Highland Presbyterian Church​ seeks to be a diverse and inclusive Christian Community as we embody the love and forgiveness of Jesus by serving the Community and the World, drawing people to Christ.

Highland Happening

January 31st, 2025

Worship this Sunday

Join us for worship this Sunday, February 2nd as we reflect upon Paul’s famous Hymn of Love from 1st Corinthians 13 where he writes, “love is patient, love is kind”.

We will reflect on God’s love and that we are all claimed and known by God. This Sunday will also be Communion Sunday and our Building & Grounds and Sustainability committees will meet following worship. 


Watch the service live on our Facebook page at 10:30 a.m.

Bulletin (PDF)
Bulletin (Word)
Annual Report of 2024

Free Little Neighborhood Item of the Week

Our Free Little Neighborhood Item of the week is children’s food and snacks. Next time you’re at the grocery store, please pick up applesauce, toddler snacks, and more so we can continue to take care of our neighbors. 

Committee Potluck Lunch

Sunday, February 9th

Join us for a potluck lunch in the fellowship hall following worship on Sunday, February 9th that will give our church a chance to hear from the various committees of the church and their focus and purpose.

 We are going to put a big emphasis on strengthening our committees this year and we will hear from the committees during the lunch, and you’ll have a chance to sign up to serve somewhere in the church.


Tuesday, February 18


Due to the cold weather this past week, we decided to postpone our January Happy Highlanders till February.  We will gather on Tuesday, February 18th at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will plan our events for the year so come with ideas!

Gospel of Luke Bible Study

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Join Pastor Matthew for a Bible study on the Gospel of Luke beginning Tuesday, January 21st and going until March 5th. There will be a 6:00 p.m. Tuesday night Zoom option and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in the church parlor. All you need is a Bible!

NAACP Gala February 18—Join the Highland Tables


The 6th annual Alcoa Blount County NAACP Gala will be held at 6pm on Tuesday, February 18th at the Airport Hilton. Tickets are $60. At last year’s Gala,17 Highland folks & friends filled most of two tables of ten. Can we fill two full tables of ten this year?

The Gala is a joyous occasion, celebrating the past year and looking forward together to a brighter future. You’ll enjoy inspiring speakers, music, dinner, awards, plus you’ll be introduced to this year’s outstanding scholarship winners. Please join us on this special evening to support the vision and mission of NAACP.

Contact Martha Vargas 865-599-4583 for tickets, or to make a donation to NAACP.

Presbytery Black History Month Worship

Sunday, February 23rd

Join the Presbytery of East Tennessee for our annual Black History Month worship service on Sunday, February 23rd at 3:00 p.m. at Fourth United Presbyterian Church in Knoxville. 

There will be guest speakers from across our presbytery and there will be a community choir that anyone is welcome to join. There will be a few rehearsals and you can contact Barbara Adamcik at 865-207-2574 to be a part of the choir.

Prayers, Concerns and Joys

Please pray for our members, families, and friends.

We lift-up prayers for those among our community who are shut in. Be with them as they are separated in body from their loved ones.

Susan Ambler's Family- Susan's cousin, Bob, passed away recently. Please hold her family in your prayers.

Public Education- Prayers were lifted up for the public education in our country and that teachers and school administrators are supported and respected.

David Kemp - David suffered cardiac arrest and was taken to Fort Sanders to treatment. He is doing well and recovering. Please hold David in your prayers for a speedy recovery. 

Ceasefire in Israel/Gaza - Prayers of joy for the ceasefire that has been reached between Israel and Hamas and that it may hold steady for people to rebuild and process this awful conflict. 

Mental Health - Prayers were lifted up for those suffering from mental health concerns and that they may find the help they need. 

Undocumented People - Prayers for those with uncertain immigration status as we embark on a new presidential term and the anxiety that comes with the new policies that are proposed. 

LA Fires- Prayers for the community in and around Los Angeles as they are battling wildfires that have destroyed thousands of homes and all the firefighters and emergency workers assisting in the area. If you would like to donate to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance who is already doing work in the area, follow this link.

Homeless - Let us pray for those who do not have a safe space to stay on any given night. As cold weather approaches, let us pray for those who are forced by life’s circumstances to sleep outside or wherever they can find. 

Family in Military - Millie lifts up prayers for those with family serving in the military.

Ukraine - Let us continue to keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers as the war there continues on well past two years. 

February Birthdays

Millie Sieber - Feb. 05

Beverly Green - Feb. 05

Martin Walker - Feb. 07

Sandy Miller - Feb. 09

Brandon Burgess - Feb. 12

Willie Tymon - Feb. 12

Ella White - Feb. 21

Matt Brunger - Feb. 26

Katie Burgess - Feb. 28

If there are any announcements that you would like to include in the Highland Happening, please email office@highlandpresby.org by noon the Wednesday prior to the Highland Happening going out.

Click the button above to visit our online giving page. It only take a few minutes to set up an account and you can schedule automatic payments to keep up with your pledge.

Visit the new calendar page on the Highland website to stay up to date with what is happening in the life of the church.  

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