Dear NAMI Family & Friends,

I have exciting news to share! Chief Singletary of the Rochester City Police Department has joined the Mental Health Revolution. Our partnership with local law enforcement is of upmost importance to us because there are times when those living with a mental illness can become justice involved. The stronger our relationship with our friends in law enforcement, the better equipped they are to treat those living with mental illness with dignity and respect.

NAMI Rochester is proud to be a long-standing partner of the Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) and Forensic Intervention Team (FIT) programs in Monroe County. We are particularly grateful to Kim Butler , Chief Clinical & Forensic Services and Sgt. Steve Boily , Rochester Police Department CIT Commander and their teams, for their leadership and commitment to mental health. 

You can read more about the FIT and CIT programs here:

Later this month, I will talk to Chief Singletary to hear more about his commitment to the Mental Health Revolution and why he believes it is critical that we all maintain our mental wellness, especially now. Stay tuned for this announcement – it promises to be an informative and hope-filled conversation.

Wishing you a week filled with peace and health,
NAMIWalks Your Way Rochester  is another way to commit to the  Mental Health Revolution .

Thanks to the generosity of NAMI Rochester's family, friends and partnerships,  NAMIWalks Your Way Rochester  has raised over $38,000 of our $100,000 goal . Through collaboration and connection we can reach our fundraising goal, and have Mental Health Awareness Month to make it happen.
All opportunities to connect will be offered via Zoom. To register, please email .
Wellness Wednesdays – every week @ 1:00 pm
  • Open to peers, family members and all NAMI Rochester friends
  • Explore and learn about ways to stay well during this time and in the future
  • Share and connect with others dedicated to the Mental Health Revolution
GOW Family Friday – every week @ 10:00 am
  • Open to residents of Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming Counties
Family Fridays – every week @ 1:00 pm
  • Open to family members supporting a loved one with a mental health condition
  • Led by trained Family Support Group facilitators
  • An opportunity to connect with others and find support
NAMI Talks – Fridays @ 3:00 pm
  • Open to all – family members, peers & friends
  • An opportunity to socialize before the weekend
  • Not a support group, but a chat & check-in with others committed to the Mental Health Revolution
Mindfulness Mondays – every week @ 1:00 pm
  • Open to peers, family members and all NAMI Rochester friends
  • Learn about mindfulness and breathing activities to help ease stress and anxiety
  • Participate in group mindfulness activities

“We are starting up a Guided Journaling workshop on Tuesday afternoons at 3:30 and we have partnered with NAMI Rochester to provide a family support group on Friday mornings at 10 [via Zoom]” Gagne said
Stay Connected