2017 November/December

2016-2017 Annual Report Released

We are pleased to release our 2016-2017 Annual Report. By now, you might have received your copy in the mail, however the report is also available for viewing online through our website.
In this year's theme entitled: Creating New Possibilities. Assessing Challenges and Redefining Solutions, you'll read stories from people whom you've helped to create positive possibilities for and, from people like you, who share in our mission to improve lives and build strong communities.  Read Report here.  Readers who wish to receive a copy in the mail are asked to email melanie.mclaurin@uwguc.org.  Limited copies available.

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The mission of United Way of Greater Union County is to ensure the health and human service needs of the community are identified and addressed in ways that create a better quality of life for the residents of Union County, North Plainfield and South Plainfield.
United Way of Greater Union County envisions a community where all children and families achieve their potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.
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Blog: James Horne, Jr.
President & CEO

The holiday season tends to put grateful smiles on the faces of children and families alike. It's a time for sharing, caring and reflection, for families are coming together to give thanks for all of the blessings they've received.  I hope that in the spirit of the holiday season, all who are reading are doing just that.  It is important that we remember the good things we've been blessed to have, like the support of family and friends. Read More
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 This Family Success Center helped 
 this single father of three get on the right track

When Robert, a single father of three, walked into the Rahway Family Success Center (RFSC) in June, he felt completely alone, defeated, and had nowhere to turn for help.  Without his knowledge, his children were taken from him and had been placed in Child Protective Services (CPS) in an entirely different state. Robert wanted nothing more than to have his children back with him, but he had to first fulfill a list of requirements stipulated by the New Jersey Division of Child Protection & Permanency (NJDCP&P) before that would even be possible. 
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Roselle Savings Bank
Roselle Savings Bank held its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit families in Union County.  With heartfelt thanks to Janice Ritz (pictured left with United Way staffers, Stephen Yellin and Phillip Daniels), SVP and all the employees who donated food to those in need.
We are grateful to Comcast for their recent donation as part of their Employee Giving Campaign to strengthen neighborhoods where employees live and work. UW staffer, Phillip Daniels (far right) stopped by to chat with employees. Thank you Comcast!

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Season of Caring 2017
As we begin the holiday season and give thanks for all the blessings in our own lives, we are grateful to all of our partners participating in this year's  Season of Caring 2017 .  We've received an outpouring of support and are truly thankful! So far, this year's drive has helped to provide gifts for more than 700 children all across Union County!

Companies like Lindabury, PC: Employees at the firm helped to provide 200 gifts for children!  We are so grateful to them for their generous support and look forward to our continued partnership!
UWGUC President James Horne (far right) poses with employees from Lindabury and the JFK Community Center, the organization who will receive gifts

And Partners like Enterprise,
who for three years have helped to pick up gifts and distribute them at various locations .

UWGUC VP, Operations Juanita Vargas (far left) poses with Enterprise employees and UW staffer, Phillip Daniels (middle)

With special thanks to all of our Partners who are helping to brighten the lives of children this holiday season!  


Ways to Give
  • Are you an organization or local business interested in starting a workplace campaign with United Way of Greater Union County?  First, talk to your manager about starting one and then we invite you to contact us at 908.353.7171 for ideas on making it successful. Or click here to complete our form.

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 Happy Holidays!

About the Community Impact Newsletter
Community Impact Newsletter is the official bi-monthly publication of United Way of Greater Union County. 

Editor: Melanie McLaurin
Director of Marketing & Community Engagement
908.353.7171, ext. 104