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Commission Nominating Committee Report

September 15, 2022

To: Institutional Members – Main Campus Primary Contacts 

At its August 2022 meeting, the Accrediting Commission of the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) reviewed the composition and terms of current sitting Institutional Commissioners, including their renewal eligibility, appointed Commissioners who served partial terms, and the reaffirmation of interest to continue to serve as Commissioners.

The analysis resulted in the identification of two upcoming vacancies in the Institutional/Academic role on the Commission. 

As required by Article VIII, Section 8.2.1 of the ACCET Bylaws, the Commission convened the Nominating Committee to review the Institutional Commissioners' elections process for our upcoming 2022 Annual Members' meeting in November of 2022. This committee was composed of Yadexy Sierra (Chair, Commissioner), Dr. Donnell Bayot (Vice Chair, Commissioner), Paul Dunlop (Past Chair), Beata Schmidt (non-Commissioner appointee), and David Vice (non-Commissioner appointee).

A call for nominations was sent out to members on July 15, 2022. Six nominations or self-nominations were received from the membership. The Nominating Committee reviewed the nominations that were submitted. We are thankful for the membership's interest and commitment from those who applied. See below for the Nominating Committee's recommendation.

Further nominations may be made separate from the Nominating Committee process by gaining the written support of ten percent of the members of ACCET. Such nominations must be received by the ACCET Executive Director no later than October 10, 2022, in which case the Executive Director shall submit the entire revised list to the membership by October 15, 2022.

Nominating Committee Recommendation

Ms. Linda Rikli, M.S.

Senior Vice President

National Holistic Institute

Ms. Rikli has been with the National Holistic Institute since 2003; she remains directly involved in the education and training of the institute, being responsible for the education department, including the oversight of curriculum, learning, training activities, and student & career services. Ms. Rikli has knowledge and experience in distance learning, and while currently focused on the education and training aspects, her professional scope also includes knowledge of international student enrollment as well as federal student financial aid aspects.

Ms. Christina Stefanik, M.A

Director of Curriculum and Systems

The Language Company

Ms. Stefanik has worked at an ACCET-accredited institution since 2009, has been an ACCET volunteer/peer reviewer since 2013, has been a teacher, and continues to be directly involved in the education and training aspects of The Language Company. Having participated in over 20 visits as a Curriculum Specialist, Christina Stefanik has also served on special committees for ACCET. In her current role at The Language Company, Ms. Stefanik remains directly engaged in instructional delivery, teacher training, curriculum development, and ensuring policy and procedure compliance. 

Please contact me via email at with any questions regarding the Nominating Committee.

Res Helfer

Executive Director