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Guatemala Trip Report
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Guatemala Alt Break Trip Report
Good to the Last Drop-
a Completely Fulfilling  Alternative Break to Guatemala
  Over the years, Community Collaborations International volunteers have been an important part of the continued improvements to the lives of the people of San Miguel Escobar, Guatemala. This past winter break Keene State College sent a team of 14 volunteers to work with our good friends in San Miguel.  
Please take a moment to read  about the experience below.  
Also, please consider sending your own volunteer team for a winter or spring alternative break trip to continue our important work making life better for the people of San Miguel. 
(March 2014 dates are filling up so let us know ASAP)



  KEENE 2013

Rolling in the deep... dirt.

Rolling around in the dirt and drinking freshly squeezed lemonade straight from the farmer's trees, brought us back to when we were younger, when life was all about playing in the sun and being with the ones you love. Though we have only spent four days in the country of Guatemala, we have come to realize that these people truly have life figured out. Happiness isn't about having the newest iPhone or pair of UGG boots, instead it is about simply being, being one with nature and taking the time to appreciate the small things in life. As we were caked in dirt, riding home in the back of a pick up truck, we all looked at one another and spoke about how we were truly enjoying our time here, and had no desire to go back to the states any time soon. We worked hard helping a local family set up a self-sustaining system which would allow them to produce fertilizer for their gardens and methane gas for cooking. Somewhat sore and sunburned from being under the sun digging massive holes and shoving dirt for hours, we were all still content. There really isn't any other way to explain it. There was not one complaint as we road back to our house, because we were confident that we bettered these people, people that have taken us in with open arms. Every interaction with Guatemalan folks has been pleasant. From the mouthwatering home cooked meals where families opened up their homes, to strangers in the street yelling "hola" as we walk by, we feel as though we have become a part of this community. We hope that the rest of our time spent here can continue to benefit the community in which has already taught us so much.

-Kateland Dittig & Hannah Gagnon
 Keene State Volunteers 2013



"Words cannot describe all that we have learned and experienced this past week and the friendships we have made and will always cherish. (A special thank you to our leaders Jess, Alyssa, and Hannah) As much as we love it here and want to continue helping this country and its people, we cannot wait to come home and share all that we have observed and learned with everyone. This has really been a life changing experience ! " 

-Carrie Hall and Michelle Brahen,

CC International Volunteers from Keene State


"This organization is so innovative and caring - inspiration is just an understatement on how we feel about them.  They've actually inspired us to work on an ongoing project to donate Spanish books to their schools right now.   Their impact on our views on the world, on community service and humanitarianism, is so great that we really think about their views and attitudes all the time whenever we volunteer.  The city that we worked in was so friendly and welcoming,  it made us miss Guatemala so much.  Steve has been so helpful in organizing this trip for us.  He really listened to all of our concerns, and answered our questions quickly."
-Brian Nuyen

Trip Leader in 2010 for UC San Diego's Guatemala Trip


"Wow you guys are impressive! I feel so very fortunate to have been able to work and learn from you all. Thank you for all of your work in aiding this beautiful community to better living standards. I never could have expected to be working with such a brilliant, caring and hardworking community. Thank you for shedding light on the history of Guatemala. Thank you for being human and recognizing the importance of working with fellow people to create a more positive web of relationships on Earth. It is thrilling to see a community like this working so successfully. And thank you Franklin for initiating this movement and sharing your experience. I can't wait to see you all in the future!"
- Sarah

Southern Oregon University 2012


Questions about our Guatemala Projects?

We  also need university and college volunteer teams to work on our other domestic and international projects this coming summer, winter,  and spring.

 (click on projects below for details)






















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 Community Collaborations International


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