2022 Cokesbury Road
Greenwood, SC 29649
Our Vision - To be a growing community of those who desire to know, love and serve the Lord, committed to building the family of God. 
Our Mission - To strengthen each member of our family as we learn to;

KNOW God through worship and study                                       
GROW together through church fellowship activities
SHOW our spiritual gifts through service
SOW the seeds of God's love in everything we do.
Sunday Worship - 9:30 AM Grow Groups - 11:00 AM
Wednesday Family Fellowship - 6:00 PM

Join us at 6:oo for food and fellowship. The Pineda’s will be making Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo! Please bring a dessert and join us this week!
Following the meal, there is something for everyone!
Kids meet in the Junior Church building for the EPIC story “The Resurrection” followed by an activity.
Vision Student Ministry Teens will meet in the youth building with Pastor Tommy.
Adults Chris Gates will cover Colossians 1:24—2:5 in the library.
Worship team members are encouraged to join Pastor Glen in room 105 for a study on the attributes of God.
Signed in law in 1952, "The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a Nation Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God
in prayer and meditation at churches, groups, and as individuals."
National Day of Prayer Theme 2021
" Lord pour out Your Love, Life, and Liberty"
2 Corinthians 3:17 " Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the 
Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 
Find your place of prayer today and remember our nation.
Sunday's message: “A Mother only God could Make”
Proverbs 31: 10-31

This Sunday!
May 9th at 9:00 am bring your mom to church early and treat her to a cup of coffee/tea and a muffin!
NO Grow Groups this Sunday, May 9th. We'll resume on May 16 with a Matt Chandler study on the book of James.
Please don't forget to bring the bottles back this Sunday, May 9th! If you forgot to pick one up last Sunday, get one on Wednesday. They are in the church foyer.
Jordan, Casey, and Lane Burgeson
Kate, Scott, and Stewart Burgess
Amy and Aubrey Brock
Ann and Fisher Campbell, and "Chelle"
Jess, Jordan, Jay, and James Jacobs
Jazmin and Nahomi Pinacho
This Wednesday
Last week we started our study of Galatians with a focus on chapter 1. Specifically, the doctrine of “no other gospel” and Paul’s beginning in Christian ministry. This week we will be studying Paul’s defense of his gospel in Jerusalem and what freedom from the law means.  
On Sunday
We will not have grow groups again this week but will return NEXT Sunday, May 16th.

May 5th Stewards, 5:30
May 10th Church Board, 6:00
May 12th Discipleship, 9:00
May 19th NMI Committee, 6:00
Many, many thanks to Chris Gates, Tony Bell, Rick Boller, Matt Cawvey, Ken Sanner, Bob Santee, and Chuck Swofford for their excellent service at the Ladies Spring Tea. We are blessed to have gentlemen who are willing to do everything necessary to give the ladies an evening out. Special thanks to Jaime Pineda, who was the nursery and translator and general everything guy for the evening. He had help from Enrique, and we are grateful to you both! More than fifty ladies enjoyed an Italian dinner, fun entertainment, and an inspirational message from Susan Frost. Remember to keep your fellow ewes in prayer. Anyone interested in joining a flock group should contact Debbie Gates at 706-836-5235.
I’m so appreciative of those who helped me move this past Saturday! Ken, Chris, Jim, Ed, Augusto, Emmanuel, Grayson, Mike, Men from Faith Home! You guys are awesome! Hope I didn’t forget anyone! Still unpacking to be done! Blessings to you, my Church for all you’ve done for me! Love you all! - Perry Huff
Champions John Angus & Ed Lucas!
Timmy and Charlotte played against each other in a close soccer game. Timmy scored a last-minute goal!
6th - Tricia Ackerman
7th - Aislynn Castillo
9th - Harriet Kinney
9th - Ken Sanner
12th - Will Villafuerte
15th - Ron Hunter
19th - Pastor Bob Albert
19th - Jazmin Castillo
22nd - Ellie Bock
28th - Pastor Glen Link
30th - Yvonne Klein
These are the beliefs Nazarenes hold to be true:

We believe in one God-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living.
We believe that man is born with a fallen nature, and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and that continually.
We believe that the finally impenitent are hopelessly and eternally lost.
We believe that the atonement through Jesus Christ is for the whole human race; and that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.
We believe that believers are to be sanctified wholly, subsequent to regeneration, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the new birth, and also to the entire sanctification of believers.
We believe that our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.
Senior Pastor
Glen D. Link
Pastor Glen has been serving at Greenwood Community Church for the past 15 years, with the last 5 years as senior pastor. He and his wife Judy Rodgers Link, reside in Greenwood. They have 2 sons who are married and have 4 wonderful grandchildren.
Associate Pastor & Pastor to the Youth
Tommy Battles
Pastor Tommy has been a part of Greenwood Community Church since 2016. He and his wife Andrea Link Battles live in Greenwood and have 1 precious daughter, Charlotte.
Kathy O. Thomason
Kathy has been a part of the staff at Greenwood Community Church for a very long time. She is married to Wells Thomason and they have 3 grown children and 3 adorable grandchildren.

Monday - Friday 8:30 - 3:30

Call On Us!
Pastor Glen 864.337-6487

Pastor Tommy 704.913.7319

Kathy 864.344.8141