations, and the Globalization of Social Policy"
3:30 p.m., 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave.

Jocelyn Olcott Jocelyn Olcott is a scholar on the feminist history of modern Mexico. Her first book, Revolutionary Women in Postrevolutionary Mexico, explores questions of gender and citizenship in the 1930s. She is currently working on two book-length projects: a history of the 1975 U.N. International Women's Year Conference in Mexico City (under contract with Oxford University Press), and a biography of the activist and folksinger Concha Michel. In this talk, Olcott will consider the 1975 UN International Women's Year Conference in Mexico City to discuss the ways that 1970s feminism and the explosion of women's organizing around the world reoriented global policies around a host of issues ranging from population and food security to labor policies and environmental accords. Read more and register at
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jonas Bunte
"Troops or Cash? Analyzing the Interdependencies Between Security and Financial Cooperation"
3:30 p.m., 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave.

Jonas Bunte Jonas Bunte is assistant professor for public policy and political economy at University of Texas at Dallas. He is a political economist with a particular interest in the politics of finance. Bunte analyzes how distributional consequences of financial flows provide domestic actors the incentive for political action, and how domestic institutions shape this process. In this talk, Bunte will discuss how defense cooperation and economic cooperation are related. His research reveals that (1) defense and economic cooperation mutually increase the other, (2) countries that are highly active creditors in the loan network make for unattractive defense partners, (3) countries that borrow from the same creditors are more likely to cooperate in defense, and (4) governments tend to make loans to the same debtors as their defense partners. Read more and register at
Monday, February 13, 2017

Paul Staniland
"Armed Politics and the State in South Asia"
3:30 p.m., 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave.

Paul Staniland Paul Staniland is assistant professor of political science at the University of Chicago, where he co-directs the Program on International Security Policy. His research interests are in civil war, international security, and ethnic politics, primarily in South Asia. His current book project and related articles examine organizational cohesion and fragmentation in insurgent groups. In this talk, Staniland will offer a new theory of how states evaluate armed groups, arguing that ideological perception and instrumental incentives combine to assign groups to six different political roles. These roles, ranging from mortal enemies to business partners to undesirable, determine the strategies that governments pursue and the orders they seek to construct. Read more and register at
Mershon News

A Mershon graduate student affiliate and faculty affiliate are among 26 Americans to receive grants from the International Research and Exchanges (IREX) Board for study and travel in sub-Saharan Africa.

Rudy Hightower
Rudy Hightower, doctoral candidate in the John Glenn College of Public Affairs, and Esther Gottlieb, senior advisor in the Office of International Affairs, have received Reciprocal Exchange Awards as part of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. The grants are made available through the U.S. Department of State and IREX.

The Reciprocal Exchange Awards allow American professionals to travel to sub-Saharan Africa to collaborate on projects with Mandela Washington Fellows who participated in the program. Through these projects, Americans and young African leaders form lasting partnerships and increase mutual understanding across the United States and Africa.

Ohio State hosted a cohort of Mandela Fellows - 25 young professionals from 17 different countries in Africa - in June 2016 to participate in a six-week Public Management Institute coordinated by the Glenn College and the Center for African Studies.

Esther Gottlieb
Esther Gottlieb
The Reciprocal Exchange component awards up to $5,000 to each American to help fund ongoing projects between 2016 Mandela Washington Fellows and American professionals. Fellows met the Americans through site visits, networking, internships, and other parts of the six-week Academic and Leadership Institutes in the U.S. during the Fellowship.

Hightower will travel to Ethiopia to work alongside Mandela Fellow Enque Endeshaw, M.D., on a project that involves using nonlinear modeling and simulation research methods Endeshaw learned at the Glenn College to advance the understanding and create policy initiatives to help the psychiatric healthcare needs of refugees and migrant workers throughout the country.

Gottlieb will travel to Tanzania to work with Mandela Fellow Bahati Hakimu to design a train-the-trainer education model to recruit, mentor and work with youth - mainly women and girls - to help develop their interest in agriculture. Read more at
Other Events
Friday, February 3, 2017

Brian Silverstein
"Technologies of Commensuration: Performativity and the Reform of Statistics in Turkey"
2 p.m., Research Commons, 3rd floor, 18th Avenue Library, 175 W. 18th Ave.
Sponsored by Middle East Studies Center

Brian SilversteinThis talk examines the changing role of statistics in the apparatus through which objects and practices are known and intervened upon (governed) in Turkey. It argues that statistics are a crucial piece of the assemblage of human and non-human things involved in the large-scale transformation of institutions in Turkey in line with EU norms and standards, and that this work of reforming of institutions, practices and ultimately livelihoods is often undertaken in the name of technical adjustments merely to collect better data. Brian Silverstein, associate professor of anthropology at University of Arizona, uses the case of agriculture and agriculture statistics to show how it is through the reform of statistics along EU standards that a lot of the work of engineering commensurability of social forms is accomplished. Read more and register
Other News
OIA posts advisory regarding Executive Order

The Office of International Affairs is committed to supporting and assisting the university community with international related-concerns. In light of the recent Executive Order and its implications for our university community, we want to provide additional information and resources for those students, faculty and staff who are affected or who may have concerns.

The Executive Order has suspended entry into the United States for non-immigrants and immigrants who are nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The period of suspension is 90 days from the date of signing of the executive order on January 27, 2017. The Department of Homeland Security has indicated that it will generally permit permanent residents ("green card" holders) from these countries to enter the United States. However, permanent residents from these countries may be subject to additional scrutiny and questioning upon entry to the United States.

It is important to affirm Ohio State's commitment to protecting the information of all of its students, regardless of immigration status. The university's established and consistently applied policies hold that it does not release personal data, including immigration status to third parties except as required by law.

If members of the Ohio State community have any questions or concerns about their immigration status, please contact

Support resources are available through Student Life's Counseling and Consultation Service and the Employee Assistance Program.
Taste of OSU to take place February 17

Taste of OSU is an Ohio State signature event that brings together more than 50 student organizations to provide a night of international food, cultural performances and exhibits to a crowd of about 4,000 attendees. This year, Taste of OSU will take place on February 17 from 5 to 8:30 p.m. in the Ohio Union. Entry is free and all are invited to attend. Tickets to purchase small samplings of international foods will cost only $1 each.
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