Dear People of St Andrew’s,

Thank you! You have made my entry into this community so wonderful! Your easygoing nature, gracious help and patient understanding are so appreciated!

St Andrew’s Community is surprising. In many ways, the structure is without seams. It is held together by dedicated people, who are almost never in the same place at the same time, and the Holy Spirit.

It reminds me of Genesis 1:1-3:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was complete chaos, and darkness covered the face of the deep, while the spirit of God swept over the face of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

Kari, Katie, Auburn, the Preschool Staff, Deacon Daniel, Senior Warden Cyndie and many others, spend a lot of time caring for this Community in large and small, but mostly invisible, ways – and you work miracles!

May God Bless this community and the people God brings our way.

Pastor Cyndi

P.S. Remember to come to the Annual Meeting this Sunday!

This Sunday - February 2nd

10:30 am

Annual Meeting

Sunday School: Godly Play & Seekers

No nursery care this month

Sunday Bulletin
2024 Annual Report
Sunday Service Livestreamed

Note: We make every effort to live stream the service each Sunday, but sometimes technical issues arise. If you would like to help make the live stream happen, please email Kari Robinson to join the tech team!

Give to St. Andrew's

Meet Pastor Cyndi!

Transition Updates

  • Pastor Cyndi began at St. Andrew's as our Interim Priest-in-charge on January 22nd.
  • You can reach out to send a note of welcome to Pastor Cyndi at
  • We are beginning to form our Calling Committee, which will oversee the calling process for our next rector.

Rebel Women Bible Study

Every Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am in the Sanctuary

The Bible is full of women who bucked the status quo. Ruth, Naomi, Deborah, Jael - meet the real women of the Bible. No experience reading the Bible? No problem! We approach these stories with curiosity and encourage doubt, questioning, and wrestling with the text.

Discover that "biblical womanhood" is all about risk, strength, and justice for the marginalized.

Come connect with other women asking big questions and seeking support on their spiritual journey.

Email for more information.

Youth Epiphany Camp 2025

Epiphany Camp for 6-12 graders at Camp Steven’s is a favorite every program year. The outdoors, the food, the friends from around the diocese—it is a weekend filled with fun and faith. This year’s theme will consider how we end our days. In a world that focuses on the practices that start your day, (Do you make your bed, have coffee, exercise?), this retreat provides the opportunity to consider how we close each day with a deep exploration of one of the prayers from Compline.

Registration closes February 1st!

More info & register here!

We've Gone Solar!

It's official - we've gone solar! We are so grateful to everyone who donated to our Raise the Roof campaign earlier this year, which allowed us to complete much-needed repairs to our sanctuary roof. As a community, we raised $35,000! Combined with funds that we have diligently saved over the past five years for building repairs, your generosity allowed us to complete this important project.

We had already been working with a non-profit, ReVolv, which helps other non-profits go solar, so our solar panels were installed immediately after the roof repairs were completed this summer. Because of some delays waiting for permits, the solar system was just connected on December 16th - and now it's working! Our campus is now solar powered. Thank you for making it happen!

Coming Up at St. Andrew's

Is God Calling you to Serve on Vestry?

The vestry of our church is similar to a board of a nonprofit. The vestry is the legal representative of the parish. We elect vestry members at our annual meeting in January. We have two wardens--a senior warden and a junior warden. We have a treasurer and a clerk. Our vestry defines and articulates our mission, supports the mission in word and deed, and ensures effective organization and planning, and managing resources and finances. All pledging adult members are eligible to run for a 3-year term on vestry. Vestry meetings take place once a month, usually on the third Sunday of the month from 12-2pm. Learn more by reading our vestry job description, and email Hans Kullberg for more information!

Happening in the Neighborhood:

Dances of Universal Peace at St. Andrew's

We are excited to announce that the San Diego Dances of Universal Peace group will be bringing their spiritual practice to the St. Andrew's sanctuary on the second Sundays of the month. Learn more about the Dances of Universal Peace here. What a blessing to share our sacred space with them. All are welcome to join and try out this spiritual practice of chant, live music, and movement.

Support Saturday Meal Service

Every Saturday morning, Jodie and her team of volunteers set up their folding tables in front of St. Andrew's and feed anyone who is hungry. This past Saturday, they fed 80 people a hearty breakfast.

Jodie and her team from small potatoes foundation have been serving meals on Saturdays at St. Andrew's since June 2024. Their organization is dedicated to offering nourishing and wholesome meals to those facing hardships.

Check out this note from Jodie:

"We deeply appreciate your generosity in allowing us to use your church lawn as a space to feed our guests. Your support truly helps us in our mission to serve those in need. We are dedicated to making a significant impact on the lives of our neighbors facing adversity and food insecurity. We believe a meal made with love is a tangible way to show compassion and understanding. If you’re able, please consider making a donation to help us continue feeding our neighbors in

need. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to making a lasting impact.

From our bustling kitchen, Chef Jodie"

Scan the QR code to give directly to small potatoes foundation. We're so grateful for Jodie and her team, and for the difference they make in our neighborhood.

Call Your Representatives and Ask for Ceasefire in Gaza

“People of faith and goodwill can organize and address our governments to call for humanitarian aid to flow freely to those in desperate need in Gaza; for the release of all hostages; for an end to all targeting of children and other civilians; and for a de-escalation of violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.” - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

As death, destruction, and violence continue in Gaza, we urge you to lift your voices and do everything possible to put pressure on all parties for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. 

We are not helpless in the face of the world's horrors. Takeon a new spiritual practice: every day, call your representatives and ask them to call for an immediate ceasefire, access to humanitarian assistance to end starvation and avert any further risk of famine, and urge the release of hostages.

You can click this link to go to the Episcopal Public Policy Network website, which has a script for contacting your representatives, as well as a form you can fill out right on the site.

Call for Ceasefire

Donations Needed for Border Ministry

Our diocese is continuing to respond to the needs of those seeking asylum at the US/Mexico border and being held in open-air detention sites and awaiting transport at the airport. The diocese prepares 200 sack lunches every Monday to be distributed, and are asking for the following:

  • jelly
  • packaged snacks like: potato chips, protein bars, fruit gummies
  • brown paper bags
  • sandwich bags

Please drop off donations at church on Sunday. Email Cyndie if you are able to volunteer to assemble sack lunches every Monday at 3pm.

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