"Colegio Bolívar feels like our home and supports personal growth

to become the best version of ourselves."

Quote that leaves a mark on Cognia's Team

At the conclusion of their reaccreditation visit, the Cognia Team left us with valuable contributions on our journey towards excellence. During the five-day visit, the Team conducted extensive interviews with members from all segments of our Community, meticulously reviewed the documentation presented in our self-study, and observed classroom activities. 


Before their departure, the Team highlighted two significant achievements in our Educational Community: 

  • The strength of our institutional culture promotes respect, equity, inclusion, student well-being, and excellence. 
  • The exemplary leadership of all community members, fostering innovation, creativity, social sensitivity, and student-centered learning and teaching. 

The Team shared some quotes from members of our Community that made a lasting impression on them: Colegio Bolívar… 

  • "Nurtures individuality and acceptance."
  • Feels like our home and supports personal growth to become the best version of ourselves."
  • "Treats everyone as unique individuals."

The Engagement Review Team was so taken with our community that they took the time to create a video showcasing their observations of the school along with our own "Be Bolivar" song.

We should feel very proud of our school and remain committed to continuous improvement, knowing that, as Cognia's motto states, "Knowledge is opportunity."  

We share this video with you:

Cognia Exit Report, October 25, 2023 

We wish to express our deep appreciation to Cognia's Engagement Team for their invaluable partnership in supporting our students' learning and growth. In a world that is constantly evolving, Cognia's reaccreditation process will play a pivotal role in refining our Strategic Plan. 

In about 10 days, Holly Wingard, the Engagement Review Team leader will send a draft of the final report to Cognia. Then, in 4-6 weeks, around mid-December, we will receive a provisional report from Cognia detailing the Review Team's conclusions. This will include ratings for each Standard, our Index of Educational Quality (IEQ™), narratives describing identified strengths, and feedback that helps to focus and guide our improvement journey. In June or July 2024 after the school year is complete, the Cognia accreditation governance will finalize the Cognia Engagement Review Report with worldwide benchmark statistics for our Standards. 

Colegio Bolívar - Una Comunidad Educativa

Accredited by: the Colombian Ministry of Education & Cognia/AdvancED since 1961, a global nonprofit working in more than 90 countries, serving 36,000 institutions, 18 million students, and five million educators every day.

PBX: (602) 485 5050

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