As the New Year begins, it is common to set resolutions for a healthier, more meaningful life. However, many of these goals may be influenced by societal expectations, leading to unrealistic or unattainable aspirations. As a result, many individuals end up quitting and feeling defeated.


Here are five tips to help you set and achieve your New Year's resolutions:

1. Avoid the Pressure:


The pressure of social media or thinking you must have New Years resolution can be overwhelming. Instead of setting goals simply because everyone else is doing the same, take a moment to step back, reflect, and choose goals that align with your needs and aspirations.


2. Set Realistic and Attainable Goals:


Focus on setting goals that are within reach. Aim for challenges that inspire growth but remain realistic to avoid unnecessary stress. Remember, it's progress, not perfection, that matters.


3. Take a Sustainable Approach:


Lasting change comes from sustainable habits. Develop resolutions beyond short-term fixes and become integral parts of your daily routine. Identify habits that contribute to your overall well-being, ensuring that your commitment extends beyond the initial enthusiasm of the New Year.

4. Prioritize Meaningful Goals:


Shift your focus from deadlines to the meaningful impact of your goals. Understand why a particular resolution matters to you. Whether enhancing mental health, adopting a nutritious diet, or incorporating regular physical activity, let your goals be driven by purpose and personal significance.


5. Be Kind to Yourself:


Remember, the journey to a healthier lifestyle is ongoing. Be kind to yourself throughout the process, acknowledging that setbacks are a natural part of growth. Instead of viewing them as failures, see them as opportunities to learn and adjust your approach. Self-compassion is a crucial component of sustained well-being.


By prioritizing your well-being, setting realistic and meaningful goals, and embracing a sustainable approach to change, you can create a healthier and happier life beyond the initial start of the New Year.

Daytha Lindburg is our Family Planning Provider and Women's Health Clinician, who has been with the Health Department for nine years this month! She provides essential services in her role, such as exams and testing, birth control methods, and treatment for infections. Beyond her clinical duties, Daytha is involved in the community by presenting on birth control and STIs and mentoring nursing students.

When asked about her favorite aspect of working for the Health Department, she emphasized the joy of helping people access necessary care in a compassionate and non-judgmental environment.

"I had worked at McPherson County Health Department one day per week for several years and was a consultant for the Saline County Health Department. When I worked with their supervising OB/GYN, Dr. Steven Sebree, the NP who had my position previously, told me more than once that when she and Dr. Sebree retired, I should take their place, which is exactly what happened. I believe Health Departments provide needed services for people who may not otherwise have access to healthcare."

Daytha explained, "I wish more people knew our Family Planning Programs have a sliding fee scale depending on the number of people in the household and annual income so that we can provide quality care at low or no cost to our clients."

Reflecting on her proudest moments, she shared how she utilizes 21 years of knowledge gained as an OB/GYN PA to deliver exceptional care. Her ability to answer patient questions and provide support showcases her dedication to their well-being.

In her personal life, Daytha is a proud "mom" to seven adorable cats with unique personalities. Outside of work, she finds joy in playing the piano and singing in the church choir, with two of her cats as companions joining her on the piano bench. Whether caring for patients or creating a harmonious home atmosphere, she embodies the spirit of dedication and compassion.

Congratulations on nine years, Daytha!

Thanks to a generous $5,000 grant from The Greater Salina Community Foundation the Saline County Health Department is delighted to announce the reestablishment of the "Incredible Years-Parents and Babies" program.

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The Saline County Board of Commissioners declared January 2024 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month and National Stalking Awareness Month, at the County Commission meeting.

To prevent human trafficking, we must work together to strengthen individuals, families, and communities. By raising awareness, our community can better understand the signs of trafficking and work together to prevent it. Additionally, the month provides an opportunity to support survivors and advocate for stronger legislation and law enforcement efforts to combat this heinous crime. It serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations, and governments to unite in the fight against human trafficking.

Find more resources here.

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Starting in January, the Kansas Tobacco Quitline will begin offering 6 weeks of FREE nicotine replacement therapy (previously 4) to eligible enrollees.

Sign up today and get the resources you need to quit tobacco for good.

The Kansas Tobacco Quitline offers free 24/7 help to quit tobacco to all Kansans. For free help to quit smoking and vaping and to find out if you qualify for free nicotine replacement therapy, visit or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.

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