Dear friends,

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Annual Community Gathering on May 17th, both in the room and on the Zoom. We had the opportunity to celebrate our community and hear directly from some of the many, many people who give of their time and talents to all of us. We also shared a lot of information about the state of Romemu today, and our aspirations for the future. 

You can view the recording of the full meeting here.
Here are some highlights:

Romemu Center Building: We began a conversation about our shared future, particularly the future of our physical home. We are at a critical decision point that will determine whether we are able to remain in our current home, the Romemu Center, or be forced to sell it. If you were unable to join, I encourage you to listen to Rabbi Ingber’s remarks (listen here). All Romemu members are invited to join the conversation at the Romemu Executive Board’s weekly meeting next Wednesday night, May 24th at 7 PM on Zoom to learn more about the current state of planning related to the Romemu Center and ask any questions you have. You must be a member in good standing to participate.
Romemu members, register here to receive Zoom link.
Not yet a member? Join here and then register 

New Board Members: Congratulations to the slate of Board members and officers elected at the meeting. The voting results: 67 yes, 7 abstentions. View bios. A special welcome to new members David Fishman and Maggie Jacobs. Michael Appelbaum was re-elected to a new term and will remain as Treasurer. The officers for the coming term will be: Co-Chairs Staci Levine & Jonathan B. Fassberg, Secretary Jeremy Rosenshine, and Treasurer Michael Appelbaum. As he does each year, Rabbi Ingber welcomed the new board members with an inspiring ceremony. View it here.
Deepening Community Engagement: Thank you to everyone who shared stories about how you deepen your engagement with Romemu and what it means to you to serve in this way. If you felt as inspired by these stories as I did, I encourage you to learn more about all the ways you can engage with Romemu here and reach out to the leaders of the circles or committees that spark your interest to learn more and to get involved. Not sure how to engage or what the right path is for you? Contact [email protected] to discuss.

Jade Netanya Ullmann Spirit Award: Every year the suspense and excitement of the Jade Netanya Ullmann Spirit Award presentation is a highlight of the meeting. This award is given to recognize those who demonstrate extraordinary service and enthusiasm for the success of the community. This year, for the first time, we had three winners. Mazel tov to Robin Aronson, Iva Kaufman, and Lisa Phillips. Learn more about the award and view all past recipients here. Watch the video of the award presentations from last night here.
State of the Shul: This past year was the first full year of in-person and online participation since the pandemic began. Attendance at services, meals, celebrations, and more continue to grow as people return more fully to public events, and with 680+ member families we are growing steadily. However, membership dues cover less than 25% of our operating budget, and we continue to rely heavily on sponsorships and other donations, which are below what we need this year. We ask that everyone who is able takes one, two, or three of the actions below, so that we will have the financial resources we need to pay our clergy and staff.
  • Renew (or join if not yet a member) your membership today. If you are able to do so, increase your membership support by joining our Bonim members as a Sustainer ($6400+), Minyan ($10,000+), or Chai ($18,000+). Learn more about Bonim (Builder) membership here or contact me at [email protected] anytime.
  • Sponsor a Shabbat service, kiddush, adult education course, community service initiative or whatever Romemu resource is most meaningful to you. Select your sponsorship here or contact [email protected] to learn more.
  • Make an annual gift today. We are planning a beautiful gala that will celebrate Romemu music for the fall, but that is in the next fiscal year. Please don’t wait, make this year’s gift today. As I said last night, “you don’t need to eat a piece of chicken to make a gift.” Make your annual gift here.

Listen to the full meeting below with the State of the Shul and financial report starting at 1 hour and 22 minutes.
Music: As Rabbi Ingber and I discussed the vision for building forward, music was of course a central component as music is integral to our community’s heart and soul. Shimon Smith, who will be joining us as Director of Music and Family Education on July 1, joined the meeting both to add music to the evening and to share his journey to Romemu. Learn more about Shimon and listen to some of his music here.

Finally: Laurie Schwartz formally dedicated the beautiful grand piano she donated with an inspiring poem written by her brother accompanied by her husband Stuart Friedman playing the piano. View the dedication here.
If you have any questions or would like more information about anything discussed (or not discussed) at the Annual Meeting, please email me directly at [email protected].

I hope to see you all in the synagogue or the Zoomagogue soon. For our local members, I’m especially looking forward to being able to spend some quality time with you at our upcoming communal Shabbat dinners tonight (register here) and on June 9 (register here). And don't forget that our final cohort of four adults will become B-Mitzvah this Saturday. Come join this remarkable ceremony (which my wife Shelley was in last Shabbat) and let your voices and prayers mingle with theirs on this special day. Lunch for all afterward (no registration required)!

Shabbat Shalom
Jeffrey Cahn, Executive Director