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Seasons Greetings from United Way!
From all of us at United Way of Greater Union County, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. If you're like millions of people, this time of year brings reflection and thanks for all the blessings you have received this year.
For us, we are grateful for friends, colleagues and partners who join us in our fight for quality education, income stability, health and family strengthening and, are committed to changing the odds for struggling children and families to have a chance to thrive. Non profit organizations in our network are on the ground working every day to serve those struggling. Our focus guides us to addressing some of the most pressing issues facing Union County including homelessness; families who find themselves in crisis; early childhood education that not only focus on academic success but also personal development; financial literacy; services for first-time mothers and much more. All of this would not be possible without the resources from government, individual donors, corporate partners and volunteers who stand with us in supporting a better Union County.
As 2020 approaches, we ask that you not only reaffirm your commitment to United Way of Greater Union County but to grow it as your impact remains vital to our community now more than ever. We need you to continue to be the voice for those that don't have a voice. With your support, your help ensures the success of children and families now, in the year ahead and for years to come.
Pictured with UWGUC President & CEO, James Horne (middle) and staffer Darryn Pulanco (right) Carol Bianchi, Regional External Affairs Consultant at First Energy Company stopped by to say hello. We thank First Energy for their corporate gift.
In October, children from Proceed Inc. in Elizabeth were all smiles to receive Art Craft Kits from the folks at Ernst & Young. Pictured with UWGUC VP Programs/Operations, Juanita Vargas (far right) we thank UWGUC Chair, Alison Yablonowitz (not shown), Tyra Hagans (left), Charlie Hatch (middle) and all the employees at Ernst & Young for their donation as part of their annual EY Connect Day.
First UW High Tea Event attracts NJ Governor
In November, we hosted our inaugural High Tea event at the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church in Plainfield where Plainfield’s Mayor Adrian Mapp and Governor Phil Murphy stopped by in support of the event.
The event for a cause was hosted by UWGUC board members, Anna Belin-Pyles and Gerry Harvey to raise awareness in particular, about United Way's work in Plainfield and surrounding communities. The event included high tea and refreshments, a table top competition and entertainment from artists.
Honorary Chairpersons were Brenda Anderson, Reverend Tracey Brown, Maritza Martinez and Elizabeth Urquhart. Also in attendance to commemorate the event included Council Member at Large/President Mildred Crump,
for the city of Newark New Jersey, Assemblywoman Linda Carter of Plainfield, the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and Councilwoman Ashley Davis, from Plainfield. Winners of the tabletop competition were Evelyn Motley for “Pearls of Wisdom and Knowledge” theme, Barbara Wensberg for “Crescent Avenue” and runner up Dr. Mary Goodman for “Hats”. The competition was judged by UWGCU Board Chair, Alison Yablonowitz, Assemblywomen Carter and Councilwoman Davis.
Proceeds from the event benefited programs and services funded by United Way of Greater Union County whose mission is to improve lives and build strong communities. Photos from the event can be viewed on our website at
Season of Giving: The thoughtful community bank
In the spirit of caring, we are grateful to partners in the community who dedicate time and resources to help those who are struggling. For example, employees at the Lakeland Bank in Summit collected canned goods and other non perishable items and placed them in our care to give to families in need.
We thank Sheri Picioccio, Joan Kozlik and all the employees at Lakeland Bank for their continued support and for thinking of us.
Pictured above left photo: James Horne, UWGUC President and Ms. Bettina Freeland, Elder, First Baptist Church of Hillside
Right Photo L to R: Horne, Officer Kim Cook and Natalie Ogomowski greet attendees at the event.
Last month, Hillside residents attended the annual "A Time of Thanks" at the Hillside Family Success Center, hosted by the Hillside Family Success Center, the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and United Way of Greater Union County.
The drive served 40 families, all who went home with turkeys and nonperishable food for the holidays.
United Way of Greater Union County, the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the First Baptist Church of Hillside, Hillside Police Department and the Hillside Family Success Center donated food to Hillside Public School Students and township residents.
Coming Soon: New NEMA Website
In January, the launch of a new website for the
Newark EMA HIV Health Services Planning Council will include information about where to receive services and more.
The Newark EMA HIV Health Services Planning Council is a federally required planning body comprised of 18 to 34 volunteer representatives. Members of the Council belong to community-based AIDS service organizations, local public health agencies, healthcare providers, community leaders and individuals living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.
Newark EMA consists of Union, Morris, Sussex and Warren counties, and receives Part A funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration
(HRSA) and, Department of Health and Human Services.
United Way of Greater Union County provides administrative, technical and logistic support to the Planning Council.
We are now accepting applications for the development of the 2020 Needs Assessment update as required by the Ryan White Part A Program.
Submission Deadline
: December 20, 2019.
Read more here.
With grateful thanks to our sponsors for providing gifts for children in this year's Season of Caring
Watch our latest video
and hear real stories from people in Union County who have been helped by the lives we're changing through non-profit partnerships.
Our mission and focus is at the heart of our work.
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Stay in the know about healthy happenings in Plainfield and learn how you can be a part of it
This organization helps communities bring high-quality pre-k education to children in New Jersey, interests we strongly advocate for.
Happy Holidays from all of us at
United Way of Greater Union County!
Editor: Melanie McLaurin
Director of Marketing & Community Engagement
Tel: 908.353.7171, ext. 104