Volume 11, Issue 5 | Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
National Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from Sept. 15-Oct. 15!

District 58's Biliteracy Program created this fantastic video showing how District 58 students and teachers share their passion for Hispanic culture and traditions, as well as the ways they celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Take a look !

Learn more about the Biliteracy Program and District 58 English Learner services.
Note: No school Oct. 14-15

District and school offices will be closed  Monday, Oct. 14 for the Columbus Day holiday.

There will also be no school on  Tuesday, Oct. 15. On Tuesday morning, teachers and staff will participate in a School Improvement Day, and in the afternoon/evening, schools will host parent-teacher conferences.

Have a great four-day weekend!
October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. Bullying prevention is a core component of the District's social-emotional learning curriculum, but many schools are doing extra activities this month. For example, Hillcrest celebrated World Day of Bullying Prevention on Oct. 7, and Indian Trail is holding Kindness Day on Oct. 16. Learn more.
Halloween safety in D58

Schools will email parents specific guidelines for school Halloween celebrations and costumes.

When selecting a Halloween costume, please make sure it is appropriate for school! Please avoid costumes that show or imply violence, and costumes that include props that could resemble a weapon. Thank you!
Sign up for a parent-teacher conference by Oct. 11

Parents may sign up for a fall parent-teacher conference now through Friday, Oct. 11 at noon.

Register for The Reading Games

The Reading Games, a friendly reading competition, will return to O'Neill on  Feb. 22, 2020. Team registration is open now through Oct. 15. Individual registration is open until Oct. 22.
Enter PTA Reflections!

The PTA Council invites students to join PTA Reflections! This annual national art contest's theme is “Look Within,” and entries are due to each school’s front office in late October . Contact your school’s PTA to learn more.
Indian Trail makes a difference
Indian Trail raised an incredible $1,692.40 for the American Childhood Cancer Organization during their Student Council’s recent “PJammin for Kids with Cancer” fundraiser.

The Student Council invited students to wear their pajamas and to bring a small donation to school on Sept. 27 to show solidarity with the many children who fight cancer every day, including Norah. Norah is the daughter of former Indian Trail teacher Liz Wesolowski. The students also created gold "get well" cards for Norah. Read more.
Belle Aire celebrates 50th birthday during Fun Run, ABC7 covers it
Belle Aire School celebrated its 50th birthday with a spectacular Fun Run on the morning of Oct. 6!  View more Fun Run photos.

“We had over 200 runners and couldn’t have asked for better weather,” said PTA President Erin Berger. “The Jesse White Tumblers performed, and we concluded the event with a Pie to the Face to several brave Belle Aire staff members.”

To gear up for their Fun Run, the Belle Aire PTA appeared on ABC7 Chicago’s Windy City Live show. View the segment. View photos.
Many District 58 schools, including Pierce Downer (pictured), celebrated Walk to School Day on Oct. 2.
Henry, a Grove Children's Preschool student, is featured in the Easterseals' annual photo exhibition. View this video highlighting Henry's journey.
Herrick students in Mrs. Tartaglione's class are completing an Empathy Unit. Today, they personally delivered "thank you" notes to the Downers Grove fire and police departments, and last week they sold lemonade and cookies at the train station to support the Red Cross!
The El Sierra PTA hosted its annual Fun Run on Oct. 4. Here, Principal Jason Lynde poses with first graders during the race!
 Whittier second graders embarked on a fun field trip to the Morton Arboretum, as part of their science curriculum!
Henry Puffer first graders use their fingers to point to each word as they practice their reading comprehension skills!
Environmental education non-profit, SCARCE, visited several fifth grade classrooms in District 58, including Kingsley (pictured) and led a watershed activity. District 58 appreciates its partnership with SCARCE!
The Meredith Williams Foundation recently donated new cross country tents to O'Neill. District 58 thanks the Meredith Williams Foundation for their continued support!
Highland's Broadcast Club produces a weekly " Highland Scoop" program on YouTube highlighting school news, classroom spotlights and more! Great job!
Lester third graders answer the essential question, "Why do people participate in government?" with a polished class presentation!
Fairmount fifth graders dig into their guided reading texts and interact with the stories by asking questions and making text-to-text connections. Great work!
Hillcrest students "sported purple for platelets" on Sept. 27. to honor the memory of student Sophya Barry and increase awareness about immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
Corrections: In the Sept. 25 issue of Communicate 58, we mistakenly said Indian Trail sixth graders wrote letters to local firefighters. It should have said Indian Trail fifth graders wrote the notes. In addition, the newsletter reported that Herrick students created pinwheels for International Peace Day. It was actually O'Neill students who completed this activity. We regret these errors!
Board of Education: Oct. 7 special meeting

The Board held a special meeting on Oct. 7 to continue last month’s public discussion regarding facility planning community engagement services and to listen to a presentation by District 58's insurance benefits consultant regarding the District's insurance benefits. The Board Briefs will be published later this week. View the agenda.
Board of Education: Oct. 16 regular meeting

The Board will hold its October meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. This meeting is being held on a Wednesday because its usual Monday meeting date conflicts with Columbus Day, a school holiday. The Board agenda will be posted on BoardDocs at least 48 hours before the meeting.
Does your child have special needs? Attend Building Bridges!
Building Bridges is a special PTA group designed to connect families with children who have special needs with their District 58 schools.

Building Bridges will host "Presentation: Partnering with Your Education Team" on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. at Hillcrest School, 1435 Jefferson Ave. This meeting will offer practical tips and ideas on how parents can best engage with their child's education team. Learn more.
Oct. 6-10
Fire Prevention Week

Oct. 7-9
Camp Edwards for Hillcrest and Pierce Downer

Oct. 9-11
Camp Edwards for Lester and Highland

Wednesday, Oct. 9
3:45 p.m.: Rescheduled Legislative Committee Meeting at the ASC

Friday, Oct. 11
Noon: Deadline to sign up for fall parent-teacher conferences.

Monday, Oct. 14
No School - Columbus Day
Tuesday, Oct. 15
7 a.m.: Policy Committee at the ASC
No School - Morning Teacher Inservice Day; Afternoon/Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, Oct. 16
7 p.m.: Regular School Board Meeting at Downers Grove Village Hall

Thursday, Oct. 17
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences

Oct. 21-25
Principal Appreciation Week

Wednesday, Oct. 23
7-8:30 p.m.: Building Bridges Meeting at Hillcrest
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |