Coming up

at St. John's Church

Christ the King, Thomas (21st Century)

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King

Nursery care available in the Parish Hall

9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Sunday Forum

Parish Hall

9:15 a.m.

Holy Eucharist


10:30 a.m.

Live-streaming available on YouTube at 10:30 a.m.

Children's Chapel

Parish Hall

10:30 a.m.

Coffee Hour

Parish Hall

11:45 a.m.

Bulletin Draft

Watch services on YouTube

Listen to sermons

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From Amelie, with Love

Dear Friends,

This coming week, we conclude our liturgical year with the celebration of “Christ the King” Sunday. Some of you may know that this feast day was established in 1925 by Pope Pius XI in response to a world marked by rising nationalism, antisemitism, and secularism. That year, Adolf Hitler published Mein Kampf, and the Ku Klux Klan, with over 5 million members, held a massive march in Washington. Amid the aftermath of World War I and growing nationalist sentiment, Pius sought to counter these movements by proclaiming Christ’s kingship over all creation, urging Christians to prioritize their allegiance to Christ above national loyalties or cultural ideologies.

As we stand in the wake of our national elections, I am struck by how history repeats itself and how the idea of an alternate allegiance to Christ raises deep questions for us today. What does it mean to have Christ as a king? For those of us who have never lived under a monarchy, what does the language of reign and kingdom even mean? Furthermore, what did Jesus mean when he spoke of himself as a king? What was Jesus’ understanding of his kingship?

In our Gospel reading for this Sunday, we get a glimpse of the answer. We find Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate, being questioned as if facing a final exam. Pilate distills his concerns about Jesus into one fundamental question—the key question for all of us: “Who are you, Jesus, and what are you doing here?”

As I reflect on this question, especially in these chaotic times, I realize how easy it is to forget why we are here and who we are meant to be. Are we to be leaders or followers? Radical reformers or spiritual guides? Disrupters or healers? What is the nature of the “kingdom” we want to call home? Who are we, really? And how shall we represent ourselves?

Here’s how Jesus answers: “For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” To speak truth to whoever listens.

More and more, I’m aware of how far I still have to go to really hear the truth, to speak the truth, and to become more in tune with who God is and who I am. I wonder if that’s true for you as well. The longer I serve as a priest, the more I see that people either grow more generous of heart, less fearful of change, and more aligned with love, or they do not. I’m still trying to understand why some move in one direction and others in the opposite. I’m not sure I’ll ever figure this out, but one thing I know for sure is that we have a choice, with God’s help.

So, as we enter a new liturgical year and begin the journey with Jesus once again, I leave you with this question: Who will you and I become? And why are we here?

In Christ,


Sunday Forum

Our New Presiding Bishop

Join us Sunday as we learn about the new Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Sean Rowe. We will also consider his post–election pastoral message to the church, in which he encourages us to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. 

Sunday Forum begins at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Nursery Care is provided. Note: Parishioners are also welcome to attend online.

Sunday, November 24

9:15 a.m.

Parish Hall

Nursery available

Participate via Zoom

Meeting ID: 850 5594 5256

Passcode: 695538

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“Eucharist” Means Thanksgiving

And that makes it a very good reason to make our annual Thanksgiving Day Eucharist the first meal of your Thanksgiving celebration. Invite your family and friends to join us, too.

Thursday, November 28

10:00 a.m. in the Church 

Help Altar Guild Decorate

for the Season

With the holidays approaching, the Altar Guild welcomes your help. Whether you'd like to be a part of their team year-round or to volunteer to decorate for the holidays, they offer plenty of opportunities for you to participate in their ministry.

Advent Set-up in the Church, Saturday, November 30, 10:00 a.m.

If you have greens--cedar, pine, boxwood, etc.,--altar guild needs evergreens for the Advent wreath and church windows. Please bring your greens to church with you November 30, and perhaps even stay after to help decorate for Advent.

Christmas set-up in the Church Sunday, December 22, 12:00 noon

De-greening of the Church, Sunday January 5, 12:00 noon

To learn more and to volunteer, please contact Sarah File.

Church Hill Vespers

Join us Friday, December 6, at 7:00 p.m. for our annual Church Hill Vespers Service. Afterward, join up with neighbors by 7:40 p.m. at Patrick Henry Park for a candlelight walk to Libby Hill Park for caroling.

Learn more here.

Friday, December 6

7:00 p.m.

St. John's Church


A dedicated group of five women began meeting in December 2018 as a spiritual recovery and transformation group. The group has evolved into GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) and welcomes new members.

GIFT is a women's group that meets the third Sunday of each month for those whose faith and spiritual journey is shaped by current, recent, or past unexpected, life-altering circumstances. The group is self-led, and members rotate leading each 90-minute session as they create, reframe, and/or reclaim their personal faith experience in community.

Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Cabell Jones.

This group meets in person and welcomes participation via Zoom.

Next Session

Sunday, December 15

4:oo p.m.

Parish House Library or via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 4751 2806

Passcode: 748115

One tap mobile

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Meeting ID: 864 4751 2806

Passcode: 748115

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Make Your 2025 Pledge to St. John's Church

Join Us in Walking in Love

Dear St. John’s,

We invite you to make a financial pledge to support our ministries that reflects our shared commitment to “walk in love.” Together, we are building ministries that bring light and love to our community and beyond.

If you haven’t yet, please consider making your pledge.

To date, 48 family units have made pledges totaling $169,247, which is 67.69% of our $250,000 goal. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us to fulfill our mission. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey of love.


Mike Broda, Stewardship Chair

Make Your 2025 Pledge
Offering Plate

First Fruits

The food bank currently needs black beans, cereal, Vienna sausage, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, toilet paper, pork 'n' beans, small cans of chicken, saltines, cream of chicken soup, and diced tomatoes.

Thank you for all your previous donations. 

Next Collection Times :

Saturday, December 7, 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning, December 8, during church

Survey Results Available upon Request

If you missed the recent Sunday Forum where the results of last summer's parish survey were revealed, or if you'd just like to have more time to study the information, email Patty Duffy, and she will send you a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.

Next Vestry Meeting,

Tuesday, December 11

at 6:00 p.m.

in the Parish Hall

All members of St. John’s Church are welcome to attend vestry meetings as observers. Minutes of recent meetings are posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall foyer. Please share your ideas or questions about the life of our parish with a vestry member.

We Pray for Everyone Affected

by Hurricanes Milton and Helene

Gracious God, we pray for all those affected by Hurricane Milton on Florida’s west coast, even as their neighbors continue to contend with Helene’s devastation. We pray especially for those who have lost lives and homes, for the first responders, rescue workers, and all who enable the work of recovery and rebuilding, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Donate to Episcopal Relief and Development Hurricane Relief.

Episcopal Relief & Development

Responds to Unrest in the Middle East

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to provide emergency support in Gaza following the outbreak of war in the region. Please pray for peace in the Holy Land as they experience violence, and consider making a contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund. Support of this fund will help to provide medicine and other supplies and help our partners tend to the physical and psychosocial wounds of all people affected by this conflict.

Read Episcopal Relief and Development's full statement here.

The Collect for Peace

Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: so mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples, especially those of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Haiti, Ukraine, and Sunday, may be gathered under the banner of peace as children of one God; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

--adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, p. 815

Sunday Nursery Care Available

9:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

Parish Hall Nursery

Children's Chapel

Children’s Chapel meets each Sunday in the Parish Hall during the first part of the service. Children join their parents in church during the offertory so that they can participate in the Eucharist.

For more information, contact the Rev. Anne Lane Witt.


10:30 a.m.

The Parish Hall

Prayers During Communion

If you have a special prayer concern, a member of the congregation is available to pray with you at the altar in the east transept of the church each Sunday during communion.

Eucharistic Visits

We invite those who wish to have communion brought to their homes to contact Amelie.

You may also contact Amelie if you are interested in learning about serving in this important ministry.

Pastoral Care
Opportunities to Assist

Many of you have asked how you can help our Pastoral Care team provide care to our members during times of need.

Here are two very helpful ways to assist:
  • deliver meals to members during recovery or illness (they don't need to be homemade)
  • drive members to and from appointments

If you are interested in helping, please contact Barbara Bayler, our Pastoral Care Ministry team leader.

A Note about Pastoral Appointments and Emergencies

To schedule an appointment with our rector, please email Amelie or leave a message on her voicemail at 649-7938; you will hear from her within 24 hours.

And if you learn of a pastoral issue concerning one of our parishioners, please reach out to Amelie as well.

If you have an emergency, please contact Patty Duffy at 649-7938, and she will ensure a more immediate response.

St. John's Church

2401 East Broad Street

 The Rev. Amelie Wilmer, Rector

The Rev. Anthony Gaboton, Associate Rector

The Rev. Anne Lane Witt, Children's Chaplain

The Rev. Deacon JD Dickinson, Deacon

Cabell Jones, Deacon Intern

Patty Duffy, Parish Administrator

Curt Sydnor, Minister of Music

Lora Toothman, Senior Warden

Laura Streat, Junior Warden

Office: 2319 E. Broad Street RVA 23223


The deadline for submitting copy for the weekly bulletin insert and parish-wide email is Wednesday morning, but earlier is always appreciated. Please send your content to Patty Duffy. Please note that content may be edited to accommodate space limitations and style guidelines.

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