September/October Issue
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From all of us at United Way of Greater Union County
We thank all of our generous supporters for their contributions during our 2018-2019 fiscal campaign year. Whether you've made a donation, volunteered with us or supported any of our engagement projects, because of you, United Way continues to make great strides towards strengthening families and communities in Union County, North Plainfield and South Plainfield!
Help Transform the lives of Children and Families in Union County
Each Fall, United Way of Greater Union County partners with local businesses, companies and connects with individuals to raise funds in order to help strengthen our community. Our Annual Campaign provides the support United Way and our member non-profit agencies need as we work toward improving the lives of children and families in the areas of Family Strengthening, Education, Financial Independence and Health. By focusing on these four areas, together, we create sustainable solutions that have lasting effects in our community.
Support United Way today
- Click here to make a donation
- Are you an organization or local business interested in starting a workplace campaign with United Way of Greater Union County? First, talk to your manager about starting one and then we invite you to contact us at 908.353.7171 for ideas on making it successful. Or click here to complete our form.
In these ever-changing economic times, we face significant challenges in ensuring that our families have opportunities to improve their lives: stable jobs, quality education, improved physical and mental health, and so much more.
Help us continue leading the charge in improving lives and building strong communities!
YEPP youth respond to summer employment initiative
“Our work to help strengthen Union County includes youth employment services that give young people real-world opportunities to learn and grow”.
- James Horne, President & CEO
In June, the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and United Way of Greater Union County announced the 2019
Summer Youth Employment Pathways Program (SYEPP)
Initiative where it provided part-time summer employment and weekly work readiness training for youth aged 16-24. A
total of 220 youth and college students participated and gained valuable employment skills.
In an effort to learn more about their experiences in the summer program, a
recent feedback survey was distributed to participants in SYEPP. Most of the respondents in the survey reported that they enjoyed earning their own paychecks, more than half said that this was their first job experience, several admitted that they wanted the opportunity to learn a new skill or trade and also liked networking and making new connections. Weekly workshops included topics in mental health, soft skills training, career planning and financial literacy.
SYEPP youth had the opportunity to work in industries such as parks and recreation, nonprofit organizations and human services.
“Working in the hospital setting with kind people really motivated me to get up every morning and go to work,”
said one youth participant. Last year's summer initiative, a first for SYEPP, assisted 175 youth with summer jobs.
The Youth Employment Pathways Program seeks to provide at-risk in-school and out-of-school youth between the ages of 14-24 with the skills necessary to graduate high school, explore career interests and secure livable wage employment. The program is funded by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Union County Workforce Development Board, through a grant awarded to United Way of Greater Union County from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
UWGUC President visits Union County College
On September 3rd, our very own, James W. Horne, Jr. (second from right) sat on a panel discussion on college related issues and solutions at the Union County College annual convocation entitled "Transforming Our Community...One Student at a Time" .
Annual Back to School Drive provides children with ready to learn backpacks
On September 5th, Union County's children went back to school and thanks to our donors, nearly 600 entered the classroom, ready-to-learn with backpacks filled with school supplies. We are grateful for the outpouring of support from individual givers, corporate partners and public officials in our community who ensured our back to school drive was a wonderful success.
Join the Healthy Plainfield community!
Our Healthy Plainfield Coalition now has a monthly newsletter. Sign up to receive regular updates about happenings in Plainfield.
The Healthy Plainfield Coalition is a collaborative team of cross-sectoral organizations, community leaders, groups, residents, and other stakeholders dedicated to building a sustainable culture of health in the City of Plainfield.
Support these Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Shackamaxon Country Club
Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church
Plainfield, New Jersey
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.
For Plainfield Residents
Friday, September 27, 2019
Senior Mobility and Resource Training
For Plainfield Seniors
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Union County Performing Arts Center
Rahway, New Jersey
Our mission and focus is at the heart of our work.
This organization helps communities bring high-quality pre-k education to children in New Jersey, interests we strongly advocate for.
Editor: Melanie McLaurin
Director of Marketing & Community Engagement
Tel: 908.353.7171, ext. 104