Community Involvement

We are ONE Barnabas, We Belong to Each Other. What better way to truly live that belief than to serve others.

Below is an overview of the St. Barnabas Community Involvement plan of service for our school. We ask all families to take the time to read through the plan.  

Today marks the official launch of our year-long partnership with The Maple Morgan Park Food Pantry. As a school, we are honored and invigorated for the meaningful year of service ahead. 

Thank you Buckeyes ~ Mr. Jonathan Stack and Ms. Grace Sadowski.

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The St. Barnabas Community Involvement Committee’s purpose is to create opportunities for the school community to share experiences with organizations and individuals as we live out of our root beliefs. This year we will focus on two main programs, Maple Morgan Park Food Pantry and our All School Service Day.  

The committee is a collaborative effort of the parish and school staff and school parents/guardians. New members are always welcome. The committee meets, via zoom, on the third Tuesday of each month. The next meeting is Tuesday, November 15, at 7pm. To get involved, please connect at

LINK to upcoming zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 822 8378 6416

Passcode: Vbrm06

Food Pantry logo


Maple Morgan Park Food Pantry has a 40-year tradition of feeding the hungry. Hunger is real in Beverly, Morgan Park, and Mt. Greenwood. Long lines at the pantry confirm an urgent need for help in the serving zip code areas of 60643 and 60655.

The pantry needs our help to fill the shelves. At St. Barnabas, our partnership with the food pantry is two-fold, an all-school Thanksgiving collection and grade-specific partnership throughout the school year.


Monday, November 7 - Friday, November 18.

Today we begin our all-school initiative with the food pantry. Non-perishable food items may be brought to school and will be distributed at the pantry in time for Thanksgiving. In an effort to contribute a variety of food items, we are asking for donations by grade level.  

Grade Level food


After Thanksgiving, our partnership continues as we transition to the grade-level collection every two weeks through April. Our goal with this partnership is to ensure that the shelves at Maple Morgan Park Food Pantry are filled throughout the year and able to support those around us in need. The homeroom that collects the most items for the food pantry will be honored with an afternoon of celebration! The winning classroom will be announced at our schoolwide Service Day.

Please help by sending in nonperishables (similar to those items listed above). Contributing your County Fair Billy Bucks is another way to make a BIG impact!

Grade Level Dates


Friday, April 28th, 8am - 11:50am, is our schoolwide Service Day. All students and staff, along with parent/guardian volunteers have the opportunity to learn from and provide assistance to some of the people who have dedicated their lives to creating meaningful change in our city. 

In keeping with St. Barnabas and Office of Catholic Schools’ mission of transformation, growth, and service to the community, we intentionally collaborate with organizations all across the Chicago area to give our students the gift of sharing meaningful encounters with people from many different backgrounds. 

Starting this school year, students will no longer be grouped by grades on Service Day, allowing them to experience the many developmental benefits of mixed-age learning.

Parents/guardians will have the opportunity to select from various service locations. Some service work will be completed at St. Barnabas and some will be off-site around the Chicagoland area. The list of service sites is still evolving slightly, but a working list of sites is detailed below.

The number of available spots for each service site is limited and will have some age-level parameters. A sign-up link will be sent out in late January. Parents will sign up their child for the preferred site in advance. Please be mindful that signup is first come, first serve, so if your child is very passionate about a particular cause, signing up in a timely manner will be wise. 

We look forward to another wonderful Service Day, embracing our faith, and serving others.


  • Animal Welfare League, Chicago Ridge
  • Avantara Rehabilitation Center, Evergreen Park
  • Bell-Haven, Morgan Park
  • Birthday Project, at St. Barnabas
  • Blessing Bags for Catholic Charities, at St. Barnabas
  • Burst Into Books, Roseland
  • Chicago Fire Department, at St. Barnabas
  • Chicago Furniture Bank
  • Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange
  • Envision Unlimited
  • Friends of the Chicago River, Calumet River
  • Growing Home, Englewood
  • Neat Repeats, Worth & Orland
  • Precious Blood, Back of the Yards
  • Pro Labore Dei
  • Pullman National Monument, Pullman
  • Ronald McDonald House
  • Share Your Soles, Pullman
  • Smith Village, Morgan Park
  • Universal School, Orland Park

ONE Barnabas - We Belong to Each Other

Questions, Comments - Email us.