July 31, 2020
Read About:
Census 2020 Update
Help Stop The Spread
New Meeting Start Time
Upcoming Meetings
A Message From Mayor Chris Riley
City Hall Closed
Mural Design Contest
First HOV Lane - Fall 2020
High Water Bills?
Facts About RLC
Keep LV Beautiful
Need Help Paying Your Bills?
Cancelled Meetings
Stage 1 Watering Restrictions
City Services
COVID-19 Voting by Mail Update
Leon Valley Library Curbside
Leon Valley Library Events
Safety Guidelines
Stop The Spread of Germs
Call 811 Before You Dig
NW Seniors Events
Upcoming Regular City Council Meetings
Connect with LV!
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Census 2020 Update

WE can do it Leon Valley! 

Leon Valley is currently resting at 66.7% response rate. Let's make it 100%! Your Count Matters!

Census 2020--Make the count
Census 2020--Make the count

YOUR COUNT MATTERS! It's not too late to complete your 2020 Census.
The 2020 Census is certainly one for the books, with all these unprecedented circumstances challenging us. Don't forget the results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade! That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location.

Help Stop The Spread

Help Stop The Spread
Help Stop The Spread
New Start Time For City Council Meetings 

On July 21st, the City Council voted unanimously to 
temporarily  change Regular City Council meetings to Special City Council Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at  5:15 p.m. , with no new agenda items starting after  9:45 p.m.
Upcoming Meetings 

Special City Council Meeting
August 4, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. at City Hall  AGENDA

The City Council Meetings at City Hall will be held in person and will be open to the public.  However, we strongly encourage you to watch the meeting online from home and call to submit your comments during citizens to be heard.  Remember to access our website at  www.leonvalleytexas.gov to watch, see exhibits, and submit your comments on City Council agenda items!

All  social distancing guidelines as recommended by the CDC will be strictly enforced.  Please watch this short clip regarding the measures we've taken to ensure the safety of the community during City Council Meetings. 

Information Update Regarding Leon Valley's City Council Meeting 04-13-2020
Information Update Regarding Leon Valley's City Council Meeting 

A Message From Mayor Chris Riley 

A Message from Mayor Chris Riley on COVID-19 Crisis - 07/31/2020 
Dear Leon Valley Citizens and Businesses:
          This was the message from Judge Wolff yesterday at our Suburban City Mayors meeting.  July was the worst month for cases/deaths in Bexar County since the beginning of the pandemic.  It is imperative that we get the number of COVID cases to decline in August, primarily to be able to open area schools after Labor Day.  Metro Health Director Dr. Junda Woo has issued a ... read more.
City Hall is Closed to the General Public

Due to the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in Bexar County, the following locations shall be closed until future notice:
  1. City Hall ; City services and operations are still available by phone and email.
  2. City owned swimming pools;
  3. City owned parks shall be closed from July 11, 2020 until further notice; however, the walking trails and the community gardens will still be open but social distancing is strongly encouraged. All other amenities, such as the playgrounds, basketball and tennis courts, and fitness equipment will be closed.
  • Please call 210-812-3353 or 210-684-1391 to make an appointment with Det. Jim Wells t o retrieve your vehicle. 
City of Leon Valley Mural Design Contest

Calling All Artists! 

The City of Leon Valley is holding a mural design contest, open to all Texan artists, to design murals that will be placed on one of the elevated water tanks and on two silos. The theme of the contest is "Leon Valley - Past and Present". The art work should depict scenes from Leon Valley 1800's stagecoach days all the way to the present day, and must include the City's logo. The winning artist is eligible for a $1000 prize! Entries will be accepted beginning June 1, 2020 through September 1, 2020. For more details about this contest and how you can sign up, please click on the link below.

Bexar County's First HOV Lane Opening Fall 2020! 

VIA HOV Lanes - Coming Fall 2020
VIA HOV Lanes - Coming Fall 2020

VIA, your regional transportation provider, is keeping us moving in our cars and trucks, too! Developed in partnership with TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation), the new HOV lanes will have you experiencing life in an express lane. VIA-managed HOV lanes will help all of Bexar County by: 
-Decreasing commuting times 
-Reducing highway traffic 
-Alleviating congested areas 
-Contributing to better air quality 
-Encouraging transit and ride-sharing 

The VIA-managed HOV lanes are exclusively reserved for vehicles carrying two or more passengers, including buses, carpools, vanpools, emergency response and law enforcement vehicles. They are designed to decrease commute times, reduce highway traffic, alleviate congested areas, and reduce air pollution. Using the HOV lanes will not require sign-ups, special car tags or fees. For more information about HOV Lanes please visit VIA
High Water Bills?

High Water Bills? 

Call the City of Leon Valley for a Free Water Audit!

Since 2016, the Public Works Departments has performed numerous water audits as a water conservation measure, and to help our water utility customers lower their water bills. The audit is a comprehensive checklist that will definitely assist you in finding ways to conserve water.
We'll begin the audit by providing you a 12-month summary water usage report. We'll then ask you to turn off all water fixtures, both inside and outside the house. Once the fixtures have been turned off, we'll check your water meter to determine if the meter is turning. In many instances, we can determine if there is a leak by this method, and we can usually pinpoint the location of the leak.
Other information shared during the visit include: water pressure (PSI), checking for potential leaks from water heater, water softener, toilets, irrigation system, pools, interior and exterior faucets, and discussion of the City's water rebate programs. In addition, we will provide you information on switching to native and low water use plants. Other helpful tips will be shared with you to save water both inside and outside your home, and we'll provide you a handy water saver kit.
Mr. Albert San Miguel, Water Foreman, for the City of Leon Valley says, "I enjoy helping our customers locate any leaks, potentially saving them money on their water bills, and helping to save water wasted from our Edwards Aquifer. We only have one Edwards Aquifer and we must work together to conserve water as a region".
So, what are you waiting for? Call the Public Works Department at 210-681-1232 and schedule your water audit today!

Facts About Red-Light Camera Safety Program

  Facts About Red-Light Camera Safety Program

Since the Leon Valley Red Light Camera Traffic Safety Program was implemented, more than 131,000 notices of violation have been issued, with the vast majority of the violators from outside of our City. The program has not only significantly reduced crashes at red-light controlled intersections in our city, but the program has also contributed to an overall reduction in crime.  With the additional officers it has put on the streets, Leon Valley Police Officers are now able to focus more time on proactive neighborhood patrols, school zones and other crime prevention efforts. In addition to these positive impacts, the program has generated funds to be used to further traffic safety. To date, the program has funded eight more police officer positions including dedicated traffic safety officers, police vehicles, computers, traffic control devices including flashing road signs, lane restriping and three lighted pedestrian crosswalk systems. The program also provided funding for other traffic safety equipment including a red-light preemption system, equipment for EMS and the "Jaws of life" rescue tool for the Leon Valley Fire Department. As such, these cameras have made our community safer, and resulted in better equipping your police and fire departments to serve you; all at the expense of people breaking the law. This is a true win-win for our residents! Call us anytime if you would like any additional information on the red light camera systems.
David Anderson, Lieutenant

Keep Leon Valley Beautiful! 

It's time to get back to keeping your lawns in tip-top shape!   Keep Leon Valley Beautiful!

The Code states "Any person or his agent owning renting or having under his control any lot or premises whether vacant or improved within the city to permit the same to be covered in whole or in part with any weeds, high grass, down timber, or brush, old logs, decaying vegetable matter, trash or trash piles, junk scrap open garbage, filth or debris whatsoever, and same are hereby declared to be a public nuisance, a hazard and menace to public health and fire hazard".
It is also unlawful to sweep, rake, blow, or otherwise place yard waste that is not containerized at the curb. Placing yard waste that is containerized at the curb along the street is allowed on any day of trash pickup. Yard clippings are not allowed to be left in the street or along the edge of the roadway. Please do your part in keeping Leon Valley beautiful and if you already are, our sincere thanks!
Violations may be reported via email at onit@leonvalleytexas.gov or by contacting the Code Enforcement Officers at 210-684-1391, ext. 229 or 230.
COVID- 19 - Need Help Paying Utilities and Rent?

Apply for assistance today! 

Did You Know?
During the coronavirus pandemic, you may qualify for additional help with bills and rental relief.  Bexar County has many programs and resources to help the community in need. Please visit the links below for more information. 

Temporary Rental Assistance Measure (TRAM):
* Housing Authority of Bexar County
o (210) 940-1180
Utility Assistance:
* Bexar County
o (210) 335-3666
* Workforce Solutions Alamo
o (210) 438-0581

Cancelled Events

Leon Valley City Hall Closed Until Further Notice; 
City services and operations are still available by phone and email.
Leon Valley Public Library
Book curb-side services ONLY
Leon Valley Community Pools
Closed Until Further Notice
Leon Valley Parks
Closed Until Further Notice
Leon Valley Senior Center
Closed Until November 2020
Stage 1 Watering Restrictions
Good Afternoon Leon Valley Residents and Business Owners! The City of San Antonio (SAWS customers) and the City of Leon Valley have entered into Stage 1 watering restriction, as the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) declared Stage 1 pumping reductions effective Thursday, July 9, 2020. It was officially confirmed that the 10-day average at the index well in Bexar County (J-17) dropped below the threshold of 660 feet to 659.8. The EAA declares Stage 1 based on declining water levels and diminished spring flow. When stage I is in effect, landscape watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler is... read more
News and Announcements 
City Services in Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 Voting by Mail Update


On May 27, 2020, the Texas Supreme Court determined that the lack of immunity alone is not a "disability" for purposes of voting by mail. However, the court also stated that a voter can take into consideration aspects of their own health and health history when determining whether in-person voting will cause a likelihood of injury due to a physical condition. 

To request a ballot by mail based on a disability, an eligible voter can check the box for disability on the request form and submit to the Bexar County Elections Department which will then provide a ballot by mail. If you would like an application to request a ballot by mail please visit,  the Early Voting & Absentee Ballots page.

Leon Valley Library Curbside Service - June 23

Please don't forget to return all Leon Valley Library books, dvds, book donations and audio books to the book drop-off box in front of the Library. These items must be quarantined for 7 days and disinfected before we can place them back on the shelf. We appreciate everyone's support! 

New Hours of Operation:
Tuesday 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. 
Wednesday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Closed Sunday and Monday

Curbside Instructions:
  • Call the library at 210-684-0720 to reserve items or to place items on hold online, visit the LVPL catalog at https://leonvalley.biblionix.com/catalog/
  • Call the library at 210-684-0720 to schedule a pick-up day/time.
  • A library staff member will place your items on the outside table in front of a designated pickup number.
  • Please return all items via the book drop. All returned items will be quarantined for 7 days.
Leon Valley Library Events

Helpful Information
Steps Taken By the LVFD
Stop The Spread of Germs

Call 811 Before You Dig

Call 811 Before You Dig!
The next time your home or commercial project involves digging, be sure to first locate electric and natural gas lines, as well as cable and phone lines, by calling 811. Allow 48 hours (two full working days) for a CPS Energy team to come to your property and mark utility lines before your project begins. It's the law. 

For additional information, call CPS Energy at (210) 353-2970. You can also make a locate request online at https://www.texas811.org/

Other Community Events
Leon Valley Northwest Seniors - Events

The Seniors will not hold any activities until 01-01-2021

The following events have been cancelled by the Northwest Senior Citizens Board. If you have any questions please contact Shirley Jonas, President of the Northwest Seniors Club at 210-680-6867.
Events Dates
Kickapoo Trip
Cancelled - September 15, 2020 
Hot Air Balloon Trip
Cancelled - October 8-12, 2020
Trash and Treasure
Cancelled - October 24, 2020
Bethlehem Trip
Cancelled - December 4, 2020

Special City Council Meeting
August 4, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
Special City Council Meeting
August 18, 2020 at 5:15 p.m.
Thank you for reading this edition of ENews. Please feel free to provide feedback to let us know what you are most interested in reading.

- ENews Team, City of Leon Valley