On the Road to $1 Billion in Vehicles Stolen: The Data Trends Behind Colorado’s Motor Vehicle Theft Crisis
Dollars and Data: A Look at PK-12 Funding and Performance in Colorado
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Congratulations to CSI's Chris Brown on being with CSI for 5 years!
Congratulations to CSI's Terry J. Stevinson Fellow Jennifer Gimbel, for being the 2022 recipient of the Aspinall "Water Leader of the Year" award!
Stay tuned for our Terry J. Stevinson Fellow's report on water coming later this year!
In the News
Car thefts in Colorado on track to pass $1 billion in...

Common Sense Institute, a Denver area think tank, summarized auto theft data in a webinar Thursday morning. The data showed one thing clearly: Denver is the most dangerous city for cars valued less than $25,000 (which make up 85.6% of car thefts).

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New housing unit permits in Colorado down 20% last...

The analysis by CSI found that a 0.28 percent decrease in home prices and a 5.3 percent average mortgage rate led to a 0.33 percent decline in the Colorado Homebuyer Misery Index, which CSI calculates to measure new home affordability.

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Denver leaders reflect on Paul Pazen's legacy as police...

Mitch Morrissey, a fellow at CSI, said Pazen’s department dealt with violent attacks on state and city property during 2020 protests, significant spikes in crime rates and an “anti-law enforcement” mentality within the state legislature.

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What's Working: Older Coloradans are returning to work,...

One group in particular is not just returning to work but growing faster than others: women. Particularly, women 55 and older, according to an analysis by Steven Byers, senior economist with CSI, a conservative think tank in Greenwood Village.

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Time for us to believe: Homelessness is solvable | Vince ...

A recent study by CSI found that Denver is spending more per homeless person every year than it does per student in its schools. Colorado’s chronically sheltered homeless population grew by 266% between 2007 and 2021, more than any other state.

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Hillman column: Colorado is a mess; have voters had enough?

That report from CSI connects the increase in crime to “social justice” legislation passed during the last four years, leading to:Declining prison population; Increasing use of personal recognizance bonds — even in violent crime cases.

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