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MAY 2018
James W. Horne, Jr.
It's Up to Us to Repair the Social Safety Net
Every year, tens of thousands of Union County residents find themselves, through no fault of their own, struggling to get by and provide for their families. A complex web of public and private programs to help these families break out of these difficult circumstances – a socio-economic “safety net” – have made a critical difference in their lives while fulfilling our moral obligation to be there for others.
As CEO of United Way of Greater Union County, our mission is to strengthen families and communities to help fulfill that moral obligation. That is why I am gravely concerned about the impact of the 2017 Federal Budget on our communities. Some of the largest and most beneficial of these public programs face elimination or several cutbacks.
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The Calm after a Devastating Storm
To date, the devastating storm of Hurricane Maria in 2017, has left thousands of homes destroyed and over half of the residents in Puerto Rico are still without power. The widespread destruction has forced many families to seek refuge elsewhere, including in the United States. Regarded as the worst natural disaster ever recorded, it is estimated that more than 400K people are homeless or without electricity. This was the case for the Santiago Family. They were forced to leave everything behind and start over.
After the storm hit, Marco Santiago and his young son, Peter, relocated to Elizabeth. At the time of their arrival they shared a cramped space with the only relative currently living in the United States. Thankful they were safe however, the landlord of the apartment they shared found out and began threatening Marco’s relative with eviction if they didn’t leave. Without any income or job prospects, the Santiago Family became fearful and desperate for help.
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Join us at the Annual Celebration
Funds raised from the Annual Celebration will benefit programs and services funded by United Way of Greater Union County, whose mission is to improve lives and build stronger communities.
Calendar of Healthy Events
in Plainfield
We are pleased to announce a year long calendar of events about healthy happenings in Plainfield. UWGUC received a grant from the Grotta Fund to form
Lifelong Plainfield, to focus on programs that benefit seniors and; a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to form
Healthy Plainfield, to focus on sustainable lasting change for all in the Plainfield community. Our partnership with the city of Plainfield for both
Lifelong and
Healthy Plainfield have sparked tremendous support from its community and now residents can view a year long of
healthy events and activities in both English and in Spanish.
Our Efforts to Support Vital
Summer Programming
In our partnership with non profit organizations, we are working with individuals and companies to help send 50 children to summer camp.
Companies like Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, P.C., are doing their part, by running entertaining office fundraisers in order to help children attend a quality summer camp program.
We recently visited with the law firm to raise awareness on the sometimes high cost parents have to pay in order to send their children to a summer enrichment program.
“We are excited for our continued partnership with the United Way and their partner agencies as we, together, lend a hand to our communities in need,” said Nicole Kobis, Esq, attorney for Lindabury. The firm also provides other fundraising opportunities to support the summer camp initiative.
Here's what we're trying to do -->
children to summer camp
We've secured placement for
children to receive a quality summer enrichment experience
The campaign runs until June
There is no contribution too small and every little bit helps. Make your donation online or contact Phillip Daniels, Corporate Relations Director at 908-353-7171 ext. 130.
Play. Network. Golf United.
Join us for Golf UNITED - 11th Annual Golf Outing
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road, Hillsborough, NJ
Funds raised from the 11th Annual Golf Outing will benefit programs and services funded by United Way of Greater Union County, whose mission is to improve lives and build stronger communities.
VIDEO: United Way on Comcast Newsmakers
Your dollars are helping those who are strongly impacted by the work we're doing.
Learn about all of our special event programs and how you can support us all year round.
This organization helps communities bring high-quality pre-k education to children in New Jersey, interests we strongly advocate for.
Join a group of philanthropic women dedicated to fighting for children and families in Union County, North Plainfield and South Plainfield.
Community Impact Newsletter is the official bi-monthly publication of United Way of Greater Union County.
Editor: Melanie McLaurin
Director of Marketing & Community Engagement
Tel: 908.353.7171, ext. 104