Community Impact Team Leader,

IMPORTANT UPDATES: The California Legislature is on summer recess and will return 8/14/2023. During this time, members of the Legislature work from their district offices.

  • Rally for Parental Rights and Lobby Day: Join Pastor Jack Hibbs, parents, grandparents, and guest speakers from across the state of California as we make our voices heard at the steps of the state capitol in Sacramento on Monday, August 21, 2023. More information on how to sign up be found below!

  • SB 14 Action Alert : SB 14 has passed in the CA Assembly Judiciary Committee by an emergency vote and will now head to the CA Assembly Appropriations Committee. More information can be found below.

  • AB 957 Action Alert: AB 957 has passed the CA Senate Judiciary Committee and has been sent to the senate floor. AB 957 us up for a third reading and can be voted on as soon as legislators return from summer recess 8/14/2023. More information can be found below.

  • AB 665 Action Alert: AB 665 has passed in the CA Senate Judiciary Committee and advances the senate floor for a vote. AB 665 is up for a third reading and can be voted on when legislators return from summer recess on 8/14/2023. More information cab be found below.

  • AB 5 Action Alert: AB 5 has passed the CA Senate Education Committee and has been referred to the CA Senate Appropriations Committee for a hearing scheduled 8/14/2023. More information can be found below.

  • AB 1078 Action Alert: AB 1078 has been referred to the CA Senate Appropriations Committee and is scheduled for a hearing on 8/14/2023. More information can be found below.

Real Impact will continue alerting our congregation and audience of bill updates and action alerts through social media and emails (see bill updates and upcoming hearings below).

We have provided resources for you below to alert your congregation in whatever way you see fit.

Rally for Parental Rights and Lobby Day - We are asking all Community Impact Teams and any members of their congregations to join Pastor Jack Hibbs, parents, grandparents, and guest speakers from across the state of California as we make our voices heard for parental rights at the steps of the state capitol in Sacramento on Monday, August 21, 2023. For a complete itinerary and sign up information, please click the link below.

Rally and Lobby Day Info Here

SB 14

SB 14 will classify the trafficking of a minor as a serious felony, bringing justice to victims of human trafficking. Current law does not classify the human trafficking of a minor as a serious crime and this bill will serve as a deterrent for those who engage in the trafficking of a minor. SB 14 has passed in the Assembly Judiciary Committee by an emergency vote and will now head to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Inform your congregation to reach out to the members of the committee and urge them to support this common-sense bill.

Real Impact will continue posting about this bill on our social media. We have provided resources below so you can encourage your team or congregation to take action in whatever way you see fit:

Download Graphic: Click Here

Printable Action Alert Flyer: Click Here

Action Link: Click Here

AB 957

AB 957 will require CA courts to consider if a parent affirms a child's new gender identity in a custody dispute. The potential denial of custody rights for the purpose of advancing radical gender ideology is an overreach of government power and will have devastating effects on the family and parental rights in California. AB 957 is up for a third reading and can be voted on when legislators return from summer recess 8/14/2023.

Real Impact will continue posting about this bill on our social media. We have provided resources below so you can encourage your team or congregation to take action in whatever way you see fit:

Download Graphic: Click Here

Printable Action Alert Flyer: Click Here

Action Link: Click Here

AB 665

AB 665 will legalize the placement of a child (12 yrs. and older) in a government approved residential shelter without requiring parental consent or notification. This radical change to California law is clearly government overreach and a gross violation of basic parental rights. If passed, every minor and family in the state of California would be vulnerable to this law. AB 665 is up for a third reading and could be voted on when legislators return from summer recess 8/14/2023. Inform your congregation to reach out to their legislator to urge them to oppose AB 665.

Real Impact will be posting about this bill on our social media as well as distributing action alert flyers. We have provided resources below so you can encourage your team or congregation to take action in whatever way you see fit:

Download Graphic: Click Here

Printable Action Alert Flyer: Click Here

Action Link: Click Here

AB 5

AB 5 will require teachers and staff to complete the training that includes training on:

“Identifying LGBTQ+ youth who are subject to, or may be at risk of, bullying and lack of acceptance at home or in their communities.” This is the profiling of students and their Christian parents. The Senate Appropriations Committee has scheduled a hearing on AB 5 for 8/14/2023. Inform your congregation to reach out to their state senator and urge them to oppose this bill.

Real Impact will be posting about this bill on our social media. We have provided resources below so you can encourage your team or congregation to take action in whatever way you see fit:

Download Graphic: Click Here

Action Link: Click Here

AB 1078

AB 1078 will require the CA Department of Education to assess whether school districts have adopted a policy that prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on protected characteristics in CA law. AB 1078 adds to the list of prohibited discriminatory actions by including the actions of school board members, superintendents, and employees to be subject to this prohibition. The Senate Appropriations Committee has scheduled a hearing on AB 5 for 8/14/2023. Inform your congregation to reach out to their state senator and urge them to oppose this bill.

Real Impact will be posting about this bill on our social media as well as distributing action alert flyers. We have provided resources below so you can encourage your team or congregation to take action in whatever way you see fit:

Download Graphic: Click Here

Action Link: Click Here

  • AB 957 – Gender Affirmation in Child Custody Disputes (OPPOSE)

Can be voted on when legislators return from summer recess on 8/14/2023

  • AB 1078 – State Control Over School Curriculum (OPPOSE)

CA Senate Appropriations Committee hearing 8/14/2023

  • AB 223 – Hiding Legal Documents on Gender Transitioning (OPPOSE)

Can be heard in a floor vote any day

  • AB 665 – State-Sanctioned Kidnapping (OPPOSE)

Can be voted on when legislators return from summer recess 8/14/2023.

  • AB 5 – Forcing Teachers to Profile Christian Parents. (OPPOSE)

Senate Appropriations committee hearing 8/14/2023 at 10am.

  • SB 14 Increase the Penalties for Human Trafficking. (SUPPORT)

Referred to CA Assembly Appropriations Committee.


For more information regarding these bills, visit our website:

Real Impact has created an archive of graphics, action links, as well as a blank flyer template so you can update your congregation or team and spread the word about these bills in whatever way you see fit:



If you have any questions, please email us at or give us a call at (909) 393-7100.

And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.

Real Impact Ministry | 909.393.7100, ext. 2173 |

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