
I Want to Hear from all the Stakeholders in the

Ag Reserve

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The future of the Agricultural Reserve will be determined during my tenure as County Commissioner. As a resident or business owner within the Ag Reserve, you should have a voice in how this area is developed. When elected, I made a commitment to listen to the stakeholders when making decisions.


For that purpose, I invite you to complete a survey focused on choices for future development of the remaining acreage in the Ag Reserve.

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In 1998, the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) directed development of a Master Plan for 20,000 acres of land in the Agricultural Reserve (Ag Reserve) in south-central Palm Beach County (County). The BCC established the goal of the Ag Reserve Master Plan as:

To preserve and enhance agricultural activity and environmental and water resources in the Ag Reserve, and produce a master development plan compatible with these goals.

Click Here for More Information on the Ag Reserve Master Plan - History

In 1999, Palm Beach County voters approved a referendum authorizing a $150 million bond issue to purchase agricultural and environmental sensitive lands, with $100 million allocated to the Agricultural Reserve. Close to 2,400 acres were purchased with those Bond dollars in the Agricultural Reserve, 128 acres of which the County sold with no development rights and deed restrictions to farmers.

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Purpose: "The Agricultural Reserve is established in the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, under Objective 1.5. The purpose of the Agricultural Reserve is to preserve unique farmland and wetlands in order to enhance agricultural activity, environmental and water resources, and open space, by limiting uses to agriculture, conservation, low density residential development, and non-residential uses which serve the needs of the farmworkers and residents of the Ag Reserve Tier."

Much has happened during the past few decades and the Board of County Commissioners are consistently approached by developers requesting to make changes otherwise known as "amendments" to the Ag Reserve. For a detailed timeline on how we got to where we are today in the Ag Reserve, click on the link Ag Reserve Chronology for details.


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Agricultural: Farmland for Crops, Organic Farming, Livestock, Equestrian Centers and Horse Farms

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Residential Development: Gated Communities, Single Family Homes, Apartments and Townhomes for Rent or Sale, Mixed Use Residential, Assisted Living Facilities

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Commercial Uses: Shopping Centers, Hotels, Restaurants, Car Wash, Farm Supply Stores, Auto Repair and Autobody Shops, Green Market

Light Industrial: Storage Units, Warehouses, Car Wash, Auto Repair

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Heavy Industrial: Heavy Industry and Manufacturing, Recycling Plants, Salvage Yards and Towing

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Family Centered Facilities and Recreation: Playgrounds, Passive Parks/Open Spaces, Library, Community Centers, Community Gardens, Daycare Facilities and Schools


Active Recreation: Skating Rink, Mini-Golf, Movie Theaters, Campgrounds, Waterpark

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Medical Facilities: Micro-Hospitals, Urgent Care, Medical Office Buildings, Rehabilitation Centers, Nursing Homes and Memory Care