Community Events Calendar
for the ORIGINAL 
Las Vegas
April 19, 2022
PREVIEW of 2022

High School Art Competition and Exhibition in May.
We have a grant for Summer Youth Experiences!
We have started a GoFundMe
for Missoula Children's Theater in July.
We hope to have People's Faire on August 27, 2022.
We have new ideas for gallery shows.
We are planning a makeover for the facade of 140 Bridge!
We are collaborating on a city-wide mural project.

local artists
are exhibiting
almost 90
amazing works of art
at Gallery 140,
140 Bridge Street
in historic
Old Town,
Las Vegas,
New Mexico.

Gallery Hosting
Data Entry
People's Faire Planning
Website Maintenance
Events Email Designer and Editor
Hospitality (Receptions)
Grant Writing
Graphic Design

What CAN you do?
We probably need help with that, too!
Email info and interest HERE.

You DID it...YOU raised enough to start!

We are are contracting with Missoula Children's Theatre for THE FROG PRINCE,
July 18 (AUDITIONS) through July 23 (PERFORMANCE!)
But, our budget still hasn't been met
so please consider donating and sharing.
Please share with Missoula Alumni, Friends and Family.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 20, 2022
What if they close our local Veterans' Clinic?
Hope to see you Saturday, 11 am - sell out - 6th and University.
New vendors are welcome.
WE accept SNAP and double your food $$$$! Stop by the market manager table to find out more about this amazing program!!!

Tierra Encantada Farmers Market will be open this Saturday at Hot Springs and Mills.
Art Garage Sale April 23
Show ends April 28

The event isn't
until May 3,
the deadline
to enter is Monday,
April 25!
A beauty fit for royalty?

The fiesta committee needs Rides for Royalty!
If you are willing to polish up your pride and joy,
give royalty a ride in the Fiesta Parade, contact events planner Chuck Griego at 505-454-1401 Ext. 1604 and tell him about all it.
Performers to be announced!
Beginning Friday,
MAY 6, at
Plaza Park
bring your
own chairs!
The music starts
at 5:30.

Sponsored by Las Vegas First and
the City of Las Vegas, NM
Marketed by City of Las Vegas, NM
Lodgers Tax

Come see the stories of our lives, our past,
our heritage!

To see a bigger version of this information,
click HERE.

This exhibit will be open until MAY 31, 2022!

There are three galleries on campus:
Kennedy Hall, which houses the Dr. Robert Bell Collection as well as seasonal exhibitions, and the Dr. George Talbot Print Study Room.
Click through to explore current and past shows in each gallery. We hope to see you on campus in the future!

2022 Chamber of Commerce
Calendars for Sale
You selected the thirteen winning images for this calendar from a selection of finalists hanging at Gallery 140 in October 2021, thanks to Harold Mark Garcia's Facebook page and the Las Vegas San Miguel Chamber of Commerce.
Special thanks to Briana Montano-Baca for designing the calendar and Chamber President Phillip Martinez for coordinating the project.
They will be for sale at 140 Bridge Street. Proceeds from sales go to the Chamber of Commerce.
Former Reinas Sought
The Las Vegas Fiestas Committee is seeking former Reinas to be involved with the Fiestas 2022 Royalty Pageant. If you are interested please contact Chuck Griego at 505-454-1401 x1604.
Fiesta Posters Sought!
Fiesta Lovers!!!
We want to create a digital gallery of Fiesta Posters.
This will be a legacy gift to the community.
It will be available to anyone, not only on our website, but also on the City website.
We are still looking for ANYTHING BEFORE 1988, 2001 (We may have this one!), 2004 (Found it!), 2008, 2011, 2012, 2014, through 2019, and 2020.
We want every single one!
Does anybody know when the first one was published?
We can scan yours or photograph it without damage.
Will you trust us?
Please post with the years of the posters you have, IF you are willing to have it scanned or photographed, and IF they are different from the ones we have.
PLEASE share with collectors!
We will respond and work out a schedule to pick it up and return it,
or have it photographed if it's a one and only, and you don;t want to lend it to us for an hour or two.
Las Vegas Arts Council reaches out to an email list of over 1200, in order to keep the community informed of as many community events as request our publicity services.
We do this at no cost to the events coordinators or
the recipients of the emails.
We proudly serve each of these organizations as their
We appreciate your pARTnership, and ask for your continued support.
You will be supporting the arts, the artists,
and the humanities--
preserving and promoting
the culture of our community.
If you have already joined or renewed for 2022, thank you so much.
We couldn't do what we do without YOU.
Las Vegas Arts Council receives support from
our members, sponsors, the City of Las Vegas,
CLV Lodgers Tax, New Mexico Arts,
and Las Vegas NM Community Foundation.
Have a question? An idea? A suggestion?
Call us at 505-425-1085 and leave a message, email us, or visit our website.