AMTA-KY official E-mail logo
In Touch 
The Newsletter of the American Massage Therapy Association  
Kentucky Chapter
       Fall 2019                                                                                             V olume 26, Issue 2
AMTA-KY WEBSITE          KBLMT            AMTA NATIONAL         CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR CHAPTER                  
In This Issue
MARCH 12th-15th, 2020

Spring AMTA-KY Conference 
Embassy   Suites
Lexington, Kentucky 

Full Track Education Options

(2-3 day)

Modular (1 day or less) 

Course Options

Student Event

Educator Event 



Much, Much, More!!

Chapter Board

Caren McCarty
Lexington, KY

Board Member  (Odd Year)
JoAnn Klein

Board Member  (Even Year)
Eric Byrd

Kim Alexander
Lexington, KY

Financial Administrator 
Kala Carby
Bowling Green, KY

Communications Chair

Delegate (Even Year)
JoAnn Klein
Louisville, KY

Delegate (Odd Year)
Al Varghese
Lexington, KY 


Chapter Phone:
(502) 354-3568
Do you know a Member
            that has a
   Benevolence Need?
Benevolence Chair
Ann Phillips
        benevolence@amtaky.or g                      
Have Questions about Volunteering? 

Caren McCarty
(502) 354-35 68

We are currently looking to fill the following positions:
Communications Chair
Webmaster - Chair
Does AMTA National have 
Your Most Current Contact Information?
Please visit your profile
  to confirm National has current contact Information for you.

We cannot change this information for you at the Chapter level. YOU must contact AMTA National at the above website address on your profile page or call them directly at 877-905-0577.

If anyone chooses to "opt out" of all emails you WILL NOT receive any correspondence from the chapter.  
(Please make sure you do NOT pick that option so you can stay informed as to the activities your chapter has to offer.)
Massage Therapy Journal

From marketing resources to
self-care practices to information on work environments,  Massage Therapy Journal  is the resource that will keep you up-to-date and at the top of your game.

Research to Help Your Massage Practice Thrive

A growing body of research supports massage therapy for health and wellness. Use research to explain the health benefits of massage to your clients, and reference our research on the profession's growth in business planning.

 Let AMTA empower your massage therapy practice with evidence and information.
From massage supplies to marketing services, AMTA 
offers you more for less.
Have you checked out the

Resources you need to start your career or find your next great massage therapy job. 

Find resume and interview tips, resources for selecting the massage therapy work setting that's right for you and ideas for setting future goals.

AMTA-KY Chapter President Letter 
Fall is here and Winter fast approaching... I hope you all are enjoying your holidays. The AMTA-KY Board has been VERY busy the past few months taking Continuing Education along with more Volunteer Training at the AMTA National Convention and Planning for the Spring 2020 Conference. H ere is what we have been up to...

Continuing Education and Volunteer Training...In October, most of the AMTA-KY Chapter Board Members along with 33 other Kentucky Chapter Members attended the AMTA National Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Not only did your Board attend Continuing Education classes, but they received more Volunteer Training on AMTA Policy and Procedure Changes occurring within the organization.  (Make sure you visit our AMTA-KY website where you will find links to the AMTA current policies/procedures and Bylaws.) The first part of the week, Kim Alexander, Al Varghese and Ann Phillips attended this years' CVOP (Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program).  KY Delegates, JoAnn Klein and Al Varghese attended the Assembly of Delegate Session, (see the Delegate Report below). Massage Therapy Students from several Kentucky Massage Therapy Schools got the chance to attend AMTA "Student Day". The Kentucky Chapter held a breakfast for our members to get to know each other and network. Kala Carby received the KY Chapter Meritorious Award. What a great time we all had... Networking, meeting new friends from all over the US and learning more skills.   Next year the AMTA National Convention is in Phoenix, AZ.  I hope you get a chance to attend. 

AMTA-KY 2020 Conference Planning...Our Theme for our Next Spring Conference is "2020 Envision Your Success" ...Save the Date - Thursday, March 12 through Sunday, March 15, 2020 at the Embassy Suites in Lexington, KY.   What do You Envision for Your Practice in 2020 and Beyond? By attending the AMTA-KY Chapter Spring Conference, you will be able to gain new skills to add to your tool belt. Inspirational speaker Tony Robbins says, "If you talk about it, it's a dream, if you envision it, it's possible, but if you schedule it, it's real."  Envision the possibilities...put the 2020 Spring Conference on your schedule... make it real.  Envision what you can bring to your practice... Envision success! See opportunities and make things happen! 

For more information see our "Save The Date" Section below and keep watching for information as it is updated on FB.  Watch for the brochure as will be sent out to you via snail mail and e-mail by mid-January. Our Registrars, Kala Carby and Joann Klein will be learning a new registration system that AMTA National has implemented, so watch for the "Registration Open" date! We hope to have Registration available between January 1 and 15, 2020.

Please make sure AMTA National has your correct contact information so you will receive our most current information about the AMTA-KY Chapter.

Best Regards,
Caren McCarty
AMTA-KY Chapter President

2020 AMTA-KY Chapter
Spring Conference 
March 12-15, 2020
(Thursday through Sunday)
Embassy Suites
                                1801 Newtown Pike ,
                      Lexington, KY

What Do You Envision for Your Practice
in 2020 and Beyond?

Attending the AMTA-KY 2020 Spring Conference can help
you  answer that question by offering more
choices for Continuing Education!

Education *Tracks up to 21 CE
*Modular Classes 4-8 CE
*Tracks - 2 or 3 day classes
*Modular - 1 day class or less

Learn New Modalities
Expand your Massage Practice!!!

This will give you the opportunity to customize your education experience.

You  can   complete the Kentucky Board of Massage Therapy Licensing Renewal Requirements of 24 CE including
3 hours of Ethics every 2 years, all on the same weekend
add to your existing Continuing Education hours with
your choice of Modular classes.
  • Ethics - Thursday Evening, March 12 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Educator and Student Events/Lunch - Friday Morning, March 13 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
  • Education Tracks (up to 21 CE) and Modular Classes (4-8 CE) -Friday, March 13 through Sunday, March 15

Options Include:*

  • Kelly Lott - (Cold Stone Therapy for Migraines)
  • Amber Davies - (Trigger Point Therapy)
  • Anatomy Trains - (Arches and Legs) - Track
  • Dee Vickers - (TMJ) - Track
  • Jennifer Hartley - (Burn Scar Massage)
  • Pete Whitridge - (Myofascial Components of Pain) - Track
  • Eric Stephenson - ("No Thumbs" Deep Tissue Technique)
  • Eric Stephenson - ("Where It Is, It Ain't"- Successfully Treating Lower Back Pain)
  • Eric Stephenson - Ethics ("Navigating the Waters")
*National has approved this schedule
we are waiting for the ink to dry on these contracts.

We are super excited for this year's line up of
Instructors and hope you will join us in 2020!

Conference co-coordinators are  Eric Byrd  and  Kim Alexander
If you have any questions, please contact them

If you are interested in volunteering at the 2020 conference, please contact
  Ann Phillips at
AMTA-KY 2019 Meritorious Award
Kala Carby with Outgoing
 National AMTA President
 Christopher Deery

Congratulations to Kala Carby the
AMTA-KY 2019
 Meritorious Award Winner!

President Caren McCarty describes her relationship with Kala below.

She says, "I first met Kala in 2009 when she was a student. She won an essay contest at massage school which allowed her to come to the 2009 Spring Conference. From that first conference, Kala was a volunteer. Her first volunteer position was to be sawed in half by the Magician we had hired for entertainment at our Dinner Dance.

Kala has devoted a third of her life to AMTA. For the KY Chapter she has held the positions Volunteer Co-Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, 2nd VP, Financial Administrator and Registrar."

She is from a small town (Priceville, KY) but challenged herself to grow beyond the boundaries of small-town life. Kala has been an LMT for 10 years.  She is in private practice, and her business is in Bowling Green, KY.
Kala has mentored new massage therapists in her business and through the AMTA.

She is a dynamic, dedicated and a tireless promoter of massage and the AMTA.  Whenever there's a crisis, she remains calm and focuses on the most efficient way to deal with the situation. Our president, Caren McCarty, refers to her as an "old soul."

Congratulations, Kala, on a well deserved honor.  Our chapter is fortunate to have volunteers such as you!
AMTA-KY Chapter Member Spotlight 

This month we are highlighting a new member to our Kentucky AMTA Chapter: Jessica Newton. She is an August 2019 graduate of Lexington Healing Arts Academy's night program and has been licensed since September 2019. She has been working in visual
merchandising for a Lexington furniture store and has lived in Lexington about 5 years.  
She was born in Hazard, and graduated from Perry Co. Central High School. She enjoys reading and journaling. Recently, she read a book on massage for cancer and trauma called "The Emperor of All Maladies". She has also completed the Hospital Based Massage Training offered at Lexington Healing Arts Academy.

Jessica was the recipient of the Bob King scholarship offered for massage students through National AMTA. She was provided the information while she was in school by Jill Cole, Director of Education at Lexington Healing Arts, and decided to apply due to her student loans incurred while in school. She said she filled out the application with really no expectation of hearing anything further.

Jessica has always wanted to work with her hands. She is creative (author note: I saw this firsthand in her Pathology project!) and enjoys expressing her creativity through her hands. She says she has always been curious about complementary and alternative health because of her personal background . Connecting through touch and being able to communicate without words is important to Jessica. She hopes to work in a hospital setting and bring help to those who are less healthy become healthy and whole by incorporating massage into their wellness regimen.

Jessica is assisting with a research study at UK to further the profession.  She has already begun her career with outstanding focus.  She says that her focus moving toward 2020 is to grow and learn further in the profession.  She says, " I finally feel like I have found a purpose, so settling into a new career and building a strong skill set is a big priority for me."  We are proud of Jessica's accomplishments and look forward to her AMTA contributions!  

Welcome Jessica!
Laws and Legislation Update
Report from Ann Boone and Denise Logsdon

The Government Relations (GR) committee continues to work on changes to our 16 year old massage laws and regulations. There was a lot of work to be done in September and October to get our proposed bills ready to prefile by October. This is when a bill proposal is sent to the Interim Joint Committee on Licensing, Occupations and Administrative Regulations (IJCLOAR) to be considered for advancement to the standing legislative committee. It was also sent to the Legislative Research Committee to be read for editing and revision.
Denise Logsdon met with the Physical Therapy and Veterinary boards and both of us have participated on conference calls with AMTA National, AMTA KY as well as the Veterinary board. We have prefiled the proposed bill changes with the IJCLOAR. Once the bills are returned they will then go back to our lobbyist, Bob Babbage, to bring to us to discuss suggested changes. Denise Logsdon and I will be actively involved in the editing process with Mr. Babbage to ensure the bills stay true to what was previously submitted.
Delegate Report
AMTA National Convention October 2019
Assembly of Delegates Meeting
Report from JoAnn Klein and Al Varghese

The AMTA Assembly of Delegates (AOD) met prior to the opening of full National Convention held in Indianapolis. The meeting was held the afternoon of October 23, 2019. JoAnn Klein and Al Varghese were in attendance, representing the Kentucky Chapter.

This is the second year this group has met under the revised guidelines of what had been the House of Delegates (HOD). Previously, the HOD Delegates had the responsibility of deciding if the AMTA would enact Position Statements into our official public stance in the massage industry. Changes were made to give this responsibility back to National AMTA Board of Directors. Per the Bylaws, only the National Board of Directors could enact Position Statements. If a majority of Delegates vote to accept the Position Statement, it then moves to a committee.   AOD Delegates receive Position Statements and Discussion Topics a few months before National Convention.  These have been submitted by members in the hopes of becoming the AMTA official stance or for consideration for future Position Statements. We read them, discuss various points, ask questions of the author/s for clarification purposes before making them public to our state's members. We send out emails and post the Position Statements on social media. We ask our members to either email us or post to social media their questions, concerns, and thoughts. Delegates take this information to the AOD meeting, where we have discussions in small groups and can address the moderator/delegates with these perspectives, along with our own.