For Immediate Release


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Carley Allensworth,

Director of Communications

Phone: 309-674-8730

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Community Foundation Honors

Estate of Bob Gilmore with Founders

Award at 2022 Annual Meeting

Peoria, IL — May 19, 2022 — The Community Foundation of Central Illinois (CFCI) honored the Estate of Robert "Bob" E. Gilmore with the Founders Award at its 2022 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Gilmore was recognized for the thoughtful and generous decisions he made while planning his estate, prior to this passing in September of 2020. 

Through his legacy planning, CFCI received its largest single donation to date from an individual or family - an estate gift worth more than $3,900,000. With this gift, CFCI has established the Gilmore Fund, which provides annual grants in perpetuity to organizations and programs which will maintain and enhance culture, improve society, and promote job creation and retention in the central Illinois area.  CFCI has invested the Gilmore estate gift so that it will grow over time, while also distributing funds annually.  

As of today, the Gilmore Fund has already awarded over $653,000 in grants to local organizations.

In addition to honoring the Bob Gilmore's estate, CFCI shared financial information from 2021 and celebrated the over $5,500,000 it granted in the past fiscal year. For a full list of the grant awards from 2021, please click here to access the CFCI Annual Report.

Board Members.jpg

Current and outgoing CFCI board members celebrate the past fiscal year.  (Left to right:  David Bailey, Mark Roberts (CFCI CEO/President), Tammy Waterworth, Don Shafer, Tammy Woods-Duvendack, and Don Forrest(CFCI Board Chair))

CFCI also recognized and thanked its two outgoing board members, David Bailey and Don Shafer, for their completed terms of service.  Additionally, three new board members were seated to begin their terms:  Dr. Songo Dede, Michelle Sanders, and Arthur Welch.  

About the Community Foundation of Central Illinois

Established in 1985, the Community Foundation of Central Illinois is a philanthropic resource committed to connecting people who care with causes that matter. For more information, please call 309-674-8730, email or visit  

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