Dear TCGIS Community / Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft,
Yesterday’s testing event of 294 students and 62 staff returned 3 positive student results, a significant decrease from the previous week's in-school testing event. TCGIS currently has 40 students out of school in isolation and 26 in quarantine as close contacts. While we have seen a slight increase in overall cases at TCGIS, only 2 of 91 individuals identified as close contacts last week tested positive. These two were the first close contacts to test positive this school year, and it is unknown if the cases originated at school or in the community. According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), these numbers indicate minimal transmission at TCGIS, if any.
After an in-depth meeting on Monday afternoon (11/29), MDH’s school team supported TCGIS’s return to in-person learning and commended TCGIS for following all recommended mitigation strategies. We fully recognize how challenging some mitigations are for our youngest students, and still our mitigations do seem to be working.
As has been our practice so far this year, students who test positive or are identified as close contacts will be provided with asynchronous learning opportunities (via email or Google classroom, depending on grade level) for the duration of their absence. We ask you to be supportive of teachers as they strive to provide this work within the limits of their contract day.
We have heard from a very small number of families that the recent rise in cases has left them somewhat uneasy and preferring to keep their students at home for now. Unless TCGIS officially pivots to distance learning, no distance learning (synchronous or asynchronous) can be provided to students of families who elect to be away from school. In addition, a student who is absent for 14 consecutive unexcused days is required to be unenrolled according to the Minnesota Department of Education.
TCGIS continues to adhere to the following mitigations shared in the recent letter from MDH and the Minnesota Chapter of the American Association of Pediatrics. Taken together, these measures are allowing us to continue safe, in-person learning.
Promoting Vaccination. Vaccination is the leading public health prevention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. TCGIS is hosting our second pediatric vaccine clinic on December 9. TCGIS requires vaccination or weekly testing of all staff members. Over 85% of our 7th and 8th graders are vaccinated and we continue to monitor vaccination rates of our younger students.
Universal Masking. TCGIS requires universal masking indoors and out for students, faculty and staff, and guests.
Physical Distancing. TCGIS tries to maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance between students within classrooms whenever possible. In addition, assigned seating limits the number of close contacts.
Staying home when sick. TCGIS encourages staying home when sick, which is essential for keeping COVID-19 infections out of schools and preventing spread to others. For more information, see the MDH decision tree at
Contact Tracing and Quarantine. TCGIS follows all recommendations for contact tracing and enforcing quarantine recommendations by local and state health officials. TCGIS contact tracing is performed by members of the IRT following the MDH decision tree and in consultation with MDH officials.
Ventilation. Improving ventilation is an important COVID-19 prevention strategy that can reduce the number of virus particles in the air. TCGIS upgraded the filters on our building’s air handling systems and opens windows whenever possible to increase air flow.
Screening Testing. TCGIS tested 356 students and staff yesterday. We will continue to provide this service through our partnership with Zepto Life Technology.
The Importance of Vaccinations
We know that vaccines are the single most effective mitigation strategy in fighting the Coronavirus. They are also a powerful tool in keeping as many children in school as possible. An MDH epidemiologist shared with us that children’s protection against the virus is estimated to be about 85% after the first dose alone. Moreover, vaccinated children who are identified as close contacts of a positive case do not need to be quarantined, so vaccinations have a direct impact on the number of students who can stay in school.
Covid vaccines are now available for children in all age groups that attend TCGIS. We urge families in the strongest possible terms to consider taking advantage of this critical option. Our second in-school vaccination clinic is next Thursday, December 9. Please note that this clinic is open to students for both 1st- and 2nd-dose vaccines. Detailed information and links to registration forms can be found in today’s Rundbrief.
The Importance of Testing
Our first priority is the health and safety of students and staff, and our primary goal is to keep students and staff in school safely. The early detection of Covid infections in those with mild symptoms or before symptoms clearly develop remains one of our best tools for stopping the spread of COVID-19. We encourage all families to engage in weekly PCR testing.
We continue to offer PCR testing with Zepto Life Technology on Tuesday mornings at TCGIS. If you would like to sign your child up for testing, please complete the Zepto Registration and Consent Form, and TCGIS Consent form. These can be emailed to or turned in at the front office. To be included in the upcoming week’s testing, forms should ideally be received the preceding Friday at noon.
If you prefer to test on your own, we encourage you to use the Vault at-home tests. They are free of charge, easy to order and use. You do need to have internet access to use the Vault home tests. You may also use the MDH Testing Location Finder to locate PCR testing near to you. Scroll to below the map and add your information using the drop-down menus. Be aware that the “Provider Testing Sites” may have costs associated with testing.
Dr. Christensen provided an Incident Response Team update at the school board meeting on November 30. A recording of that meeting can be found here. The IRT presentation and related questions from board members is from 42:00-1:12:00.
Thank you for your partnership in learning and safety.
Incident Response Team
Kirsten Christensen, Executive Director
Ashley Weston Miller, Director of Operations and HR, Covid Coordinator
Monika Avery, Health Services Associate
Dani Nicholson, Covid Testing Coordinator
Julie Alkatout, Chair, Board of Directors