Twice-monthly News Roundup from

the Kentucky Department of Agriculture


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Vol. 16 | No. 15

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Commissioner Quarles invites you to celebrate

Ky. Farmers’ Markets Week through Aug. 12

“Farmers’ markets provide the freshest and healthiest foods direct from Kentucky’s farms,”  Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles said. “Farmers’ markets remain a vital resource to provide a direct pathway for farm fresh foods for consumers. If you haven’t made it out to a Kentucky Proudfarmers’ market near you, this is your invitation to stop by and see what your agriculture neighbors have to share. You won’t be disappointed.”

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Hardin County Farmers' Market

holds 46th anniversary party

Hardin County Farmers' Market is one of 17 in Kentucky that reported they have been in operation for more than 40 years.

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KDA awarded USDA grant

for Farm to School project

Commissioner Quarles said the grant will "provide education and procurement training ... to our young future farmers."

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Quarles: 'Hey Ky., let's meet

at the State Fair' Aug. 17-27

"Please join me in Louisville and make the 2023 edition the best ever!" Commissioner Quarles said.

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More agriculture-related headlines in the news

(click on links below)

Summer Grillin' visits a farmers' market with Commissioner Quarles

Daviess Countian Gary Cecil named 2023 Kentucky Farmer of the Year

Kentucky Ag Development Board approves nearly $3 million in grants

Heaven Hill Distillery celebrates filling of 10 millionth barrel of bourbon

Award-winning Augusta Distillery joins Kentucky Bourbon Trail

Ky.-based AppHarvest indoor farming company files for bankruptcy

Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board elects Executive Committee

After record 2021 profits, Ky. grain farmers struggling to make ends meet

Kentucky is hot spot for alpha-gal syndrome, a red meat allergy

Bryanna Smith of Russell Springs awarded $3,250 in Angus scholarships

Ky. equine management internship educator serving on national board

UK Extension launches community survey to better serve Kentuckians

Murray State names Dr. Brian Parr as new dean of Hutson School of Ag

Strunk named director of WKU Agriculture Research & Education Center

Broadband internet coming to rural areas in far western Kentucky

National FFA membership reaches all-time high of nearly 946,000

Cattle inventory still falling according to USDA reports

Farmers encouraged to connect with lawmakers during August recess

KADB will meet Aug. 18 at Kentucky State Fair in Louisville

Kentucky Ag Council will meet Aug. 17 at Ky. State Fair in Louisville

KAFC to meet Aug. 11 at Franklin County Extension Office in Frankfort

Veterinary Shortage Working Group will meet Aug. 8 in Frankfort

And in case you missed it ...

Herd of escaped goats overrun suburban neighborhood

Kentucky farm fact

There are 170 farmers’ markets in 115 Kentucky counties, with more than 2,400 vendors offering products for sale.

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