New information
RETURN TO SCHOOL POLICY Starting January 26, the updated protocol for individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will shift to align with CDC Guidelines, which state if you are positive for COVID-19 you must self-isolate for a minimum of 5 days after either (1) symptom onset OR (2) after positive PCR or antigen test if you are asymptomatic. T
he day the sample was taken for the positive test or the day of symptom onset is considered day zero.
This means, after a positive COVID-19 test, students/employees can return to school on Day 6 (after the 5 day isolation period) if all the following apply:
They must be without a fever for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medications);
- They must have experienced resolution of all other symptoms;
They must have a negative at-home rapid test PRIOR TO RETURN if they choose to return before day 11 of a positive test or onset of symptoms.
Following the five-day isolation period, individuals must mask for five additional days when around others (except when actively eating and drinking). We will make arrangements for students to eat lunch in a designated area through day 10.