April 16, 2020
We’re going into the fifth week of LA County’s Safer at Home Order and things have been different, to say the least. We’ve shifted our daily routines and settled into the new normal. Many of our roles have drastically changed and expanded from what they were just five weeks ago – full-time employee, homeschool teacher, home chef, cloth face covering maker – to name just a few. Wading through this uncertain time of COVID-19 in addition to mastering new roles can leave us drained.
An easy way to recoup good vibes is to practice gratitude.
Gratitude by definition is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Thank you to all the essential workers and volunteers who are continuing to serve the Beach Cities community!
MindUP at Home
With Beach Cities students engaging in virtual classrooms, families can now bring MindUP home with these lessons on gratitude and kindness. For more information, visit
Health Update:
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Extends Safer at Home Order through May 15, 2020
The Order continues to prohibit all indoor and outdoor public and private gatherings and events, and continues the closure of all indoor malls and shopping centers, all swap meets and flea markets, all indoor and outdoor playgrounds, beaches, trails and trailheads, and in-person operations of all non-essential businesses.
Read the Health Officer Order here.
It also includes the following:
- Essential businesses are required to provide cloth face coverings to all employees, to wear while performing duties which involve contact w/other employees and/or the public;
- Essential businesses are required to post their physical distancing plans; and
- The public is required to wear a face covering to enter essential businesses
FAQs on COVID-19 Antibody Testing
What is antibody testing?
Antibody testing is a serum or blood test for antibodies to COVID-19. These tests can show if an individual has or has had the infection whether symptomatic or not.
What does antibody testing tell us?
Antibody testing tells us if an individual has or has had the infection but does not prove immunity at this time. More research needs to be done.
What is the purpose of antibody testing?
Antibody testing helps us better understand how widespread COVID-19 is in our community, especially among individuals who have been infected and show no symptoms.
LA County and USC COVID-19 Antibody Testing
LA County and the USC Price School of Public Policy conducted a COVID-19 antibody study, in order to better understand and track the spread of COVID-19 in LA County. A random sample of 1,000 LA County adults living within 10 miles of testing sites were contacted for participation. They were selected to create a representative sample of LA County's adult population. Tests were conducted on April 10-11 across six testing sites in the county.
Plasma Donations
If you’ve recovered from COVID-19, you may have antibodies in your plasma that attack the virus. Please consider donating plasma to help those in need. Visit
UCLA Health
or the
American Red Cross
for more information.
National Volunteer Appreciation Week is April 19-25, 2020
Next week is dedicated to all volunteers who give their time, dedication and support to tackling some of our most pressing social issues across the nation. Please join us in thanking a volunteer next week, and always!
Need Help with Health Information and Referrals?
If you or someone you know in the Beach Cities needs assistance with errands, health-related information or referrals, please call our Assistance, Information & Referral line at
310-374-3426, ext. 256
, seven days a week, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. You can also visit us online at
Drop off a Kindness Card to neighbors that you know!
Here’s how:
- Print the Kindness Card at home (DOWNLOAD HERE)
- Cut the Kindness Cards (each sheet of paper has two cards)
- Fill in your contact information and check the items you’re able to do
- Drop the Kindness Card off to the neighbors that you know or tape it to their front door
- If your neighbor answers the door, remember to practice physical distancing and remain 6 ft. away
- Always remember to respect neighbors' privacy and practice physical distancing
Getting some extra sunshine and exercise can do wonders in high-anxiety situations. If you’re not sick and safely able to do so, experts recommend getting outside.
Send messages of kindness and positivity for your neighbors to see. Share your #ChalkYourWalk and #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors by tagging us on Facebook and Instagram @BeachCitiesHealth.
Donate to the Beach Cities COVID-19 Fund
Donations will provide assistance to vulnerable groups (older adults and adults with underlying health conditions) who are income qualified, with essentials like groceries and household cleaning supplies.
Add our Facebook frame to your profile picture!
Click here
to update your frame.
Share your #SaferAtHomeSelfie!
Let us know how you are spending time physical distancing and helping slow the spread of COVID-19.
#LiveWellAtHome With Our Interactive Videos
Free Virtual Exercise Classes
Offered through BCHD's Center for Health & Fitness
Now-April 30
Looking to stay active and healthy from the comfort of your home?
The Center for Health & Fitness is now offering FREE virtual exercise classes Monday-Friday during the month of April.
Families Connected Speaker Series – now available as a virtual event!
Free parent workshop
Thursday, April 30
6:30-8 p.m.
Online Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Free Virtual Course for Family Caregivers
Starting Tuesday, May 5
1-2:30 p.m.
An evidence-based, self-care program for family caregivers who are currently involved with providing care to children or adults with chronic conditions.
Online Families Connected Parent Chat
Free parent support group
10:50 a.m.
Please join BCHD, South Bay Families Connected and Fusion Academy for weekly virtual chats that provide advice and coping strategies via guest speakers as well as offer a forum where parents and caregivers can share and learn from each other.
Join us on the following
Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m.
- April 22: Managing Special Learning Needs with Eryn Schnel Yolac, ET/P, SPED and Monica Fyfe, MFT, BCBA, RPT-S
- April 29: Playing Sports with Dr. Chris Koutures, Pediatric and Sports Medicine Specialist
Cancer Support Community Redondo Beach received a grant from BCHD and is offering 15 weekly online support groups for patients, caregivers, survivors and for those who are bereaved. Other opportunities include:
Healthy Lifestyle Virtual Classes
- Gentle Yoga with Maureen O'Connor - Friday, April 17, 9:30 a.m.
- Boosting the Immune System Through Nutrition with Lilly Padilla, INHC, AADP - Friday, April 17, 11 a.m.
- Writing for Wellness with Barbara Force - Saturday, April 18, 9 a.m.
Alert South Bay and Warning System
It's important to note, cloth face coverings are not a replacement for these evidence-based measures; they are an additional tool that may be used to protect us from exposure to COVID-19 when used properly.
For more information about COVID-19 visit: