Our Mission: "We are an inclusive Open and Affirming faith community reaching out with love, compassion, and justice."
A Message from Our Pastor and Teacher
Sunday, July 4, 2021 ~ “Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness”
On the Fourth of July, we generally celebrate our Founding Fathers: George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, to name a few. This Fourth of July, however, I invite us to honor those from the margins who are not generally associated with this holiday, but who played major roles in helping our country form “a more perfect union.” I invite us to honor those who believed from the depths of their souls that we are, indeed, “endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This Fourth of July we will celebrate the powerful witness of Clara Barton (life), the Tuskegee Airmen (liberty), and Ellen DeGeneres (the pursuit of happiness). May we affirm that diversity in gender, ethnicity, and sexual identity is at the heart of our nation’s ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Sunday's Scripture...
2 Timothy 4: 7.
Communion and the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday, July 4
Prelude: Stars and Stripes Forever March by John Phillips Sousa....Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Call to Worship: ..................../////............….....................Janet Wilson
Opening Hymn: #610 Battle Hymn of the Republic (vs. 1, 3, 4) .......Led by Jim Tong
Opening Prayer:......................................................................................Janet Wilson
Children's Circle:.......................................................................................Ken Hurley
Following the Children's Circle, children from age 4 through Grade 5 are
invited to exit through the back of the Sanctuary to attend Sunday School.
Community Joys and Concerns: ................................Rev. Dr. Jill A. Kirchner-Rose
Silent and Pastoral Prayer:
Special Music: God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens by Cathy Moklebust
.......................................................................................................Celebration Ringers
Scripture: 2 Timothy 4: 7.3......................................................................Janet Wilson
Scripture Hymn: #591 This is my Song .......................................... Led by Jim Tong
Message: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Offertory: LIft Every Voice and Sing by J. Rosamond Johnson & James Weldon ...................///////////////////////////////////////// ///Johnson ..............................Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication:..............................................................................Janet Wilson
Outdoor Communion on the Patio .............................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose
Closing Hymn: #594 How Beautiful our Spacious Skies)................Led by Jim Tong
Benediction: .................................................................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose
If you are participating virtually, we will share together Holy Communion in our online interactive worship. Before the time of the service, you will want to prepare some bread - a slice, a small loaf, a tortilla, a rice cake - a wheat product is not necessary. Let it be something you alone, or your with others in your household, may break and share. Prepare a cup or cups of juice or your choice of wine-with or without alcohol.
- Sue Hammond has been cleared of bone metastasis.
- Mary Lou Haney has been released from the hospital and is recuperating at home.
- Eliza Ames requests prayers for her brother Coyne who is hospitalized and is very ill.
- Prayers for Ted, Grandfather of Janet Wilson's neices and nephew, whose cancer has spread to both lungs.
Prayers for Penni Pierce, friend of Inez Diggs, who continues to be on oxygen and is going through a series of evaluations to determine whether she is a good candidate for a double lung transplant.
- Prayers for Ronan Godfrey and family as Ronan has now been placed on Hospice.
- Prayers for Jeff Bonadiman, friend of Carole Beswick, who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.
- Prayers for Shirley Glass who is facing multiple health challenges
- Prayers for strength and wisdom for the Malone-Lord family as they discern next steps following the adverse reactions they received from Emma's army commercial.
- Prayers for Richard Ault who is now home recovering from knee surgery.
- Susan Kirkhart requests prayers for her sister, Cyndi Kuran, who is recovering from hip replacement surgery.
- Mark Janz is recovering from knee replacement surgery.
- Norma Erickson is facing multiple health challenges.
- Dee Dee Seek requests prayers for family member, Pieter, who is recovering from major surgery in Atlanta.
- Beth Welsh requests prayers for her brother, Michael, who is recovering from surgery following a work accident.
- Prayers for India as Covid-19 ravages the country.
- Prayers for peace in the Middle East as violence continues to erupt between Israel and Palestine.
- Rosemary requests prayers for her friend Jill K, who is recovering from COVID.
Prayers for the father of Ryan Zappia who is having knee replacement surgery on May 5th.
- Prayers for Serena Morgan who fell off her scooter and has a hairline fracture
- Melinda Sewer Muganzo, Music Director at Mentone UCC, requests prayers for her brother, Miguel Sewer who just went through a second liver transplant.
- Mary Mortensen requests prayers for Joe Adcock, father of Mary’s children, who has been diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer.
- Prayers for those in the congregation who are struggling with mental health challenges.
- Prayers for Connie Roener who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently going through chemotherapy.
- Prayers for Caroline, mother of Karin Blad, who has been diagnosed with colon cancer.
- Prayers for Patricia, sister of Michael Flores, who fell at a construction site and injured herself.
- Prayers for Evan, son of Margaret Paul, who is facing life challenges.
- Prayers for Keith, cousin of Maegan Hill, who is blinded by a blood clot.
- Prayers for Lorna, mother of Erin Beardemphl, who shattered her kneecap.
- Prayers for Claudine, grandmother of Paul and Dante Welsh.
- Prayers for Greg Farrell, brother of Karen Walsh, who is undergoing radiation treatment for cancer.
- Prayers for Gloria Ebert who is facing heart challenges
- Ongoing prayers for parents, teachers, students navigating online school.
Ongoing Concerns:
Carla Becerril
Les Budai
Diane Campbell
Diane, Sister-in-Law of Heather King
Carol Chaney
Precia Gwenhwyfer Courtney-Hveen
Cousin of Rick Cruz
Norma Erickson
Betty Gayle
Jerry Greenfield
Emma Grimauld
Katia Hage
Beki Hill
Jody Hoelle
Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother
Mark Alan Johnson, friend of Nancy Hotaling
Kim Johnson, friend of Gretchen Andrews
Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray
Emily Jones
Hank Kirchner
Amber McGuigan
Bill McIntyre
Larry Minor
Sarah Montez
Mary Mortensen
Maria Montana
Carmen & Jim Neafsey
Kristin Farmer Preslica
Steve, Brother of Julie Phillip
Nancy Rojas
Adolph Romero
Joan Roth
Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene
Doris Stockton, Kathi Roth's Grandmother
Heather Tee
Arika Torres
Vasquez Family
Helga Vroom
Reflection of the Week from the Racial Justice Team
America, there is salvation in reparations.
“Zacchaeus said to Jesus, “Look, half of my possessions I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.” Then Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to this house.”
Luke 19:8-9
- Tweet by Carlos A. Rodriguez (@CarlosHappyNPO), Founder of The Happy Non-Profit, Puerto Rico, June 26, 2021.
From the Environmental Justice Team
Extreme weather is becoming more severe and frequent, and includes heat waves, cold snaps, extreme rain and snow precipitation, long periods of drought and flooding, and high winds. The capacity of ecosystems like forests, barrier beaches, and wetlands to buffer the impacts of extreme weather-related events is being over whelmed. Arctic summer sea ice is receding faster than previously projected and is expected to virtually disappear before mid-century. Extreme heat, sea level rise, and heavy downpours are affecting infrastructure like roads, rail lines, airports, port facilities, energy infrastructure, and military bases.
The Search Is on for a Nursery Care Worker
The RUCC Personnel Committee is actively searching for someone to fill the long-vacant nursery care position that has been on hiatus during the Pandemic.
For a complete job description, please click here. Please share freely with qualified people who may be interested.
Scrip (Gift Card) Sales Resume July 11
Scrip/Gift Card Program is still ongoing! – When you purchase gift cards to pay for your day-to-day expenses or provide as gifts, RUCC receives a rebate that helps fund our missions. It’s an easy way to raise some money for RUCC.
In-Person Orders (July 11) – We will have a table set up outside after worship to take orders for gift cards and answer questions about the scrip/gift card program. Beginning July 18, we will maintain a small stock of Stater Bros, which you can purchase during fellowship on Sundays. But the best way to ensure you have the cards you want is to place your order on July 11!
Physical Gift Card Order by July 12 – Get your orders in at the table after worship on July 11 or through the website at www.shopwithscrip.com or the RaiseRight app before midnight, July 12. Cards ordered will be available for pickup after worship on July 18.
eCards – Remember that you can buy eGift cards, available to you immediately, to use for online or in-person shopping or to send as a gift. Every time you buy, RUCC gets a small rebate.
There will be no Youth Group this Sunday, July 4. Enjoy the holiday with your family and friends! See you next time, July 11!
(Youth Group is open to everyone in grades 6 through 12. We meet after church each Sunday, ending at 1PM. Join us, and invite your friends too!)
Summer Series begins July 11
This year’s theme: Emergence. We will celebrate together as we begin to come out of this period of quarantine.
We will share our experiences with each other in meaningful ways, with a different Arts medium each week: Storytelling, Poetry, Visual Arts, and Music.
We do plan to meet in person, but certain specific details have yet to be worked out; they will adhere to church COVID protocols.
For now, please put the dates on your calendar (July 11 through August 1) and join us for an evening of inspiration and fellowship.
Also: please note that each week’s activities will be fully intergenerational. All ages are encouraged to attend!
Women's AA Group Friday evenings
Women’s AA Book and Step Study
Every Friday night from 7 - 8 pm in the Founder’s Room.
For women who are alcoholic or have a desire to be sober.
UCC Virtual General Synod - July 11-18
Registration is now open for this year’s all virtual General Synod. The fee for non-delegate attendees is $100, which will provide access to all plenaries, worship, keynotes, workshops and the virtual exhibit hall. To register, visit https://www.generalsynod.org/
- July 1 - Prayer Polygon at 7:30 p.m.
- July 2 - Women's AA closed group - 7:00 p.m. -Founders' Room
- July 3 - There will be NO Sacred Saturday gathering today. The group will resume on Saturday, August 7.
- July 11-18 - UCC's first Virtual General Synod. See article above.
July 11 - The RUCC Book Group will meet to discuss the book, This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel, at noon in the Founder’s Room. The discussion leader will be Rosemary Touhy.
- July 11 through August 1 -- "Summer Series" -- More details to follow
August 20-22 - Silent Retreat at Serra Retreat Center. Contact Pastor ........................Jill if you are interested in attending.
This week at RUCC...Virtually on almost every device!
Calendar for July 4 - July 11, 2021
Sunday, July 4
- 9:30 a.m. Seekers -This group will be in hiatus until August.
- 9:30 a.m. Virtual Sunday School - on zoom
- 10:30 a.m. Worship Service - In person from the Sanctuary and also livestreamed from the Sanctuary on YouTube. In-person Children's Sunday School following the Children's Circle.
Tuesday, July 6
Wednesday, July 7
- 12 to 1 p.m. "The Pastor is In"on Zoom
Thursday, July 8
- 6:15 p.m. Bell Choir rehearsal
Friday, July 9
- Women's AA closed group - 7:00 p.m. -Founders' Room
Sunday, July 11
- 9:30 a.m. Virtual Sunday School - on zoom
- 10:30 a.m. Worship Service - In person from the Sanctuary and also livestreamed from the Sanctuary on YouTube. In-person Sunday School following the Children's Circle
- 11:30 a.m. - Youth Group
Noon - The RUCC Book Group will meet to discuss the book, This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel in the Founder’s Room. The discussion leader will be Rosemary Touhy.
- Summer Series begins
RUCC Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship: Rev. Erin Beardemphl
Music Director: Jim Tong
Accompanist: Sophia Ohanian
Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant
Office Manager: Nancy Sheets
Child Care: Vacant
Caretaker: Vacant
Phone: (909) 793-3520
Staff and Other Emails
pastorjill@redlandsucc.org office@redlandsucc.org
musicdirector@redlandsucc.org youth@redlandsucc.org
childrenseducation@redlandsucc.org weddings@redlandsucc.org