Wellness Wednesdays brings resources to Johnstown Housing Authority communities
The 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health (CPH) and the Cambria County Drug Coalition (CCDC) are joining forces to bring resource information to individuals living in the Johnstown Housing Authority communities with “Wellness Wednesdays”.
Organizations are invited to attend these events to provide information on resources available to help address their health and human service needs.
In addition, Highlands Health will provide COVID-19 Pfizer boosters for members of the public ages 12 and older. Individuals who receive a first dose vaccine or booster at these events will also receive a $50 Giant Eagle gift card. Vaccine card showing dates of previous vaccinations must be shown at time of receiving booster.
The events are open to the public.
If your organization would like to be a part of these new events, contact allison.byers@jefferson.edu.