(January through February)

American Heritage Bank is stepping up to give back to those struggling within our community.

We are calling it the "Community Chest!"

How it works...

  • We will be collecting donations in our "Community Chest," to bless a struggling community member facing financial hardship.

  • A new family or person will be chosen every two months! If you know of someone struggling due to unforeseen circumstances, let us know.

  • Each donation will be a complete surprise to the person or family.

  • American Heritage Bank will pledge a matching donation up to $1,000 for each two month period.

AHB has made it easier to give monthly with auto transfer capability! If you would like to donate automatically each month, you now have that option.

Come into the lobby and ask about auto transfer to our Community Chest!
Thank You!

During the collection period of November & December 2024; we donated 100% of the chest collections to Baxter-Curren Senior Center in Clovis, NM. They recently lost their funding and need funds to continue serving the Senior Citizens in the area.

AHB matched the funds that were graciously donated!

Our next collection period will be January through February 2025. Please consider giving back to the community with AHB. If you'd like to donate regularly; you can setup monthly deposits from your account automatically.

Thank You for your contributions. Thank You for spreading love in our community. Thank You for being the best part of American Heritage Bank!


Your AHB Family

If you would like to contribute, please ask about the "Community Chest" at our branches in Clovis & Melrose.

If you know of a community member in dire need because of unforeseen circumstances, please let us know.

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