January 19th 2022 | 26 Tevet 5783

Shabbat, Torah Reading: Va'era

Candle lighting 4:32 p.m. | Havdallah 5:43 p.m.

Which area of Beth Tikvah are you interested in getting involved with?
Local Politics
Interfaith Dialogue
Israel's 75th
Visiting the sick
Please click on the boxes that interest you
Beth Tikvah turns 50
Learning about Chevra Kadisha
Beth Tikvah Bakers -- Challah and Dessert Makers


CLICK HERE to sign up for Tu B'Shvat Dinner

Spiritual Audacity:

The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story

CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming
CLICK HERE for exact location and more details
CLICK HERE to sign up
CLICK HERE to sign up
CLICK HERE to submit name ideas!
CLICK HERE to reserve your space!
CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom
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Shabbat Morning Tefillot

Shabbat, January 21st

In person or on Zoom


Meeting ID: 850 4816 8104

Password: 3K03Qc

or call in 778 907 2071

Passcode: 819112

CLICK HERE to join Tefillot on Zoom

Tuesday Morning Minyan

Tuesday, January 17th

8:30 am

Meeting ID: 833 2261 5441

Password: B1fZDB

or call in 778 907 2071

Passcode: 468213

CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom

Isha L'Isha

February Book Club & More

We have finally settled on two books for the book club/s in February. 

Women Talking by Miriam Toews

Book of V by Anna Solomon

Rabbi Tendler highly recommends both books.

They are both currently available through the Richmond Public Library 

Happy reading for 2023!

Women Talking by Miriam Toews

We will discuss this book on

Thursday, February 23rd

2:00 pm

Hosted in-person at Rabbi Tendler's home.

E-mail or call Linda Stein to receive the location of this meeting  

(604) 506-4612


Book of V by Anna Solomon

This novel weaves various rabbinic texts into a modern narrative of the Book of Esther. Everyone is invited to join for a book/text study of the novel

Saturday, February 25th

12:30 pm

(after Kiddish Luncheon which is generously sponsored by Isha L'Isha).


Spend Next Year In Israel With Nativ

Nativ is a transformative gap year in Israel with a focus on leadership development, academic learning, and volunteering in Israeli society. Choose your tracks and live like a local with a cohort of bright and curious young adults who are committed

to building an inclusive and vibrant Jewish

community in Israel.

Apply today!

Sophia Breslau | Sacramento, CA | Nativ 40

Hebrew University Study & Tveria Volunteer Tracks Boston University

CLICK HERE to register

Simchas: January 21st - January 28th

Mazel tov to our members celebrating a birthday:

Abe Grossman

Helen Rittberg

Eden Rubin

Leonard Shane

Tadd Berger

Michel Powell

Mazel tov to our members celebrating an anniversary:

Daniel & Judi Majewski

Yahrzeits: January 21st - January 28th

Barbara Estok

Franky Cohen

Divera Minovitch-Lukeman

Corinne Bereskin

Harvey Silver

Byron Aceman

Gordon Kruger

Alan Freedman

Norman Silverman

Fanny Karasenty

Mary Goldberg

Morris Altow

Jacob Freedman

George Pope

Helen Myhraas

Esther Belfer

Barry Stein

Bessie Bell

If you would like to receive community-wide bereavement notices, please contact the office via e-mail or call 604.271.6262


Kehilah Seniors Program

Come join us on



When Pat Johnson discusses

The Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan with a meal to match.

Please RSVP here

Community Partnership Volunteer Opportunity between JFS and RJDS

JFS is partnering with RJDS to pilot a new initiative called

RJDS Food Lab,

that connects students with nutritious food, builds food skills, and increases food security in the Jewish community. Through the Food Lab, students will prepare and enjoy monthly school-wide meals.

We are looking for a few volunteers (who will be supported by JFS and RJDS staff) to work with 1-2 children on a part of the meal.

Food Lab shifts - 1 Wednesday a month:

9am-12pm: Meal Prep (2 volunteers)

11:30-2pm: Meal Set up, Serving and Clean up (2 volunteers)

If you would like to volunteer please contact If you would like to volunteer please contact sfriedman@jfsvancouver.ca

Contact Us

Rabbi Susan Tendler

Admin & Relationship Manager: Jessica Zimmering

Program Coordinator: Yvette Tarko-Sabi

Bookkeeper: Inna Gutman

Beth Tikvah Synagogue | www.btikvah.ca | (604) 271-6262
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