Throughout the pandemic, we have faithfully gathered for worship online. Many have missed the chance to take Holy Communion. Beginning Sunday, February 7, 2021, at our 11 AM Livestream worship, Communion at Home will be offered. This will not replace Conversations and Communion.

Please make arrangements to stop by the church this week to pick up your communion elements. For more information, please read the Communion at Home FAQs.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Jon or Pastor Rebecca.
Communion at Home FAQs

What is Communion at Home?

Communion at Home is where the pastors consecrate prepackaged communion (Gluten-Free Bread and Wine) for your home use.

How do I pick up the elements?

Church office hours are Monday ~ Thursday, 9 AM - 3 PM. Please call the church at (614) 882-7601 or email Pastor Jon or Pastor Rebecca to make sure someone will be at the office.  

What If I cannot get out of the house?

Email or call Pastor Jon or Pastor Rebecca, and someone will deliver your Communion at Home to you.

Do I have to pick up communion weekly?

No, you can pick up enough for a month at a time.

Do I take the communion whenever I want?

No. During our Livestream, there will be a time where we will eat and drink, receiving the body and blood of Jesus through the earthly elements of bread and wine. Take your Communion at Home whenever you watch our Livestream!

Can I provide the elements?

No. Communion at Home has been consecrated or made holy for Holy Communion. Your pastors have not consecrated wine, grape juice, and bread you have at home.

When does Communion at Home begin?

February 7, 2021, during our 11 AM Livestream worship.

How do I store my Communion at Home?

The safest way is to keep your Communion at Home in the refrigerator. Before worship, gather the number of Communion at Home needed for you and your family.