The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter

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4th Sunday after Pentecost


June 25, 2023

Get your bulletin here.

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am.

Livestream Worship, 10:30 am.

Single Service Sunday - July 2nd - 10:30 am only

Summer Sunday School Schedule

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services.

Sunday School for Pre-K through rising 5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday. *

*Early middle schoolers welcome to attend

Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim

Dear Members and Friends of the Ark and Dove Community,

This past Monday was a federal holiday known as Juneteenth. Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of slaves in Texas on June 19, 1865. They were the last people in the former Confederacy to get the word. Freedom from slavery in the United States came in waves and technically slavery wasn't fully prohibited until the end of 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified. Unfortunately, the awful legacy of slavery continues to plague our nation in the various forms of racism that find expression in a country that protects free speech. 

Part of healing our nation and ending racism necessarily involves lament, specifically expressing sorrow. For some of us there is deep sorrow that our ancestors were tortured and enslaved. For some of us there is sorrow that our ancestors held slaves and/or supported slavery and racism. For all of us at Ark and Dove there is sorrow that even in our condemnation of slavery in the PCUSA, there was still a deep racism held tight by the white members of our denomination for decades into the future. Only in acknowledging the sins of the past can we move into a future known as the Beloved Community. Even now we continue our work to peel back the inherent racism that clings to our culture. That is the hard work of anti-racism to chase away the residue of false science and hate and to replace it with answering Christ's command to love. Thank you for being brave.

This coming Wednesday marks the fifth anniversary of the Capital Gazette shooting in Annapolis and still we as a nation struggle mightily with gun violence. Please keep the families of Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Winters, who lost their lives, and also the six people that survived the shooting in your prayers. ACT (Anne Arundel Connecting Together) members will be present at a wreath laying in Annapolis on Wednesday to support our neighbors and to show our commitment to taking action on gun violence. Again we lament, but we proceed with hope that we can help change our country and our culture.

Peace of Christ,


Reminder, I will never ask you to buy a gift card for the Church

Message from the APNT and Session

Save the Date - July 9th, 11:45 AM

The Session of Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday July 9 at 11:45 AM. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear a report from the Associate Pastor Nominating Team (APTN), in which they will nominate Jennifer Kubit McCullough to be the Associate Pastor of Ark and Dove. The floor will be open for questions and discussion and then the candidate will leave the room. There will be further discussion and then the vote.

Introducing Jennifer Kubit McCullough

Jennifer Kubit McCullough has most recently served as Creative Organizer of Youth Ministry at St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, CA. In this role, Jenn worked alongside the congregation, staff, and volunteers to show young people that the church is theirs and that they are called to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly. While in seminary, she also served as a Ministry Intern at Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church in Anaheim Hills, CA. Before deciding to pursue a call to ministry as a career, Jenn taught middle and high school Literature and Composition for 8 years at the Orange County School of the Arts.

As a long-time member of St. Mark Presbyterian Church and as a staff member, Jenn served in a number of roles including member of the Pastor Nominating Committee; leader for a Brew Theology conversation group; facilitator of a panel discussion on racial justice; member of Adult Discipleship and Nurture Commission; and as a Lenten devotion leader.

In the area of youth ministry at St. Mark, Jenn helped lead youth delegations to retreats at Triennium and Montreat; was a Youth Group and Youth Sunday School Volunteer; and was a Member of the Children and Youth Ministry Commission. Jenn received her B.A. in American Literature and Culture from the University of California, Los Angeles and received her teaching credential in English from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. In May 2022, she completed her Master of Divinity from Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado through the school’s online/hybrid Journey program. She will be ordained later this year.  

Jenn, who grew up in Orange County, loves music and musical theater, being outdoors, eating/trying new foods, exercising, and reading. She and her husband Shane are parents to three creative and playful kids. As a family, they are committed to making the world a more just and joyful place.


Shane grew up in San Diego (and is San Diego sports fan) and has a large extended family in Southern California. He has worked in the real estate industry for more than 15 years building high-density apartments and mixed-use projects through Southern California. In his free time, he loves reading, puzzles (crossword, word, or jigsaw), time with kids, and exercising.


Bryn, 11, is a huge reader, a lover of animals, and an actress and wants to be a librarian. Dean, 9, loves baseball, building LEGOs and is interested in politics and world events; he received a letter from President Biden that is displayed on the family’s refrigerator. Jack, 7, is a natural comedian who loves video games. He was recently diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (“but that's only a part of who he is,” says his dad) - he wants to be a gardener when he grows up.

Verse and Prayer

But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, playing with her son Isaac.10 So she said to Abraham, “Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not inherit along with my son Isaac.” 11 The matter was very distressing to Abraham on account of his son. 12 But God said to Abraham, “Do not be distressed because of the boy and because of your slave woman; whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you, for it is through Isaac that offspring shall be named for you. 13 As for the son of the slave woman, I will make a nation of him also, because he is your offspring.”

Genesis 21:9-13

Eternal and Divine God, we honestly lament how disheartening it is to still not be free from the bonds of the sin of racism. We lament that the ever-present pain of injustice is like an anchor around the necks of Black people since our enslaved presence in this land. God, help us to see you as the God of the oppressed and savior of those who seek liberation. We ask that you empower those in positions of power to be positive and vocal agents of change instead of silently complicit in the pain of those most marginalized in our world. We thank you for the freedoms obtained and yet we pray for your guidance to achieve that which is still yet not reality. In Jesus’ name we pray this solemn prayer. Amen.   


Dear Friends,

I will be heading to Montreat, North Carolina this weekend to engage in an enriching educational experience for a week.  This time away will provide me with the opportunity to deepen my understanding and enhance my skills as a musician, enabling me to better serve our congregation upon my return. I am incredibly grateful to you all for your support and encouragement in pursuing this opportunity.

While I am away, I am delighted to announce that the talented Jackie Scheer will be stepping in as a substitute pianist during our worship services. Jackie’s exceptional musicianship has graced our services on numerous occasions and I am confident that she will bring a renewed energy and creativity to our services during my absence.  Read more about her below!

With love,


Director of Music

Musician Spotlight

Jackie Scheer comes from a very musical family. Her parents are both longtime members of their church choir. She has five brothers, all of whom play pretty amazing piano and two of whom are music educators. Her family comes from a different religious background but they found Ark and Dove through Amanda Crose (thank you!) this past Fall and have loved getting to know the community and enjoying the amazing music and children's programs.  

This year, Jackie celebrates playing the piano for 30 years!! It has been a lifelong passion and the majority of her favorite memories involved music somehow. She began accompanying soloists and ensembles when she was 11 years old and she doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. Jackie started teaching piano lessons at the age of 16. She was the rehearsal accompanist for high school musicals for 6 years, played piano for the jazz band, and sang alto in many choirs throughout the years. Her show choir in high school toured around the country performing. In college and beyond, she directed many church choirs and her dream job is to be a choir director professionally one day. She has also co-directed 3 musical productions and has written a few original songs and arranged many others. She looks forward to when she has more time to write in the future and finds it very fulfilling to be able to connect with others through music.  

Jackie stays busy caring for her 4 kids aged 3-12 and running a transcription business from home. In addition to singing with the choir at Ark and Dove, she stays busy musically playing piano duets, teaching her children piano lessons, and singing in the Annapolis Chorale.


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Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Per Capita Special Offering

Ark and Dove is now receiving the Per Capita Special Offering. The church pays a combined $40.00 per member to the General Assembly of the PCUSA ($9.85), The Synod of the Mid Atlantic ($1.15), and the Presbytery of Baltimore ($29.00) to cover the Administrative Expenses of our denomination. Per Capita funding is how Presbyterians mutually share the costs of coming together and to set directions for the future. Contributions to Per Capita provide the ecclesiastical infrastructure that binds our ministry. It enables churches to call pastors; supports those pastors in their ministries; provides for guidance in troubled times; encourages those called to church leadership; and enables us to gather as the body of Christ. You can pay your per Capita by clicking here.

May Financial Summary

YTD Expected Unpledged Income $9,167

Actual Unpledged Income $7,243

Behind $1,924

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving $216,645

YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving $205,707

Behind $10,938

Bulletin - 4th Sunday after Pentecost

Social Justice Teams

Peaceful Demonstration

This event for this afternoon, June 23rd, has been canceled due to rain.

Children and Youth's Christian Education

Our theme this year for Prek-rising 5th graders is ChangeMakers Lab. Children are invited to discover and share creative ways to make a difference in the world through words and actions. Changemakers Lab invites children to ask questions, make observations, and work together to solve problems, as well as see and experience the transforming love of God.

Our Middle Schoolers (Rising 6th-8th graders) will focus on learning about the 6 Marks of Discipleship throughout the week. They will have opportunities to do activities and learn about Daily Prayer, Daily Bible Reading, Regular Worship Attendance, Commitment to Spiritual Growth and Relationship Building, Generous Stewardship, and Acts of Mission, Mercy, and Justice. There are plans to have two off-site activities during this time. (Bowling Alley and Skate Center). More details will be shared with participants who sign up.

Registration for VBS can be found here.

Will you consider donating items or monetary amounts needed for activities done during this week? If so, please sign up below. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Any questions or concerns please reach out to Sara Fox at

Christian Education

Leaders and Helpers Needed

To ensure that we can continue to offer the above services we need 2 adult/teenage leaders, from different nuclear families to help provide leadership. Please consider volunteering for one of the following this summer. 

Please sign up here: Nursery Volunteers

You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed and be another set of eyes/hands in the nursery.

Please sign up here: Summer Sunday School

We need help! All materials and lesson plans will be prepped for you. 😎

Sunday Service Christian Education Opportunities

9:00 AM Service:  

  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3

10:30 AM Service: 

  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3, 4 year olds may attend 
  • Summer Sunday School for PreK-5th grade, early middle schoolers are welcome to attend as well.

Ark and Dove Book Club - August Pick

Join the Ark and Dove Book Club as they read Barbara Kingsolver’s recent Pulitzer Prize winning novel “Demon Copperhead.” As Amazon’s summary accurately describes: “in transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens’ anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story.” We will discuss the book on Zoom on Friday, August 18th at 7:30pm. Contact Kim at for the Zoom link.

Second Saturday Prayer Class

Join Kim Champagne on Saturday, July 8th at 9am, for an hour-long contemplative prayer class in the Ark and Dove Room. We will practice several types of ancient prayers of the heart, including Centering Prayer, Breath Praying and the Morning Prayer from the Divine Hours.

For more information contact Kim at

LGBTQIA+ Authors in the Ark and Dove Library

New to our Challenged and Banned collection this month: Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag by Rob Sanders. “On June 25th 1978 a new flag was unfurled in San Francisco… a flag with rich, beaming rainbow colors that would become a symbol of hope and pride for millions of LGBTQ people across the world. The inspiring story of activist Harvey Milk, designer Gilbert Baker and their roles in the birth of the symbolic, rainbow colored Gay Pride Flag.” This joyful book of Pride history also includes two timelines and further reading recommendations on the last pages. Check it out!

House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune is another lovely book in our Challenged and Banned collection. In this contemporary fantasy story, Linus Baker is a quiet man living a solitary life working as a Case Worker at the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth. His job- to oversee the well-being of children in government-sanctioned orphanages. “When Linus is unexpectedly summoned by Extremely Upper Management he's given a curious and highly classified assignment: travel to Marsyas Island Orphanage, where six dangerous children reside: a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, an unidentifiable green blob, a were-Pomeranian, and the Antichrist. Linus must set aside his fears and determine whether or not they’re likely to bring about the end of days.” This crossover YA title delivers a strong message of love, chosen family, acceptance, and inviting in. These loveable and inspiring characters will stay with you! 

To find out more about these books and the rest of our library’s collection,

see the Online Library Catalog

Outreach & Connections

Parent Group Fellowship

Parent Group will meet on Sunday, June 25th at 11:30 in the Marshall room or outside. All caregivers of children through college-age are welcome to join in for casual conversation. We'll share lunch and sitter costs.

Prayer Requests

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT FOR Shannon Marsh, as she travels to Bulgaria; Kim Champagne's mother; Laura Doughty's father and mother, and their neighbor Denny; Amita Dubois' uncle; Jenn and Shane McCollough and their children as they prepare to move to Maryland; The Glenn Burnie Korean Presbyterian Church as they move their worship space to Ellicott City; Debbie Arey's cousin, Carol; Jesse Pennabaker and his co-workers; Norman Willoughby, Laura Willoughby's father; a family mourning a loss; Patti Sheahan, the mother of Kim Champagne; Saralee Bartgis; Gina Richardson battling cancer; Jason Devono recovering from surgery; Gahzal Abawi; neighbors taking care of each other through hard times; Carl Lucas; Linnie Girdner; Linda Taylor's mother, Izola; Libby Kahwajy; Debbie Arey's sister, Denise; a young friend recently diagnosed with an inflammatory lung disease; Chris C. as he seeks treatment for his addiction; prayers for children struggling with depression and anxiety; Sandra Krezanosky, Amy Hagemann's mother; a sister suffering from addiction and for her family; Lori Johnson, mother of Cheryl Walcutt; Connie Batts; Steve Debus's niece, Amanda Kuhl; Ann Hirschy; Linnie Girdner's great grandson, Ronan; a young child hurt in a car accident; our partners at CEDEPCA in Guatemala; families in the world facing housing insecurity; Janet and John Morgan; Achsah's mother, Rachel; Shelley Franklin; Ron Holman; Pat Devers' Cousin who has entered into hospice; family friend of Julie and Pat Devers, Joe Burgoyne; Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law, Irina Lee; Layla Tyus and her family; Kamarii Miller; The Solano Family; Friends living with cancer; Jeff Faiman; someone struggling with depression; Doris Fields; Diane McPhail; Nikol Sahai; Elizabeth Carter; Children with cancer, their families, and their care providers; Jimmy Carter; Tim Soyars; Cyndy Ingram; Laura Talbert; the people of Syria and Turkey; Barb Benson; the family of Jatin Patel, who died after a battle with brain cancer; Bernice Taylor; Bri R and Ezra; the Ostrach Family; Loretta Frick; the Bonstrom family; the Houseknecht family; Dick Eckersley's granddaughter; Amy Tardiff's mother; Aunt Teri in home hospice care; the SeonBuchner family; Ardeth Johns; for family members suffering from addiction; the Knight Family; a friend facing brain surgery; a mother in the hospital; Don Clark; MaryAnn Buckley; Sue Miller, Laura Willoughby-Perry’s mother; Audrey Miller, daughter of Kathy Miller; Dotty Kaufmann; Mary Elizabeth Nay; Bri Lapp; Holly Folk; Carol & Henry Saylor; Deb Saylor's grand-nephew, Jordan; Chantel Seetram; Debbie and Bruce Arey's Daughter, Allison; families impacted by gun violence; the family of Gavin Hurley; Amanda Welford; Dee going through breast cancer; Doug Dehaven; Marie, Nikol Sahai’s Mom; Dot Forloines; Dick Paronto; Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina; Hope Sutphin; Freyja Hartzell; Gary Moody Sr.; Carlene Printy and Helen Rossum

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113
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