10 Years of Women Helping Women
Hundreds of women who are passionate about changing the trajectory of women and families in Greensboro will join the Women to Women Initiative of the Community Foundation for lunch at the Koury Convention Center on Monday, October 21st. Tickets for this event are sold-out. Barbara Pierce Bush will be the keynote speaker.

Tue, Oct 22, 2019 11:30 AM EST
An ECG Community Conversation with Dr. Suresh Chandra, Why I Believe in Greensboro and the Community Foundation
O. Henry Hotel, Greensboro
Dr. Suresh Chandra will share reflections from his personal and professional journey as a member of the Greensboro community. He will share why he trusts, values and believes in the Community Foundation‘s role to inspire giving from our richly diverse communities and experiences. Limited space is still available for this community conversation to be held Tuesday, October 22nd at the O. Henry Hotel.

The  Expanding Community Giving Initiative  of the  Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro  engages diverse audiences to use philanthropy to become agents of their own change to positively impact the Greater Greensboro community. ECG’s Community Conversations is a series of events providing information and resources that inspire and mobilize donors to grow their philanthropy and establish philanthropic legacies that strengthen our community.

As December 31 is fast approaching, the Community Foundation wants to remind you that it may be a good time to check in with your professional advisors regarding year-end giving. We have two topics for you to consider: bunching charitable deductions and gifts of appreciated stock. Learn more about strategic end of year giving at  cfgg.org .
Donate to the Thanksgiving Fund
More than 300 volunteers help prep, package, and serve a complete Thanksgiving dinner—from turkey and mashed potatoes to pumpkin pie – for the city’s homeless, hungry, homebound, and elderly poor. They have served over 4,000 meals each year for over 30 years.

But of course, it takes donations to make this happen, too. Every dollar counts. Roughly $5 will provide one meal. A simple, easy $5 donation will allow a hungry person in our community to enjoy a traditional holiday meal with all the trimmings — the kind of meal that most others enjoy. It’s easy to give—and every bit helps.

Have You Been Down Elm Street Lately?
Performing Arts Center Opening March 2020
You can’t miss the exciting progress being made on the Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts! We are on target for the March 2020 opening! Over 600 donors joined together to help make this community game-changing facility a reality! For more information including upcoming shows, visit http://www.tangercenter.com/.
“Our mission as a non-profit is to keep waste out of the landfills so everything in our retail space is donated, kind of like a thrift store,” said Laura Maruzzella, education director at Reconsidered Goods.Click on the image to hear about one of our capacity-building grantees.
Welcome, LaToya Cheek!
LaToya Cheek has joined us as a senior accountant. LaToya brings an extensive background in banking and nonprofit experience. She will work with our workforce development programs in addition to other financial analyses.
Celebrate National Nonprofit Awareness Month with the Guilford Nonprofit Consortium!

When: November 14th at 5:00 pm
Where: Greensboro History Museum
Who: Nonprofit Staff and Boards

Community Foundation Week (Nov. 12-18) and National Philanthropy Day (Nov. 15)

Community Foundation Week recognizes the important work of community foundations throughout America and our collaborative and innovative approach to working with the public, private, and nonprofit sector. National Philanthropy Day signifies the importance of working together for the common good.