Throughout this publication, you will see the following
color-coded dots
accompanying each article. They represent which
strategic goal
the article addresses.
• Focusing on Learning
• Connecting the Community
• Securing the Future
In this issue:
- District 58 remembers 9/11
- Oktoberfest is Sept. 13-14
- Get involved! Join a D58 group
- Safety topics - food deliveries, pedestrian safety, Preparedness Month
- Plus, more District, school and Board news!
District 58 remembers 9/11
Today is the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, a significant day in our nation’s history. Sept. 11 has been designated Patriot Day by the President.
Click here to read a letter from Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell regarding Patriot Day, including how District 58 is commemorating this day, and how parents can discuss Sept. 11 with their children.
Oktoberfest is Sept. 13-14!
Downers Grove Oktoberfest takes place this Friday and Saturday in downtown Downers Grove! Oktoberfest is hosted by the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58, and proceeds will benefit District 58.
Learn more
To be a success, Oktoberfest NEEDS volunteers. Volunteers earn free festival admission during their shift.
Sign up to volunteer
District gives Strategic Plan progress update
Board President Darren Hughes and Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell gave a Strategic Plan progress update with the Board of Education during its Sept. 9 meeting. Hughes chairs the District Leadership Team, a group that reviews Strategic Plan progress on a quarterly basis. The District's
Strategic Plan dashboard
has been updated to reflect this quarter's report.
Get involved! Join a D58 group
There are several openings on District 58 Strategic Plan councils, Board of Education committees and the District's Transportation Review Committee. District 58 seeks engaged and passionate parents, staff and community members to apply to join one or more of these groups! Applications are due Sept. 17.
Learn more.
Please refrain from using food delivery services
District 58 requests that parents
not use food delivery services (from restaurants, Uber Eats, Grub Hub, etc.) to bring lunch to their children. Food deliveries create safety hazards, as it can be challenging to confirm the legitimacy of a delivery person. It also creates front office and classroom disruptions. Thank you for respecting this request!
Please note, parents may still drop off food for their children, and schools will always ensure that children who forget a lunch/snack are properly fed.
District 58 focuses on pedestrian safety
District 58 is working with the Village of Downers Grove to improve traffic/pedestrian signage, to keep speed displays running on our busiest streets, and to recruit more crossing guards. New this year, digital display boards were posted at Belmont Road (near Henry Puffer) and Highland & Main (near Highland).
Our schools review pedestrian safety with students to ensure each child knows how to cross the street, use a crosswalk and keep safe while outside.
September is
Preparedness Month
September is Preparedness Month. Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. Has your family created an emergency plan and emergency kit? Learn how to get prepared with the Village of Downers Grove's
preparedness resource guide
This fall, District 58 will conduct a test of its parent notification system using voice, text and email messaging. If your contact information has recently changed, please let your school office know. Thank you!
District's professional learning is off to a great start!
Don't forget: District 58 will dismiss all grade K-8 students at 2 p.m. on Mondays this year to provide teachers with weekly professional learning time.
During the Aug. 26 professional learning day, staff (including the Kingsley teachers pictured above) worked on School Improvement Plans, collaborated to problem-solve student needs, deeply reviewed their new science curriculum materials and more! On Sept. 9, teachers participated in building-based learning that targeted each school's specific needs. After each session, they complete a survey to ensure their time is being used effectively.
Board approves budget
The Board of Education approved a balanced District 58 2019-20 budget during its regular business meeting on Sept. 9.
View assessment calendar
Parents may access the District's assessment calendar, which outlines each assessment, its purpose, testing dates, target audience, and estimated length.
District 58 is hiring!
District 58 is hiring a Kingsley night custodian, lunchroom supervisors, substitute teachers and substitute custodians!
Learn more. The Village of Downers Grove is hiring crossing guards.
Learn more.
Rich Samonte is a retired
administrator and School Board member. He also is a published author, and he recently visited O'Neill to donate a copy of his new book, “Is This Gonna Hurt?” This book describes Samonte’s journey fighting pancreatic cancer, undergoing a Whipple procedure, and, ultimately, defeating the cancer. In the book, he also reflects fondly on his experiences working in District 58. Congrats, Mr. Samonte!
Learn more.
The Golden Apple Foundation honored 67 teachers with the Crystal Apple Award, a prestigious recognition given to teachers who participated in the Golden Apple Scholars program and who teach at an in-need Illinois school for at least five years.
One of the 67 is District 58's very own Ms. Lauren (Gryczewski) LaBianco. Ms. LaBianco joined the
team this year as a resource teacher. Congratulations and welcome to Herrick!
Learn more.
El Sierra celebrated its 50th birthday Sept. 6 with an open house, time capsule opening and party! It drew a great crowd of current and former El Sierra families.
Learn more.
• Observation leads to inquiry.
Pierce Downer sixth grade scientists learned the value of taking descriptive measurable data instead of mere opinion.
Whittier third graders created an outdoor sidewalk chalk obstacle course for their "Fun Friday" activity. The kids enjoyed getting exercise while learning!
Lester thanks Stephen, an Eagle Scout, for his work this summer weeding and creating a "new" berm by the school's outdoor classroom!
Indian Trail celebrated its 16th annual Penny Ceremony. Principal Robin Bruebach gathered students and staff outside, distributed pennies to everyone, shared motivational words, and invited the students to make a wish for the school year.
• Mr. Biederman's
Kingsley fourth graders enjoy getting to know each other during their morning meeting! District 58 classrooms hold daily morning meetings, as part of its social-emotional learning curriculum.
What can a stalk of celery teach you? For these
Fairmount fourth graders, a lot! They are observing celery's vascular system using the District's new science curricula!
Henry Puffer fifth graders formed small math groups, in which they collaboratively explained math concepts with one another.
third graders enjoyed an interactive activity with their new science resources! They selected an organism and then rotated around classroom stations searching for the organism's best environment.
Nico, a District 58
Grove Children's Preschool
student, will star in a video for the National Down Syndrome Society Campaign in Times Square this
Belle Aire second and sixth graders are learning about conflict resolution during their social-emotional learning time! In addition to traditional instruction, the classrooms use technology to complement and reinforce this learning.
Hillcrest second graders learned about digital citizenship -- or how to use technology appropriately -- during APPapalooza! They also explored some of the apps they will be using in school this year.
Board of Education news
The Board held its regular September business meeting on Monday, Sept. 9. The Board Briefs will be published at
this week.
Meet your Board of Education
Visit the "
Meet the Board
" webpage to learn more about District 58's School Board members. District 58 is governed by a seven-member volunteer Board of Education, which abides by Illinois School Code and District 58's policies.
Therapy dogs visit the library
Therapy dogs from PAWSitive Therapy Troup will visit the Downers Grove Public Library on three upcoming Saturdays: Sept. 14 at noon, Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. and Sept. 28 at noon. Children are welcome to visit and meet the dogs! The troup will also share volunteer information with visitors.
The PAWSitive Therapy Troup is an all-volunteer nonprofit dedicated to bringing registered therapy dogs into health care and educational settings, including District 58. Herrick Principal Amy Read and her dog, Buster (pictured), will also participate in this family-friendly event!
Learn more.
District 58 emails parents relevant e-flyers on the
first and third Monday of the month during the school year.
Learn more about e-flyers. Here are the
Sept. 2 e-flyers.
Wednesday, Sept. 11
Patriot Day
Thursday, Sept. 12
6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night at Herrick 7th Grade
Sept. 13-14
Downers Grove Oktoberfest in downtown DG
Tuesday, Sept. 17
7 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC
Thursday, Sept. 19
5:30-7:45 p.m.: Gifted Curriculum Night at Pierce Downer
Sept. 23-25
Camp Edwards for Belle Aire, Henry Puffer and Whittier
Wednesday, Sept. 25
3:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee Meeting at the ASC
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |