Volume 11, Issue 12 | Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Grove Children's Preschool will host open houses tonight and tomorrow!
2020-21 preschool registration opens Jan. 31
Grove Children's Preschool in District 58 invites current and prospective families to tour its gold-rated preschool program tonight, Wednesday, Jan. 22 from 6-7 p.m. at Henry Puffer and on Thursday, Jan. 23 from 6-7 p.m. at Indian Trail.

Preschool registration for the 2020-21 school year will open on Friday, Jan. 31 at 8 a.m. at www.dg58.org/preschool.

Grove earned back-to-back gold ratings on the State's preschool audit. Gold is the highest rating a preschool can achieve for excellence in teaching and learning!

Don't have preschool-aged children? If you have neighbors or friends who do, please share this information with them! We look forward to welcoming new students to Grove next school year! Visit www.dg58.org/preschool to learn more.
Calling all kindergarteners for the 2020-21 school year!
Will your child attend kindergarten in District 58 next fall? Here are three steps to prepare!

1. Call your child's  future school  to request registration information.

2. Attend  Kindergarten Roundup  in March or April.

3. Visit our  Kindergarten Resource webpage  for information on Kindergarten Roundup schedules, school boundary maps, kindergarten registration, immunization requirements, kindergarten curriculum and much more!
Facility planning update:
Citizen Task Force to meet tonight
District 58 will hold its second Citizen Task Force meeting tonight. The Citizen Task Force is a representative group of 40 community members. They will evaluate the community's support for a potential District 58 capital improvement funding proposal and provide direct feedback regarding the District's facility needs and funding solutions.

At tonight's meeting, the task force will discuss whether District 58 should consider moving to a grade 6-8 middle school model, including the grade reconfigurations and middle school additions it would require. Ultimately, the task force will make a recommendation regarding whether District 58 should ask the community, via a scientific survey, if they would support the grade 6-8 middle school model.

The meeting agenda and presentation will be posted on the Facility Planning webpage later this week. Please check here for more information!
District 58 Science Fair is this Saturday!
District 58 looks forward to hosting the 39th Annual Science Fair this Saturday, Jan. 25 at O'Neill! Participants should set up their projects at O'Neill on Friday, Jan. 24 from 5-7 p.m. Bring your project and two copies of the student report. On Saturday, students in grades 1-2 and 6-8 should arrive at 8:15-8:30 a.m., and students in grades 3-5 should arrive at 9:50-10 a.m. The fair will end at noon. Learn more.
Local realtors: Attend the fourth annual Realtor Breakfast on Feb. 5
Attention local realtors! Please attend the fourth annual Realtor Breakfast at Downers Grove North on Wednesday, Feb. 5 from 8:30-10 a.m.! Meet leaders from six Downers Grove area school districts representing 31 schools and 17,000 students. Now in a new format, the breakfast will feature a Superintendents Panel, an Illinois Report Card presentation and a Q&A session. Register for this free event by Jan. 31 at  http://bit.ly/RealtorBreakfast2020 !
Fight the flu with this handy tip!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting high flu activity in Illinois. Please get your flu shot and take precautions to prevent the spread of flu! Today's tip: Occasionally wash your child’s coats, winterwear, book bags, lunch boxes and anything else your child takes to school to help fight the spread of flu and other illnesses!

School Board approves
2020-21 calendar and fees

During the January meeting, the School Board approved the 2020-21 school calendar and 2020-21 fees. Read the Board Briefs to learn more.
Winter benchmarking data now available

Parents (grades K-8) may access their child's winter assessment scores, including MAP scores, in SQUIRREL. The District sent parents an email on Jan. 14 with additional information.
Parent-teacher conferences are Jan. 28 and 30

District 58 schools are eager to welcome parents to conferences next week! Online conference registration has closed. If you still need to schedule a parent-teacher conference, please contact your child's teacher directly.
Henry Puffer third graders create podcast featuring Superintendent Dr. Russell
Wonder what Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell does every day? Henry Puffer third graders in Christine Reynolds’s interviewed Dr. Russell to find out! They adapted the interview into a 17-minute podcast. These young journalists did a very professional job producing this program. Great work!

Kingsley students, principal and PTA present school success to School Board
The Kingsley Student Council, Principal Mel Sawisch and PTA President Kim Breier shared school highlights with the Board on Monday, Jan. 13. View their presentation and video to learn more!
Rep. Terra Costa Howard visited Belle Aire on Jan. 21. Principal Brent Borchelt gave Rep. Costa Howard and her staff a tour and engaged in a meaningful conversation on current education issues and ways legislators can partner with schools.
Thank you for visiting!
The O’Neill Bridge Bust team did a fantastic job at the annual U of I Extension 4-H Bridge Bust Contest in Yorkville, breaking several school records and taking home the first, second and third place awards in the Middle School Division!

Whittier celebrated “International Day of Acceptance” on Tuesday by focusing on the three Es: Embrace diversity, educate your community and empower each other. They also emphasized the importance of celebrating diversity acceptance not only on “International Day of Acceptance,” but on every day!!
El Sierra fifth graders enjoyed dissecting owl pellets this week. They discovered firsthand how owls’ digestive systems work.
During their “Solving Problems Through Technology” unit, Indian Trail second graders are learning about different inventors and their creations.
Hillcrest third and fifth graders collaborated to create posters celebrating the messages of Martin Luther King, Jr.!
Pierce Downer sixth graders held a rich discussion on how female rulers have succeeded over time. They compared Hatshepsut with Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana!
Officer Stacy from the DGPD visited District 58’s second grade classrooms (including Mr. Leiser’s classroom at Lester , pictured!) to speak with students about tolerance, diversity, respect and teamwork. We love our partnership with the police!
Curriculum Coordinator Christine Priester visited Fairmount first graders and taught them how to sketch writing ideas to create a stronger story!  

The Herrick choir had a blast singing alongside high schoolers at the Downers Grove North Choral Festival! 
Grove Children’s Preschool uses Go Noodle for movement breaks! The preschoolers love following the video prompts as they dance, stretch and move! Watch this short video!
The Highland Family Reading Night was a huge success! Students, parents, siblings and staff enjoyed reading books and participating in activities! Thanks, Highland PTA!
Highlights from the January School Board meeting
The Jan. 13 School Board meeting included approval of the 2020-21 school calendar and student fees; a Math Committee presentation; an Education Foundation teacher grant spotlight; a winter student assessment data snapshot; a Kingsley School presentation and more. (Pictured: Education Foundation teacher grant recipients pose with Superintendent Dr. Russell and Board President Darren Hughes)

Read the Board Briefs to learn more.
Wednesday, Jan. 22
3:45-4:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee meeting at the ASC
5:30-6 p.m.: Citizen Task Force tour at Herrick
6-9 p.m.: Citizen Task Force meeting at Herrick
6-7 p.m.: Grove Children's Preschool Open House at Henry Puffer

Thursday, Jan. 23
6-7 p.m.: Grove Children's Preschool Open House at Indian Trail

Saturday, Jan. 25
8 a.m. to noon: District 58 Science Fair at O'Neill

Tuesday, Jan. 28
5-8 p.m.: Parent-teacher conferences
Thursday, Jan. 30
5-8 p.m.: Parent-teacher conferences

Friday, Jan. 31
8 a.m.: Grove Children's Preschool 2020-21 registration opens

Wednesday, Feb. 5
8:30-10 a.m.: Realtor Breakfast at Downers Grove North

Thursday, Feb. 6
9-11 a.m.: DG Children's Choir Dress Rehearsal at Downers Grove North
7-8:30 p.m.: DG Children's Choir Winter Concert at Downers Grove North Auditorium

Friday, Feb. 7
7:30-9 a.m.: Legislative Breakfast at O'Neill
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I mhewitt@dg58.org | www.dg58.org