A Twice-monthly News Roundup from

the Kentucky Department of Agriculture


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Vol. 16 | No. 13

Monday, July 10, 2023

Commissioner Quarles honors winners

of 2023 KDA Poster and Essay Contest

Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles, far right, and newly-crowned 2023 Miss Kentucky Mallory Hudson, far left, honored the winners of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s (KDA) annual Poster and Essay Contest during an awards ceremony Saturday, July 8 at Lynn Family Stadium in Louisville. The theme of the contest, “Kentucky Agriculture is Everywhere,” reflected on the important role agriculture has in our world. For more photos of the event, click here.

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Did you know KDA inspects gas pumps, scanners, scales?

KDA inspector Zach Cope puts gas into a prover to test that the pump dispenses the amount that consumers are charged.

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KDA celebrates Kentucky’s

grown cut flower industry

“Kentucky-grown flowers add to the beauty that is our great state,” Commissioner Quarles said. 

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Kentucky’s alpaca industry recognized during July

Kentucky has more than 200 mixed-livestock and family farms raising alpacas across the commonwealth.

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More agriculture-related headlines in the news

(click on links below)

Farms across the state celebrate Ky. Alpaca Fleece and Fiber Month

Quarles provides input at McConnell roundtable to discuss Farm Bill

Student from McLean County gets hands-on experience as KDA intern

Large animal vet shortage puts rural Kentucky’s equine care in peril

EPA concedes to Attorney General Cameron, halts WOTUS enforcement

A decade on, hemp has yet to be as lucrative to Kentucky ag as hoped

Kentucky farmers and crops battle weather extremes

Drought affecting Ky. farmers, but hope for decent crops is not lost

Woodford Reserve commits to buy rye from Ky. farmers for five years

Heaven Hill Bottled-In-Bond named Grand World Whisky of the Year

Casey County hosts largest county fair dairy show in Kentucky

Barren Co. dairy farmer reflects on life as milk producer, industry's future

Kentucky cattle dominate Ky. Junior Angus Preview Show in Louisville

Ky. steer wins reserve grand champion at junior angus show in Tenn..

Hardin County Farmers' Market celebrates 46th anniversary

The legacy of the tobacco master settlement agreement

Mental health coalition helps Ky. farmers deal with uncontrollable stress

Summer cookout price down slightly from last year's record high

4-H growing diverse leaders in American agriculture

India to remove retaliatory tariffs on some U.S. ag products

UK to host Kentucky Signature Industries Career Fair Sept. 28

UK Corn, Soybean, & Tobacco Field Day coming up July 25 in Princeton

KDA's Tim Hughes to speak to Simpson Co. Historical Society on July 18

2023 Spay/Neuter Grant applications due July 15

National Fleece Show, fiber conference July 14-16 in Burlington, Ky.

And in case you missed it ...

'Aggressive cow' makes repeated visits to college campus

Kentucky farm fact

Kentucky is home to more than 125 commercial cut flower operations with a market value of almost $700,000 annually. The number of farmer-florists increased 20 percent over the last year.

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