Some Notes.........

Refinishing of Pool Deck Completed/Pool Opening Date
The project to refinish the pool deck has been now been completed. The vendor recommended that we do not put out any furniture on the new surface for a week to let it cure. So we will be putting the chaises, tables, chairs, and umbrellas back out this coming week, with a tentative opening date of next Friday, March 31st.
The one thing that remains to be replaced is the valve in the outside shower, we are required by the health department to have a working shower! We have the part, we just need our plumber to come and remove the old one that is welded in place, and install the new one. We will send out an email as soon as we can confirm the opening for this coming Friday or an alternative date if it is necessary to delay the opening. Pool season is almost here!!

New Amenities Update - 3.24.2023
  • If you haven't noticed yet, the new lights for the sand volleyball court and the playground have been installed and hooked up.
  • The sand volleyball court lights have the same button as the sports court does, which residents need to press in order to turn the lights on for the preset 45 minute time period. The button is located on the light pole next to the court. Currently these lights are be available between 6:30pm and 10:00pm.
  • The playground lights will remain turned on to illuminate the playground through the evening hours, currently from 6:30pm until 10:00pm.
  • The gate to the sports court will have a lock on it in early April - supply chain issues with some of the parts has delayed this instillation - that will require your pool key card to open during its operational hours, which are currently from 7:00am to 10:00pm daily. We will let you know when this lock is in place so you can remember to bring your pool key card with you to access the sports court.

Concrete Pads For Additional Benches/Concrete Stage
You may have noticed the forms for the seven concrete pads for the new benches around the community are being built at those new locations. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough this coming week to pour the concrete and then we can start installing and anchoring the new benches. Construction has also started on a new concrete stage by the Pavilion that can be used going forwards for community events and also by residents for their private events.