Dear District E Residents,

I appreciate the participation in the grassroots community initiative on the topic of the Lake Houston Spillway Dam Improvement Project and wanted to let you all know that I fully support this push! The Lake Houston Community along with our partners in Lake Conroe are on the same side of this grassroots campaign which answers specifically the Governor's call to "Fix It!".

As you may recall, our area fought hard a few years ago to get dredging in our waterways and we were successful. I have no doubt that by continuing to work together and asking our state legislators for support on this initiative we can be successful again. Our two critical requests of the legislature right now are to provide flood damage reduction and protection of major water investments to water supply in the region, which serves over 7.2 million Texans living in the greater Houston area.

The two specific requests are:
  • Language update to allow funds appropriated during the 87th Texas legislative session for dredging projects in Lake Houston to be utilized for sediment capture projects and structural improvement of the Lake Houston Dam.
  • SECTION ____. FUNDING FOR PROJECTS FOR THE SAN JACINTO RIVER AND LAKE HOUSTON. Out of amounts appropriated to the Texas Water Development Board for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2023, for purposes of the state and federal financial assistance program, the board shall allocate $50,000,000 for the purpose of providing financial assistance for:
  • (1) removing accumulated siltation and sediment deposits throughout the San Jacinto River and Lake Houston;
  • (2) sediment capture pilot projects upstream of Lake Houston; and
  • (3) structural and nonstructural improvements for the San Jacinto River and Lake Houston to convey future floodwaters.

  • $50 million new state funding for the Lake Houston Spillway Improvement Project and extend the life of the 70 year old dam for another 100 years.

The City of Houston has spent $4.375 million on design for the Lake Houston Spillway Dam Improvement Project securing $48 million dollars from the federal government along with $30 million dollars in local funds. The ask for $50 million dollars will be put towards the final design and construction of new flood control gates to be added on the east embankment of the Lake Houston Spillway Dam. This grassroots effort is utilizing community resources to contact the legislators listed below and asking for their support until we get this project fully funded!

Governor Greg Abbott: (512) 463-2000
Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick: (512) 463-0001
State Senator Brandon Creighton: (512) 463-0104
Chair of Senate Finance Committee, Joan Huffman: (512) 463-0117

The future of the Lake Houston Area depends largely on our community rallying together again and continuing to fight for action to prevent flooding. I have spent the last several months visiting Austin diligently meeting with these representatives, legislative committee staff members, and collecting over twenty letters of support from elected officials representing our area and beyond for these efforts. You can see those support letters here.

I am thankful for this great community having my back because TOGETHER we can move mountains. God Bless you all and let's get the gates!

Dave Martin
Mayor Pro Tem
City of Houston
District E