Welcome, new members!
The Federation is thrilled to announce that we recently welcomed three new members into our community: the Canadian South Asian Studies Association
(CSASA), Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association
(OTESSA) and the Université de l'Ontario Français
(UOF)! Please join us in welcoming our new members, and stay tuned to get to know them!
Our latest blog: Soundscaping COVID-19: Experiential learning in a floating and then quarantined classroom:
On a recent experiential learning course aboard a world-traveling ship, ethnomusicologist Shumaila Hemani helped students understand diverse musical practices and develop their imagination - even during quarantine.
Read more
to find out why '' ... listening offers us ... the most visceral, immediate, and intimate doorway into realizing and practicing our humanity during any global crisis.''
Thank you for watching! In our first virtual edition of Big Thinking on the Hill on April 28, Dr. Isabel Pedersen gave a fascinating lecture about embodied computing. Thanks so much to the over-250 viewers who tuned in and asked some very thought-provoking questions. In case you missed it, check out the video. Subscribe to the Big Thinking newsletter for updates about coming events!
Hosting a virtual annual meeting - tips, resources and lessons learned:
As annual meeting season fast approaches, many of you may be considering holding your annual meeting virtually to accommodate COVID-19 social distancing measures. We shared our lessons learned in a webinar, and the full video and accompanying documents are now available on our website.
Check it out.
Sign up for Virtual Conference week! Following the cancellation of Congress 2020, four association members of the Federation decided to go ahead and host their annual conference virtually, with the Federation's support, as part of our
Virtual Conference Week from June 1 to 5, 2020.
This is a great opportunity to participate in some excellent programming from some of our members, all from the comfort of your home! Please share with your colleagues and friends to help make our Virtual Conference Week a success, and join the conversation with
Registration is now OPEN
for the following virtual conferences (fees may apply):
Open events are also listed in our calendar of events.
Check them out! They are free, but
registration is required.
Show us your face! Are you planning to present or participate in one of the virtual conferences? We want to see your face! Send the Federation a
5-second video or a
selfie that tells us one thing you have learned through your online experience these past two months, and we'll compile them all together in a virtual conference mosaic.
Sign up.
Why this professor launched an Instagram Live show about COVID-19 and vulnerable communities:
Tanya Sharpe, an associate professor of social work at the University of Toronto, decided to initiate a weekly Instagram Live conversation on the pandemic's particular impact on vulnerable communities.
Read more.
Arms trade, pandemic combine to reveal the human costs of war in Yemen: On April 9, Canada quietly lifted its ban on military exports to Saudi Arabia. The next day, Yemen reported its first case of COVID-19. These events are not unrelated, says Jelena Golubović of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA). Read more.
Maple League Universities sign historic agreement:
The four universities in the consortium - Acadia, Mount Allison, St. Francis Xavier, and Bishop's - have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that encourages students to take courses from across the four institutions without burdensome administrative processes.
Read more.
Decolonizing dictionaries as tools for Indigenous language reclamation: For endangered and Indigenous languages, dictionaries are valuable resources that contain understandings beyond the meaning of words, and offer insights into language structure and traditional, cultural knowledge, says Candace Galla, associate professor in CIS and the Faculty of Education at
Read more
Hear, Here London wins CSDH/SCHN 2020 Outstanding Contribution Award:
Led by Dr. Ariel Beaujot at Western University,
Hear, Here London
is a hybrid, locative, and digital project. Signs posted in neighbourhoods across the city prompt members of the community to call to hear stories of historically-underrepresented community members.
Read more.
SSHRC announces finalists for Storytellers challenge: "This year's 25 Storytellers competition finalists show exceptional creativity in communicating the relevance of social sciences and humanities research to the daily lives of Canadians," said SSHRC President Ted Hewitt. Read more.
Deadline extended for IPIC Challenge:
SSHRC has announced that due to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19, the deadline for the International Policies Ideas Challenge competition, organized in partnership with Global Affairs Canada, has been extended to Friday, May 15, 2020. Read more.
Pandemic proves it's time for basic income for all, economists say: The next time the world is blindsided by a global emergency, the economy will better survive it if everyone is paid what they need to survive it -- before it hits, experts say. Read more.
German humanities scholars enlisted to end coronavirus lockdown: In contrast to other countries, philosophers, historians, theologians and jurists have played a major role advising the state as it seeks to loosen restrictions. Read more. |
2020 3M National Teaching Fellowship Award Winners:
Congratulations to all the winners, and a particular nod to Tiffany Porter, who teaches English at UBC, and co-created the Pedagogy Hub at Congress!
Read more.
The tale of two pandemics: The following is a brief historical probe into the impact of the Black Death (14th century) and smallpox (19th century) on universities. Invoking historical analogies does not imply that COVID-19 will impact the future trajectory of universities in the same way the diseases in question did. Read more.