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Volume 17, Issue 9 | Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024

Pictured above: Left: Henry Puffer first graders got creative disguising their turkeys! Here are a few of their creations. Right: During the first session of Fairmount's Braille and Beyond Club, students created tactile books using recycled materials.

Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots beside each article. The dots represent which strategic goal the article addresses:

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future • Building for Success • Cultivating Talent

Have feedback regarding Communicate 58? Click here!

District 58 calendar

Wednesday, Nov. 27-Friday, Nov. 29

Thanksgiving Break: No School; Schools and District Office Closed

Tuesday, Dec. 3

7 a.m.: Board Policy Committee Meeting at the District 58 Office

6:30-8 p.m.: PTA Reflections Ceremony at O'Neill

Thursday, Dec. 5

7-8 p.m.: Northside 4th Grade Orchestra & Chamber Strings Winter Concert at Herrick

Friday, Dec. 6

7 a.m.: Board Financial Advisory Committee Meeting at O'Neill

Click here to view the 2024-25 calendar.

Greetings from Dr. Russell: Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear District 58 Community,

As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for our incredible school community. Your dedication, support and collaboration make District 58 a wonderful place to learn and grow.

May this Thanksgiving bring joy, rest and time to connect with loved ones. Thank you for all that you do to make our district exceptional.

Best wishes,

Dr. Kevin Russell

Superintendent, District 58

District celebrates Veterans Day

District 58 schools celebrated Veterans Day on Friday, Nov. 11 with educational activities and celebrations.

District 58 wishes all of our veterans a Happy Veterans Day. Thank you for your sacrifices and service. We are very proud of you and grateful for you!

Please see our Veterans Day photo album to see some of the activities that took place at our schools. Featured schools include El Sierra, Fairmount, Herrick, Kingsley, Lester and Whittier.

Winter weather procedures in District 58

If winter weather requires schools to close, District 58 will promptly email and call all families and staff. The District will also post school closure information on the website,, and social media channels.

District 58 has the option to use an e-learning day or an emergency day (also called snow day) during inclement weather.

This year, District 58 will likely use e-learning days. E-learning days do not need to be made up at the end of the school year. District 58 needs to maximize the summer for referendum construction, so e-learning days would allow District 58 to keep on its construction schedule.

Learn more about District 58's winter weather procedures.

Read District 58's e-learning plan.

Happy National Education Support Professionals Day!

Happy National Education Support Professionals Day to District 58's hard-working support staff! Our support staff includes school secretaries, instructional assistants and central office support staff. Each works closely with students, staff and families to ensure both our students' needs are met as well as our families.

We truly appreciate their dedication and their commitment to our students and families! 

Pictured: District 58's support staff, including the Fairmount support staff pictured here, received individual bundt cakes today in honor of National Education Support Professionals Day.

Celebrate American Education Week by giving a Green Apple

Happy American Education Week, District 58! In honor of American Education Week, the Education Foundation invites the community to thank a special teacher or staff member with a donation to its Green Apple Teacher/Staff Recognition Program. 

With each Green Apple donation received, the Education Foundation will send a Green Apple Award to the teacher or staff member the donation is honoring, with a custom message from the donor. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell and/or the building principal will hand deliver the awards.

Learn more here.

Click here to send a Green Apple.

Reminder: Report cards will be posted on PowerSchool on Friday

District 58 will post first trimester student report cards on the PowerSchool Parent Portal on Friday, Nov. 22. Printed report cards will no longer be sent home. 

Please use these instructions to learn how to find and view report cards.

PTA will host Reflections Ceremony on Dec. 3

The PTA Council will recognize all students who entered the PTA Reflections art program during a ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at O'Neill Middle School. The artwork viewing begins at 6:30 p.m., and the ceremony will start at 7 p.m.

Through the Reflections program, young artists can create original artworks in a variety of mediums. Artwork submissions are judged and the finalists will advance to the regional level. Beyond the regionals, the top artworks advance to the state and national levels.

This year's Reflections theme is "Accepting Imperfection."

Pertussis (whooping cough) information for families

There have been two reported cases of pertussis, also called whooping cough, in District 58 this month. District 58 emailed all families and staff at both schools to inform them of these cases. District 58 asks families to review this Pertussis Facts for Parents webpage from the Illinois Department of Public Health to learn the symptoms of pertussis and how to prevent it from spreading.

If your child shows any symptoms of pertussis, please keep them home from school and contact their doctor, even if they have been vaccinated. Although vaccination reduces the risk and severity, it is still possible to contract pertussis. Learn more.

Preparedness in District 58 Topic 2: How can families prepare for school emergencies and promote a safe school environment?

In the Sept. 11 issue of Communicate 58, we shared links to our full four-part Emergency Preparedness series. Throughout the school year, we will also highlight parts of this series within this newsletter. Today, we continue topic 2.

Topic 2, Part 3: How can families prepare for school emergencies and promote a safe school environment?

Talk to your child and monitor their social media usage. Use age-appropriate language to: 

  • Describe the importance of safety drills in preparing for the unlikely event of an emergency.
  • Stress the importance of remaining calm and listening to the teacher or trusted employee in charge during a drill or an actual emergency. 
  • Encourage children to be vigilant and report information if they see or hear something suspicious. 
  • Emphasize that it is never okay to make a threat (even as a joke) against anyone or the school, either in person or online. 
  • Remind children that they cannot bring a weapon or lookalike weapon to school, including toys.

Create a family plan. School safety drills complement home safety drills. If you haven’t already, create a family preparedness plan.

Click here to view District 58's full four-part emergency preparedness series.


El Sierra featured on WGN's flyover segment

WGN selected El Sierra School for its weekly helicopter flyover last week! El Sierra students, staff and families were joined by the Tommy Hawk, the Blackhawks Mascot, last Friday morning, and they gathered outside the school as WGN's helicopter flew by.

Watch the broadcast here. Thank you for visiting, WGN!


Board Briefs

The Board of Education's November business meeting featured a Belle Aire School report, the District's property tax levy, District 58's performance on the Illinois School Report Card, elementary food service update, draft capital policy, referendum construction update, and more. View the Board Briefs to learn more.

Pictured: The Belle Aire Student Council led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Looking ahead

The Board of Education will hold its December business meeting on Monday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Downers Grove Civic Center, 850 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515. The agenda will be posted on BoardDocs on the Friday before the meeting.


Retired District 58 teacher publishes fourth book, proceeds support District 58 schools and more

Jim Williams spent his career working as an O'Neill science teacher. After retirement, he found his second calling as a photographer, author and philanthropist. He recently published his fourth book, "On the Shoulders of the Grand Canyon: Adventures of a Rim Rat." The book offers more than 100 pages of breathtaking images of the Grand Canyon, all taken by Mr. Williams.

All book proceeds are donated to the Meredith Williams Foundation, a nonprofit that Mr. Williams started with his wife, Pam, in 2010, in loving memory of their daughter, Meredith. The Meredith Williams Foundation supports a variety of charitable initiatives, including several District 58 programs and needs. Past donations have included supplies/shirts for the Fairmount Running Club, a Buddy Bench at Hillcrest School and the supplies for the O'Neill Garden Club, to name just a few.

District 58 appreciates the Meredith Williams Foundation and the Williams Family's continued kindness, generosity and support. Community members who would like to purchase "On the Shoulders of the Grand Canyon: Adventures of a Rim Rat" can find signed copies at Anderson's Bookshop in Downtown Downers Grove or directly at Mr. Williams's website at

Community e-flyers

District 58 includes relevant e-flyers in the Communicate 58 newsletter and online. Learn more.

Downers Grove Grade School District 58

850 Curtiss Street, Suite 200, Downers Grove, IL 60515

Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |


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